If there's some special sauce to display your local timezone that'd be useful. I'm literally just typing out the time in London as it was at the time.
The auctions for #5 and #6 are over. #3 and #4 will be over in about 2 hours (I probably won't be awake)
@Ego is the winner of #5 with a bid of 150k
@The Goat is the winner of #6 with a bid of 300k
Oh yeah, but if you have to max every physical, primary and all of your secondaries, and you have 8 secondaries because of the two takedown skills needed, you have to give up something and train it later, assuming you're doing my balanced plan. That's something at least
Vince Morales Is Confident About A Quick Turnaround And Aims To Leave The Judges Out Of His Bout This Weekend At UFC Mexico: Moreno vs Erceg
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