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    • Week 1 Recap First week is in the books! History was made, and it came with a night of upsets, which is exactly what we wanted for a first event. We saw a couple of 18s beat out 25s, which were not something we expected at all. 5 knockouts, 3 submissions and 2 fights went the distance. The MMA Hype crew were standing and yelling for the whole time, and the post event party was quite special. Special thanks to the fighters, but specifically the managers who trusted us with a brand new fight organization. The first event was filled with fighters who signed an early contract, knowing that they could wait a few weeks to get a first fight, and we appreciate that a lot. Click here for the full MMA Hype 1 results.   Luis “The Beast” Lopez (145 lbs) First star of the week goes to Luis Lopez, who upsetted a heavily favorite opponent, judging by the bets and predictions, with a win via TKO in the third round. He dominated the first half of the fight, which put a lot of pressure on Volkov, who was looking to step it up and go for the finish. Lopez remained calm and took advantage of Volkov’s change of pace and landed a crazy sequence of punches that forced the referee to call the fight. That win puts Lopez at the top of a packed featherweight division at MMA Hype Promotions. Dante “Diamond” Drayman (205 lbs) The second star of the week goes to Drayman, who went into a fight against a similar skilled boxer in Delluze. There was no way that fight was going to the ground, and you could tell by the stance of both fighters who swung at each other like a blindfolded kid swinging at a piñata. Drayman got the best of the exchange after he rocked Delluze with a nice combo that dropped him on the canvas. He didn’t even follow, he waved him back to his feet and kept his cool until he connected with one last straight punch that knocked his opponent out cold. Well deserved star! Michel “Phistosophical” Delluze (205 lbs) Third star of the week goes hand in hand with the second star. Even though Delluze lost his fight against Drayman, he showed everyone he was a serious boxer. His punches were landing more than his opponent, he just wasn’t landing quite flush with his combinations, which gassed him a little too early in the fight. He was controlling the fight until he got rocked, and managed to regain his senses when he got back up. Unfortunately for him, it was too late chin gave out after a nasty punch connected his jaw cleanly. Can’t wait to see him fight again.
    • The plan Increasing manager rank and earning money. The end goal of fighting 25 year olds should be to be able to start creating your own 18 year old fighters (who have a shot at become elite) As stated earlier, it isn’t recommended to make 18 year olds until you have your own private gym, or access to a really good gym. The reason being that if your fighter doesn’t get elite training he will never reach potential. Having your own gym is very expensive. Can cost up to 40-65k a week. There are ways to get the cost down, by opening it up to some public but it’s tricky. Just focus on having enough money to open your own private gym. Note: often there are free agents available who have a lot of money in their bank accounts, picking these guys up (and laundering their money) is a good way to increase your bank balance. These free agents are also helpful once you do have your own gym to use as spar bots. There are other ways to make money but are probably more time consuming. Note: You do have the easy option of buying Tycoon$ by swapping it for VIP with other managers, but some people don’t have real life funds to do this. Whats the best way to increase manager ranking? The quickest way is to beat up 18 year olds and spreader builds in QFC fights. 25 year olds have a big advantage over 18 year old creations initially. If you’re matched against one in a QFC fight you should feast. A proven strategy is to rack up 4 easy wins in QFC, release your fighter, and create another one and do it again. The reason I’m saying 4 wins is because once you reach that limit (4wins) your fighter won’t be able to fight in level 1 of QFC anymore, and instead will need to make the huge leap to QFC level 2 - don’t do this! Important note - when training up your fighter, ensure they do not go over 1000 total skill points if you want to fight in QFC level 1. Once they go over the 1000 point limit they will be ineligible for level 1. You don’t need to release your fighter after 4 QFC wins if you don’t want to. If you think you have a decent fighter and want to keep fighting, by all means do so. Just look for a suitable org. Usually we look for a restricted ID org close to your fighters ID - eg if your fighter is a 408k creation, look for a 408k+ org, or something close to that.
    • Creating a Fighter You’ll be itching to get fighting no doubt so let’s get into it. My biggest recommendation here is to only create 25 year old fighters at first. You want to start fighting straight away and learn the ropes, to do that you need the strongest possible fighter, so there is no point creating a younger less skilled fighter - trust me. Once you’ve grasped how to set sliders, train fighters etc. then we can start thinking about creating 18 year olds (still not recommended until you have your own private gym, more on that later) Fighter base Your fighter will need a base. Search for a city with decent public gyms. At first your fighter will start off in the Cozad (generic Tycoon gym) but once he’s trained his physicals he’ll need to upgrade to a better gym. What makes a good gym? Look for higher skilled coaches, and a good fighter to coach ratio (less fighters to coaches the better). The less fighters in a session the more your fighter will learn/improve. Unfortunately there is a shortage of good public gyms at the moment, but there are some out there - do your research! Fighters used to have to catch flights when fighting in cities outside of their base - that is no longer a thing. Doesn’t matter what city he is fighting in, it can be any city, doesn’t need to be in his base. He will magically teleport there and waste no energy. Building your fighter First you need to decide if you want a striker or a grappler. You can’t build both as a 25year old creation. Pick one style and max out their points in those skills. Don’t build spreaders! Most new people will spread out their points to build an all round fighter, but that isn’t effective in this game. You need to focus on either striking or grappling. Note: Wrestling primary helps clinch work, so it is advised for strikers to have good wrestling skills to prevent getting smashed in the clinch. Unfortunately this game over emphasises the effectiveness of clinchwork. If your fighter has no clinch skills and comes against a good clincher, he will be stuck in clinch and most likely knocked out pretty quickly. Let’s go through some different build variations. Strikers There at two main variations to building a good 25 year old striker. The first will max out wrestling primary (12) to be lethal in the clinch (and stop takedowns), and have the rest of the points in either Boxing or MT - pick one, don’t spread between the two! Boxing will obviously be better with punches (defending and throwing), while MT will be better at kicks/clinchwork - you decide which way you want to go. The other way is to either max out Boxing or MT (remember just pick 1, don’t spread) and the rest of the points in wrestling. Yes your striker build will be a useless white belt at BJJ but you have to pick your poison. Even if you were to have some BJJ when facing a grappler build you will still be no match for them. The idea here is to try your best to prevent getting to the ground. Secondary skills You want to again not spread here. Max out your skills that complement the primaries. Standard recommendation is 12 punches, 12 clinch, 12 Stike D and 12 TakedownD (to hopefully prevent being taken down by grapplers) I wouldn’t stray too much from these tbh. Grappler build There are a few variations to building a grappler. You could make an expert clincher who pulls guard, or a takedown guy, or a combination of both. My preference is to go for takedowns. When building this I would recommend maxing out wrestling, or close to it. And the rest in BJJ. If you want a guard puller I’d do it vice versa - heavy BJJ, rest in wrestling. For the takedown guy obviously max out TD’s. I actually spread a little with grapplers. Most people will recommend doing 12 clinch but I have found this isn’t necessary with 25 year old grapplers if you don’t plan on keeping them too long. You can win majority of your fights aggressively hunting TD’s against strikers and even against grapplers as they won’t have TDD skills at all. This is a very effective strategy early on but the more fighters train up their skills the less effective this becomes. I would only use this if not planning on keeping your fighter for a super long career. The rest of the skills gets interesting and I have found you can play around a little here. Usually I’ll go 12 GNP, high in subs subs, high in trans, high in def grap. You want a little bit of Striking D, maybe 6, and no clinch if not planning on pulling guard. People will argue for more Striking D but I have found it unneccesary when doing the aggressive Takedown strategy. Physicals I recommend maxing out cardio. This will allow you to train most often straight away. Go heavy agility for strikers, with speed also, balance is also helpful in clinch and preventing takedowns. Start with minimum strength as this is easily trained after creation with muscle supps. For grapplers, go with heavy Speed (good for takedowns) and have a splattering of the other stuff. Same as with the striker, max our cardio, minimum strength.   Don’t fall in love with your 25 year old build, we won’t be keeping them long term. We are only using them to learn how to fight in this game, and also to win fights and increase your manger rank. Increasing your manager rank is important as it will help you pick up decent free agents. The higher your rank the higher chance you have of nabbing free agents (the highest rank manager wins the bid for free agents) Once fighter is built they will train at the Cozad until we build up their strength. Buy some muscle supplements and train weights to improve strength quickly. You can also buy stamina supplements  increasing cardio quicker, and also weigh gain and loss supplements too. The most important one will be the recovery supps. These will help fighters recover faster after training, allowing them to keep energy levels higher and thus able to train more effectively. I’d recommend getting your fighter up to at least 9 in strength, if not more. Keep an eye on his overall skill points. We need to keep these under 1000 to be able to fight in QFC level 1 - more on that in next post.
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