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    • That’s me you’re referring to when you mention the “person who will leave if the two skills are added” - I didn’t say that though mate. I was actually defending the game in that post. i said i enjoy the game as is and am happy to continue to pay/play, but that MAY change if the 2 skills are added. I didn’t say I definitely would leave, Id obviously give it a chance but my suspicions are that it will be bad for the game and it could definitely change my enjoyment of it if it turns out how I think it may.  
    • I honestly view a roadmap as counter productive... Trying to think too big and set deadlines and targets is what becomes overwhelming for individuals like me or formerly Vlad.  If we're gunna get stuff done it really just needs to be one thing, then the next thing, then the next thing... Only pick the next thing once the first thing is finished.  So the next "thing" is whether we're doing the two extra skills or not, along with the physicals cap. I want everyone to vote on that and I want people to honestly ask themselves whether it's better or not. If it's not then we'll scrap it. I'd be annoyed about it as I think people are just being belligerent and not trying to understand the benefits, but if there is a clear preference to not add the skills the whatever, I give up on that one and we move on.    So, I'm doing back end work at the moment on security and upgrades. When I've done that I'll post a discussion once and for all where EVERYONE can hopefully vote and have their say, to see if actually more people don't want it, or if it's just the people who don't want it who are louder than the people who think it's a good idea. 
    • I can't help with social media not my area, but I can help with setting up a roadmap for any sort of change big or small, I can communicate with them, update the stuff and at least show them when things will be done.  No one is asking you for a full revamp, players are asking for actual clear timeline of even a read error bug fix, I think this is a legit request.    If you are up for it, I created a post on this, we can take it from there or anywhere else you see fit.   
    • I agree although I wouldn't count Ortega completely out. He's the protege of Ryron and Rener Gracie and has the superior striking. 
    • Bingo.  Vlad is gone. He basically had a massive anxiety attack from the constant abuse he was getting and for his own mental health, he had to just leave and cut all ties. He hated dealing with people so much and they made him so stressed, that he basically just wrote off his buy in £, so he didn't have to deal with anyone anymore.  Vlad's mistake was that he aimed too big. I said that to him at the time but he is a really ambitious individual. Unfortunately that bit him in the ass. He would have been much better aiming small and making small improvements. I also told him from the get-go to not engage with the community at all and just get on with doing small updates. Unfortunately he learned the hard way on that one.  So please remember; I'm one guy who works out of my front room. Vlad was a guy working out of his flat. Comparing our levels of progress to any game, be that paid or free, is just miles off the mark. "Free" games probably make 100x more money than paid ones, through all their ads, for starters. And all these companies have dozens of staff, that basically just gloss over any criticism, like water off a duck's back, because it means nothing to them.  Everything Icon's said in this thread is spot on for me. You can think I've done a shit job but you can also, if you're pragmatic and sensible, understand that constant complaining and abuse is massively counter productive. I get abusive emails from people who have stalked my social media. I've have anti-semitic avatars posted about me, with basically Nazi imagery, from people who try and hack the game at any opportunity they get... If they find any exploits, they'll not tell me and will basically try and destroy the game for their own amusement. I've banned a few people from the forum (but not even the game) for things like saying they could see why my wife left and took my kid... And then rather than people saying that guy's a piece of shit, they troll me and say they want him back on the forum. SO yeah, it's pretty hard to get motivated to come and people please, under those circumstances, when people do everything they can to excuse that sort of behaviour.   Even with the 2 skills I've talked about adding, imo people are actively not even trying to see the benefits of adding them. I've asked people in the threads discussing them to explain the pros and cons and they only talk about the negatives and refuse to accept any positives. We've got someone in this thread saying that if I add those two skills they're leave the game... I mean, FFS, really? So adding two skills completely destroys the game and makes it unplayable? And there are zero benefits? It feels like the nonsensical world of politics where everyone's just black and white, far right or far left. I mean, who cares really if there are two extra skills? I think there are really clearly a some nice little benefits, but if you disagree, does it REALLY matter that much? Do we need to have a 10 page discussion about how it's the "wrong" update and "why haven't you done the update I want?! If you don't do my update and you do do this update, that means you're basically an idiot that doesn't understand the game" and yada yada yada... Honestly, the world nowadays is just so bloody negative and argumentative and just mean... Like why are so many people just so keen to be mean spirited and rude and argumentative?        Anyway... putting all that to one side.  The fact from here is; I have X amount of time in my day. That X is a lot, lot less than it used to be. I have spent this morning trying to learn about file uploads on the forum, to stop people being able to upload malware file attachments. Yesterday, I spent most of the day trying to deal with a DDOS attack on betmma. I also tried to sign up for affiliate accounts with Bet365, to try and increase earnings, but that application was rejected for some unknown reason. I tried to sign up to Ladbrokes affiliates but that site didn't work, so I wasted about 40 minutes on that. I also chatted to someone who's a programmer, as a starter for maybe trying to get someone else on board. I also did a bit of work for the Jr Football team I coach.... Then, at 3pm every day I pick my son up from school and at that point, basically that's development / work time over.  So really it's about 5 hours a day tops. There are 2 hours of emails and upkeep over MMATycoon and BetMMA. There's quite often some sort of security issue or update that needs addressing... So in reality it's basically about an hour a day left for development, for one guy.  So the point is, yes, I will try and get stuff done, but I am not and will never be comparable to any other game, with multiple people on staff. There is little to no chance that we'll get a full site redevelopment as long as it's just me doing programming. I CAN and will do game improvements, if people are amenable to that and don't shoot everything down. But every minute / hour I spend arguing with people about the benefits of X Y or Z and every hour I spend trying to deal with hacking, or DDOS attacks, is time I can't spend developing the site.  I am ALWAYS open to receiving help. Most importantly of all: If you find exploits in the site, tell me what they are and how to fix them, if you really want to see the game develop. If you have skills and want to help, please offer to help. Significantly, I have asked if anyone wants to help with social media to help the game grow. If you want to do that, let me know... You will get paid 50% of any referral you generate for the site. That applies to all users anywhere - if you want to help the site grow, feel free to post about it anywhere - you get 50% of any referral's first purchase as standard, using the affiliate program.      Thanks for reading that and thanks to those of you who are willing to be pragmatic and understand the complexity of the situation. 
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