I saw the title I thought it was another spam lol.
This is not a complaint it is a fact, it is like taking away 4 main players in your football team and saying 'not having those players is the cause of your loss' is a flawed argument. Not an argument or complaint, it is fact. But yeah we should all post too but the main players should be here too regardless of what's done before.
I agree with the rest of the stuff you said.
That's absolutely not true, which is the point.
I announced a future update (the two new skills)... Obviously the people that want it to happen aren't going to post over and over and over again about how they want it to happen, if it's already been stated that it's going to happen.
What that "discussion" was, was the people that didn't like the idea, constantly saying they didn't like the idea, whilst failing to acknowledge any of the positives of the idea.
This is one of the most constant complaints i hear and honestly i cant think of a dumber one.
If you want the forums to livin up heres the secret to how you do it.....
If many of you haven't noticed when people create threads they seem to get a decent number of responses.
If no threads and no content with effort is put up then theres nothing for people to engage with *shocked pikachu face*
I consistently see threads blow up when its a discussion about the game so the people are there. They are just more willing to post to complain or talk about changes they want made... NEWSFLASH ONE OF THOSE CHANGES CAN ONLY BE MADE BY YOU, AND THATS FORUM ACTIVITY.
If your complaint is " blah blah blah got banned and noe the forums are dead" your complaint really is "blah blah blah put effort into the forums and im not willing to so now its dead"
Its to the point where i offered all managers in my org VIP rewards and millions in in game cash to be Smack talker of the year. I think managers made 5 posts total in our smack talk thread and we are in march.
The forums are what YOU make of it. Post more and there will be more engagement.
Post shit about your fights, cool fight finishes, post about orgs, GOAT discussion, fighter callouts, game history discussion ect there is countless topics revolving around the game you guys can make threads about. If you want this place to livin up then make some damn posts and stop crying.