You really had to deal with accusations of multi-accounting? I've been following Hype since the very beginning, I was genuinely excited about Listerman's return. I never saw even a single post on the forum or BUZZ raising such allegations.
Quite the opposite, actually, I’ve always had the impression that your organization is viewed very positively, and that’s something you’ve clearly worked hard to earn.
Even someone like me, a known hater and name-caller, never saw any reason to suspect you of cheating, which is reflected in the fact that I have my own fighters competing in your organization.
I dont think anyone has asked for boosting the cap, and i dont think its part of Mikes plan.
I also dont think people will spread points out. The better managers will continue max out 7-8 skills - as they currently do. It is never optimal to spread, and that wont change when the new skills are added.
Thats where i think the problems are, we are going to be forced to make concessions/sacrifices with our builds, and fighters will have a hole in their game somewhere.