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    • This is mikes game and if those are his rules he can enforce them. No, this is not more important to Mike than all the other issues of the game, but it takes exactly 5 seconds to message you to tell you to chill out. He’s not asking that much! Mike may not care about making this game better anymore, but he still cares about this games integrity, and if features like buzz make this game a bad environment for some people (and some people must have felt that way because I know damn well Mike didn’t read those buzzes on his own) then yes, Mike will do something about it. So don’t complain and just comply with this easy request. He isn’t asking you to never post on buzz again for gods sake. He just wants you to tone it down a little.
    • I am not required to address every single one of your points, they all stem from from your interaction with Mike & are all unrelated to the central premise that you went too far. If you refuse to accept that in his judgement you have gone too far & want to debate honestly then using this type of moral relativism is disingenuous and all of your other points only seek to dilute what he said with whataboutery, a distraction technique that only serves to show you have no real argument to begin with. Stick to the point, the topic & subject matter of the reprimand if you wish to debate honestly, instead of diversionary pissing & moaning.
    • Me being dick or not is still in eyes of the one who watch. Common sense is also relative thing. Someone would maybe try to go around the ruleset but that argument doesn't stand as we have no ruleset in this game. Being dick is again relative thing as maybe i feel you are being one right now for ignoring bunch of other topics that even other players wrote about and does my opinion that you are one means that you should get banned? Your feelings if i would do or not do something if xy thing existed really does not matter..
    • I literally addressed your first question, you just didn't like the answer. And this game being a simulation of real life sports doesn't give you free reign to joke about topics like rape, or what the fuck else you like to under the guise of it being just a game. You are quick to claim others are not using their brain when using yours could have prevented this conversation happening in the first place. No matter what ruleset was put out someone will always try to work around it then use the rules to justify whatever bullshit they came up with that wasn't explcity covered by the rules. I have a feeling you would be like that, constantly working to find any loophole they could & thinking they are clever for not falling foul of the rules yet still saying something truly heinous, being an abject pedant rather than operating under the "spirit" of the rules. But if you need a simple rule to follow Mike already gave you it. Stop being a dick.
    • Why you didnt point your answer on my first question? You still cant compare real life to this.. And still yes, ruleset is needed, and yes as i see you are still ignoring bunch of other stuff i mentioned.
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