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    • Presumably an automatic matchmaking style system that works off of total skill points or something.
    • How would this work?
    • Jake Everett "On my way to Tokyo, watching videos of Maurice Lemaire... french Canadian uh? I wonder if he's family with hockey coach Jacques? Nevertheless, this dude doesn't have the shape of a BJJ fighter, but doesn't have a single hair on him... gonna be a slippery customer. Looking forward to get this Summit started!"
    • Tokyo, Japan   Once again we find ourselves on the eve of something special. A tournament that welcomes only the strongest and most resilient of fighters and managers alike. Of course we are talking about the LEVEL Summit Series.    Our numbers have swelled this year to an astonishing 24 competitors, with an additional group of alternates ready to step in as replacement should any of the starting fighters lose their mettle. The competitive landscape has surely changed as well with several established managers, and fresh new-blood throwing their hats in the ring as entrants for the second instalment.    At Summit 1 we saw the rise of of some pretty frightening fight practitioners, some of which have gone on to see great success. Each leg of the previous event saw different competitors assert their dominance as 3 separate fighters claimed their seat as the king of their discipline. It should be noted that the overall Champion, while competitive throughout was not one of these 3 leg winners. Frank Brown managed to reach glory through a masterful and holistic game plan and toppled the field with manager PJ Jones at his side.    Very excited to see how this one plays out! Let’s get ready to rumble boys!
    • I feel like you didn’t understand the original post. There wouldn’t be a way for fighters to “fight every day.” Every fighter would fight someone on specific days each week. For example, Wednesday and Saturday. Since fights would be specific days and there’s no training, there’s no purpose to energy. Obviously we should still have energy loss in a fight, but every fighter should start fight with 100% energy. However, I agree with you that reducing energy loss would be a good idea if fight date/time were not auto-set. However, we would than have players fighting all the time to try to gain those skills, which would kind of defeat the purpose.
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