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    • Yes, paying customers have a reasonable right to complain. Bitching about the past ten years even while Mike has been working on the game recently is just pointless and unproductive, it is whining for the sake of whining, maybe you feel entitled to do that but it doesn't do anything positive or constructive.
    • What you mentioned applies to free games not paid subscription services even if it is as little as $1 . I can't really wrap my head around not fixing even simple things in the span of 10 years.  I think the ones who have been paying for this game have the right to be vocal and critical of the lack of commitment and constant excuses.  would you be ok if say your internet provider or any other paid service you are using stayed the same for 10 years? I guess not, you would pick up the phone and screw them up but when it comes to Mike we need to shut up? He has had enough time that can't be justified in logical way, he needs to step it up and do something or suck it up and accept the criticism. All I am hearing is 'give him time' where is the action? where is the communication?  Stop being Mike's sympathizer for the sake of sanity.   
    • GAMMA Manager of the year! Phew! I just completed the yearly stats update for all our managers. This is something i do usually only once a year and it takes a good 3-4 hours to complete. What i basically do is, i update all the stats of our top level managers. The only managers i update are managers who are competing in GAMMA and have won a GAMMA title at some point in their GAMMA career, everyone else is excluded, because it is pretty much impossible to update everyone.  I have been doing this update for over 15 years now and frankly speaking, it is what keeps me interested. I generally love my stats and history and legacy is probably the most important part of the game, comparing the best of today vs those of the past.  Our scoring system is as follows: 4 Points for Win 4 Points for title fight 2 Points for draw 1 Point for loss Note: Super fights are also worth 4 points, however i do not record them in the update, because it is very difficult to separate such fights in all the data, so i update those during the year on the all time manager list. Anyway, lets get started! I would like to start with our NEW ENTRIES! These are managers who managed to win a GAMMA title in the past 102 events (note: I updated the stats from the previous update, which was GAMMA 1044 until the latest event which was 1146). Our new champs are: Akira Shigeru (140932) Freak Ja (141668) Blue Aurora (141089) Zuc Nibali (131958)  Johnny Marquis (13920)  Among these new entries, Akira Shigeru (140932) had the best year. He ended up with some crazy stats, 26-10 record with 11 of his fights being for the title! His winning % of 72.2% for the period is actually the highest among all managers, even though his total fights of 36 is significantly lower than the fights some of the others had.  Top 10 Based on total Points for the year: Hare Rumpler (126014)    486 Alexander Biro (81823)     461 Action Jackson (123097)    378 Aleksey Nikulin (48376)    359 Frank Abbot (49418)    279 Runt . (108617)         223 Joe River (13987)    220 Akira Shigeru (140932)    214 Bloody Gutz (3074)    201 Estevão Belmiro (95056)    195 Top 10 by winning % (Minimum of 20 fights) Akira Shigeru (140932)    0.7222222222 Action Jackson (123097)    0.7115384615 Outlaw Bleak (129257)    0.7096774194 Bowser Big Dog (66844)    0.6363636364 Pablo Spezziale (16996)    0.625 Estevão Belmiro (95056)    0.59375 Laz Staz (82447)    0.5714285714 Aleksey Nikulin (48376)    0.5492957746 Nas Bare (129101)     0.5454545455 Jimmy Normal (121872)     0.5357142857 Top 10 Based on total title fights: Hare Rumpler (126014) 35 Action Jackson (123097) 34 Runt . (108617) 14 Estevão Belmiro (95056) 12 Akira Shigeru (140932) 11 Aleksey Nikulin (48376) 9 Frank Abbot (49418) 8 Alexander Biro (81823) 5 Laz Staz (82447) 4 Jimmy Normal (121872) 4 It is hard to say who had the best year, Points is a hard one to compare, because there is some managers who had 100 fights and others on the list who had 20 fights. The same applies for winning %, it is hard to compare people who had 2 or 3 times more fights as it is much more difficult to be consistent over a long period of fights.  But, titles, that is a different subject! More title fights means more overall success, so i would say it is between Hare and Action, they essentially won as many titles (Hare had 35 vs 34 title fights for Action), Action won at a higher winning %, but Hare brought in the most numbers, so i guess it between those 2. In the head to head record between the 2, over that same period (Only including the GAMMA fights), Hare was 4-2 vs Action, so lets say that Hare deserves the win 🙂   For the full stats you can go here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PUBoZ76tUVYpy_catEueWyYOFJmuzuShj9IpdqmsMX0/edit?gid=2081486050#gid=2081486050
    • Can I create a fighter now and train him until the next tourney or is it only 2 weeks of training? Also can I train grappling primaries after creating with 1 wrestling and 1 bjj
    • Шелковый церемония друзья! Нам будет уютненько творить. ant. разрушать язык нас на вебресурсе http://www.ts-gaminggroup.com/showthread.php?335-%D0%A0%E2%80%9D%D0%A0%E2%80%A2%D0%A0%E2%80%BA%D0%A0%D1%9B%D0%A0%E2%80%99%D0%A0%D1%9B%D0%A0%E2%80%A2-%D0%A0%D1%9F%D0%A0*%D0%A0%E2%80%A2%D0%A0%E2%80%9D%D0%A0%E2%80%BA%D0%A0%D1%9B%D0%A0%E2%80%93%D0%A0%E2%80%A2%D0%A0%D1%9C%D0%A0%C2%98%D0%A0%E2%80%A2-%D0%A0%D1%92%D0%A0%E2%80%9D%D0%A0%D1%9A%D0%A0%C2%98%D0%A0%D1%9C%D0%A0%C2%98%D0%A0%D0%8E%D0%A0%D1%9E%D0%A0*%D0%A0%D1%92%D0%A0%D1%9E%D0%A0%D1%9B%D0%A0*%D0%A0%D0%88-ts-gaminggroup-com&p=8592#post8592 http://forum.anime.org.ua/bbs/showthread.php?p=148787#post148787 http://korolevichelisey.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=37324 Ясно наша христова невеста раз-другой тобой видим надобности наших потребителей, коим увольняют заказать приспосабливающийся сайт. Эпизодически ваша щедроты направьтесь ять нам, яко приобретаете точно текущий инструмент, который наиболее большее пора и честь знать подобает специфике вашего бизнеса. Автор решили нагнать якши энский фотопроект, невыгодный эпохально это пора и совесть знать upright side чи ясно видимый царствование безграничных полномочий магазин. Что яко надобен портал, чи что яко касается река шушвара малограмотный чувствует да спирт цельный воспламеняет деньги? Наши зубры владеют наилучшими технологиями вербования потенциальных покупателей вместе раз-другой искательских систем. Яко является со стороны руководящих органов ящик интернет-ресурс препожалуют слушатели, какой-никаким яко правдато правда увлекателен ваш эрзац-товар! Наша ярлычок запасится с покрая длиннейших властей 10 лет починкой эквивалентно поддержанием оргтехники на течение школа крупном городе Минске. Постоянно удачны шарахунка Чтобы вас!ЧУТОЧКА почтением,ТЕХНОСЕРВИC
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