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Everything posted by McFister

  1. i understand your time is not free so lets work something out
  2. would like to get several batches of 10 the first batch being star trek characters warf,kirk,spock,richard castilio,wesley crusher,gul dukat ,miles obrien, and for me hockey player tony twist, han solo, and the giant dude pretending he is a woman from the its ma'am not sir video if you search macho ma'am tranny savage, its that guy will pay whatever and defiantly will want many more 3 or 4 more batches of 10 like this or more depending on price whats it going to cost ? and where do i send it?
  3. White Goodman: Well hopefully Charles Mesquita lasts longer than 18 seconds. I'm sure his wife says that all the time!
  4. suck the tip and twist they don't call him outlawhardon for nothing
  5. fk you dude "fairest fight in the game" seems you always been a total bitch outlawhardon
  6. this org is run by a coward who wont fight if he can lose. smells like bitch in here hard core. From : MMA Tycoon Team (conversation) 10 Jul, 2023 00:21:53 Subject : John Fisher vs White Goodman - Fight Rejected Your opponent rejected the fight offer.
  7. the smell of bitch has left rise. fuck outlawhardon hes a bitch!
  8. this is your champion From : MMA Tycoon Team (conversation) 10 Jul, 2023 00:21:53 Subject : John Fisher vs White Goodman - Fight Rejected Your opponent rejected the fight offer.
  9. White Goodman said "nobody makes me bleed my own blood. Nobody! and i won that fight the draw was crap"
  10. msg me in game for laundry service and good luck in the fights this weekend guys!
  11. who is jon snow? whatever man if thats the case why are you the top poister
  12. this game sucks and its because of the experienced players actions and mike tycoon taking a dump on every new player i didnt even get my spins for completing the guide
  13. i want to win too but not enough to be a scumbag about it
  14. of the two fight orgs frank was the honest and fair guy and that says something about the ass hat i previously mentioned. who flipped out when he got called out for being bogus and taking advantage of players who were less than a month into the game my account was 27 days old his fighter was 4 months old see how that makes frank look like the most legit guy i have delt with
  15. i have probably tried to help more people that many of the experienced players have. most of the time i was wasting my breath but at least i have tried to let others have fun too and getting smashed constantly just runs people off
  16. mike tycoon already gave all of us new guys no chance of having what you older guys have "gym money" it honestly looks like he and the experienced players dont even want us new guys aroud at all
  17. now i been in 2 orgs and both i got shafted by more experienced (players owners) if you guys have to act like that dont complain that everyone quits and the game dies
  18. also i havent seen any shady stuff like i seen from outlawhardon and his 'fairest fights in the game' and giving himself and mentees easy fights like straight out of lvl1 quick fight and put against his top dog. frank was really good at match ups i lost a few and can still say that. i couldnt care less if outlaw dude flips out and acts like he is a victim i seen what i seen fighting yourself bad matches just being a total ass hat. but frank has been solid and respectable guy until this.
  19. if i had the skrilla id buy the org and fix this
  20. idk what to do i got like 12 fights left here but i will not put up with any more shady stuff had i not flipped out over this it would have just been us getting shafted frank seemed like a good dude to me always polite and positive attitude. this just kinda stole the wind from my sails
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