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    • Right now a 18yo Creation will hit around 90% of peak by 23-25 dependent upon learning speed, and mostly that will be at 6.0 or higher for creations that experienced managers keep. 25 year old creations are unlikley to hit peak before they decline. The ideal would be for 25 year olds & 18 year olds to be "open ID ready" at around the same point give or take a little for learning speed disparity. This gives 25 yr old builds some value beyond just being throwaway creations new players use until they get used to the game and figure out that 18 Year olds cooking for 3 months + are the way to find success. 18 year olds having less downsides for fighting, namely the raised points of lost skill gain while recovering from fights & the damage to their chin before they have the skills to properly absorb & evade are what would need to be looked at to encourage them to fight rather than cook.
    • Suggestion... track the points differential for every fighter and make that a stat? 🤔 I'll even do it just for fun, if not!
    • *this was originally a message so its alittle disorganized*    If it hasn't been brought up too much then I was gunna suggest some type of scouting system to get a better understanding of your opponent. In real life you're gunna know if a guy has good boxing, which the game has...why not go a step further and make it so you can spend an amount of money to get a rough estimate of a set number of attributes. Like in beginner mode when it gives you the numbers as well as the worded attributes. Let's say you can scout one thing from each primary and MAYBE 1+ physical, how effective and everything your scouting is something for you to figure out I guess but anyway, boxing only has 2 secondaries(I think),  punches and strike defense, depending on scouting level or money or whatever I can choose to reveal my opponents punches rating and again, depending on scouting stats etc, it will give you a range for that attribute. Let's say your opponent has 8 for punches and I have good scouting or just scouting in general, it'll tell me that my opponent has 6-10 or 5-8 or 7-12 etc. punches rating. If you've played FootballManager, it's just like that, you guys already have attribute masking incorporated by not letting anyone but yourself seeing your secondaries/physicals. This could be in the form of a company or just a manager thing idk, just a suggestion that I think could add something extra.
    • There isn’t currently, I shouldn’t be in the future a reason to build 19-24 year old fighters. Either go 18 for your potential future open ID’er, or choose a 25er to enjoy right away - probably while your waiting for some 18 year olds to cook 
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