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    • Well, insanity is about all Chawick Raffelburg has going for him now, he's been exposed as a no-good-hiddens simple & straightforward crazy dude, any success he has is going to stem from my Gym's excellent trainers, what little of their time he will get.  Congrats to Gaetano Villacci, that was a very nice finish. Odds makers had my kid at 50/50 of being in the top 10 of this tourney, that dropped significantly after today's match, Chadwick just picked himself up off the floor & smiled, he seemed to enjoy the beating he just got and I expect he will be enjoying a few more of those over the next few weeks. Slaughter has commenced, this could get bloody.
    • Farming, time & money,  pay to win 101. Spend enough time farning for fighters with a particular successful profile and throwing anything else out, selectivity is the only road to success. If your fighters have shoddy hiddens they will never be superstars, so being willing to go through dozens upon dozens of fighters to find those few per hundred who are destined for greatness - and paying the cost to do that in a shorter amount of time - that's what makes top ten managers & what feeds the developers.
    • Wouldn't really make a difference unless it leads to something like 100 counter being overpowered and by fluke a new player lands on it, the more it changes the worse it is for new players if anything I'd guess because it will take them longer to adapt to changes especially without prior knowledge of what you should be aiming to do with the fight engine
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