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HareRumpler last won the day on December 11 2023

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  1. Energy, Morale and (Unnecessary) Flights! Hey Sucker Punch Fans! Posting this here as a regular reminder for everybody, although I'll probably post it every so often as a new post also. A few important topics that I just really feel it's important for me to cover every so often, especially for newer managers or guys who just may not be aware of the particulars with these things! Anyways, this bit of info is to help with Energy, Morale and Flights (and the lack of needing to use them!). First, ENERGY: This one is important for both training as well as on fight day. Training - If your fighter has dropped below 90% energy...he is NOT going to get the very best from his training, which means eventually if you continue training this way, your guy will fall behind others regardless of his learning speed or not. Fights - If you let your fighter walk into a fight without close to his full energy, there is a very good chance you are setting him up for a loss. If he doesn't get lucky and finish the fight early via a KO or Sub, there is a very good chance that as the fight drags on, even as early as late in the first round, he's going to get gassed and be more susceptible to being finished. Give your guy the best shot possible...keep his energy ready to go on fight day, and be sure he's training at above 90%! Regaining Energy: The only way to regain energy is to rest him (set his training schedule to "no training" for as many days as it takes to get back to where you want him. You can find out how many days it will take by going to the little icon at the top right of your fighter's page that looks like a weight, located between the red "VS" and the Eyeball icons. It helps keeping the energy up if you are using supplements as well, but the main thing is to manage those training sessions, lay off before a fight for at least 2 sessions or however many it takes to get back to or close to full energy! Now, MORALE: If your guy has not regained his morale to close to 100%, or at least over 95% or so, then the lower he is the less chance he's going to go into a fight focused and having the confidence to try to win it. Morale will drop for a number of reasons, including a loss in a fight and not changing his clothes often enough. If your poor dude is still wearing his magic white t-shirt and shorts, it's time to change that up. Regaining Morale: You will want to go to "Possessions" in the right-hand menu of the page, right down between Sponsors and Finances and check for his clothing and supplement usage there. If he doesn't have any other clothes, you should consider going shopping for some. If his morale needs to be boosted back up, try changing his clothes every day (by using the trash can next to his top and bottom items of clothing to throw away one copy, which will bring the quality back from whatever it is to "150" again) until the morale eventually works back to where you want it. After that, changing them every so often when the quality of them gets down to 140 or lower should keep his morale up barring a loss in a fight. If you need detailed information on how to do this, feel free to reach out to me! Last but not least, FLIGHTS: There is absolutely no need to ever take a flight with your fighter to the fight locations before his fight. Your fighter will automatically take part in the fight card no matter where he's located, so don't schedule a flight for him (ever! Except to change base if you need to for your gym!). Stay in his hometown where his gym is and your guy will simply fight and still be there afterward. No loss of $ sending him to the fight, no loss of energy and no loss of time! So, keep this in mind when deciding upon orgs to join...the location of the org does NOT factor into things these days ever since Mike turned off the need to fly to your fights about 3 or more years ago! Anyways, I hope this helps any newer managers out there. Reach out to me or any other experienced manager if you have any questions. Others might have other tips for you as well, but I hope this helps get all of our cheap shot artists in the best shape they can be come fight day and during training! More experienced managers, feel free to jump in here with any additional pieces of information that I failed to touch on, or to correct me as necessary! Take care, Hare
  2. Hello everybody…and welcome to…Sucker Punch Pro Series: RESURRECTION! Yes, this means that we're back for our third go round. The history is a bit mixed, our first go round was wildly successful and we ran an org for years that propelled itself from a little Restricted ID org into arguably one of the top three Unrestricted orgs in the game! I was very proud of that and the fact that we did things a bit differently than most orgs. Unfortunately, when it was time for me to finally walk away and turn the reigns over it all fell apart within a couple months and the org was more or less pillaged for resources and fighters. Our second go round was more short-lived as a filler space org that was intended to evolve over time and slide in ID...but we had some shenanigans and tom-foolery going on at the time shortly after that saw contracts skyrocket due to what I personally believe was shady funds and many of the orgs in that restricted space gobbled up by an owner who tends to come in now and then, create havoc, and then bail in short order. That left the unrestricted space, and the game, much worse off than it was before that. My hope is that this third go round will last as long as the game has a need for it. Right now, there's a bit of a vacuum of options in the 390-394k space in terms of variety and based upon the number of free agents out there that don't have contracts, it's clear that there's an opportunity to serve the managers and fighters there. So that's what we'll attempt to do with this 'Resurrection'! Org Structure and Details Ok, now that we’ve gotten through my little intro and all, let’s move onto the stuff that really matters to you folks! SPPS: RESURRECTION – Restricted ID (390k+) The org will get going to mostly serve the 390-394k or so restricted ID range. If demand sees fit, we'll expand that over time or grow with the fighters if need be, but as everybody knows it's hard to say where the game is going in the next 6 to 12 months. Generally speaking, many 18 year old created fighters are getting close to being unrestricted ready by the time they reach 26-28 years old. The fastest learners can be ready by 24-25. Given that, I know that the time for the org may only be needed for a specific stretch but when that time comes we can evaluate whether there is another gap that needs served or what the state of the game is as I stated. Contract Payscales and Signing Bonuses One of the big, BIG changes I am making again this time around with the org relates to contracts and signing bonuses. Gone are the days where I’ll offer contracts with big signing bonuses along with reasonable fight and win pay. There are simply too many instances where managers sign, fight one or two fights (if that), then bail and sack their guy after laundering the signing bonus cash. Going forward, all contracts will be based upon “fight to earn your pay, including the bonus”. Meaning, the normal signing bonus I’d offer folks will be prorated into the fight pay. So, you’ll see contracts with higher fight pay, and then smaller win bonuses. The higher fight pay is to allow the fighter to earn the pay as well as the signing bonus as they fight out their contract. For fighters of managers who are new or have very low funds, so much so that getting decent training, supplements and clothing is problematic, chat with me and we'll arrange to ensure you have the funds to give your guy the best opportunity possible until his fights and the fight pay kicks in. I have no issue with that whatsoever if the intentions are genuine and pure! Roster Sizes and Division Limits Let's discuss roster size and my goal of keeping things to about 1 card per week. Obviously, that implies only about 80-100 fighters in the org. I’ll stretch that to perhaps two extra cards per month, or 2 every other week, but that would be the max. That would put us at about 120 fighters max assuming some going AWOL or MIA, or other conflicts. My goal is to have fighters fighting approximately every 20-30 days, erring towards about 28 days for most fights. I like to set up fights with plenty of time for the fighters to train, plan and strategize. That said, I’m targeting the following: · 14-18 fighters per division ideally. · Fighters who go four fights in a row with losses or who fall below 4k P4P ranking, are unresponsive multiple times to fight offers or who have managers go MIA for 10 days with no word are subject to early cuts to make room for new blood. I hope that doesn’t happen often. Engagement and Interaction One of the reasons I want to keep the roster size down and only do 4, but maybe 6, events per month is so that I can keep up with write-ups for our managers and fighters! On top of that, I really, really want to encourage more interaction with managers and their fighters, get more of that flavor going. So, I'll be doing a thing where I have a list of stock questions that are available for folks to send me info on leading into events. Answer one, a couple, whatever you like. Give me something to work with, and your fighter/manager will be focused on more in the previews or reviews. Don't engage...I'll still touch on your fighter and the matchup, but it may not be as fun and interesting! Get as much out of this as you like! Hoping this sounds exciting and fun for all involved! I hold myself to a pretty high standard for how I like an org run, and that'll be no different this time around. I’ll be opening up the roster for sign-ups immediately and also sending out contracts. I’ll apologize in advance, but I will offer contracts to those without the “needs contract” check box checked ONE TIME ONLY, because there may be those who are simply training because there isn’t a roster they want to be on right now and perhaps we may be what they’re looking for. I won’t do it again beyond this coming week though.
  3. If you want orgs done by creation date then the game needs to support the org owners and staff in a way that makes it easy to manage and not any more difficult than going by ID. By that I mean, the ID is right on the fighter's main profile page and the ID is also in the org owner's tools to see easily. Creation date isn't as easily accessible and creates more work for the org owners if they are doing a really good job of matchmaking. Anything that makes it more difficult to run an org, especially restricted ID, means less incentive to do it. As for the "largely contributed to the decline", nah...that's just silly. Maybe slightly or minorly, yes, but not largely by any stretch. What has largely contributed to the decline was lack of attention to the game by the owner, lack of any sort of development effort, lack of responsiveness over time, lack of dealing with rampant cheating and abuse, etc. etc.
  4. I'm considering possibly opening SPPS up to serve the 390k+ range as there seems to be a significant shallow bit of opportunities for folks in the 390-394k range right now. Based upon the existing talent available that is looking for contracts in that range, it looks viable. Thoughts on whether those who have fighters out there agree that this would be a range of need for them? If so, perhaps I'll bring Sucker Punch back up to serve it.
  5. A disheveled forums where searching for relevant information, even stuff I know exists, can be a royal PITA is not a suitable replacement/game guide for an organized wiki for new users who may not want to be reliant upon some other player who may or may not be available to answer questions at any given point in time.
  6. It's not that players are afraid of Mike. Most couldn't give a shit anymore about Mike because we know no effort will be made, we know that there won't be follow-through on most things, and we know better than to have hope that any of that will change. Most are just riding it out and playing along till it dies or are so bored and don't even read the forums anymore, just go through the motions at this point with fights.
  7. Not taking a single thing away from Convicted at this point and their run for the past year and a half...but part of the "they have the most success" is also due to the majority of Yabai having gotten bored as hell and either walked away or gone on auto-pilot. I'm not trying to instigate here, I think even Convicted would acknowledge some truth to that.
  8. Hilarious, because this more or less mirrors where I'm at. Even to the point of the morbid curiosity part! Funny as hell. (only not) And I agree with Mac, I suspect that one day it'll simply say "domain not found" as well...and prepare for the screaming about everybody's investments into fighter slots, etc. etc. being 'stolen' as he runs off into the night.
  9. Honestly, I'm wondering if Vlad got a closer look at things and saw the writing on the wall and realizes that it might be a little too little too late... I actually kind of feel bad for him.
  10. That's the least of the game's issues at the moment. There's also currently a HUGE gaping hole for orgs supporting those who aren't unrestricted ready between 380k-394k if you want options or don't want to do 10 minute rounds. The fact that the only remaining 390k org just folded (or will after the remaining events are done) after passing between 3-4 managers in a 2-3 month span is very sad. And the only reason that half of what is available in all aspects of gameplay still is largely due to the rampant blind-eye towards multi-accounts now. The game would likely be flatlined without them though. It's already on life-support in a big way.
  11. Well, that's part of the slider and strategy aspect of the game. Obviously not going to give away my tactics, but there's no "glitch" or anything being used in this (unlike the escapes/standup exploit that is used against ground fighters by some). Just think about what you'd think would be done in RL to take advantage and those approaches are what you'd implement.
  12. I absolutely target this if I see it. Without a doubt. A bleeder deserves to BLEEEEEED!!!
  13. I think any guy who gets "Hates Pizza" as a hidden should get the associated bonuses of being able to cut weight faster when needed without energy penalties for sauna use or anythng like that prior to a fight, being able to drop weight as needed and also perhaps having a bit more stamina/cardio in the cage.
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