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Daudy last won the day on February 23

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Black Belt (5/6)



  1. Pfft, first my guy gives Alfred's competitor a pity win (changed sliders away from my usual formula), now he gets a free pass thanks to his opponent falling asleep! Alfred is always so jammy in tournaments, and usually in the ones he organises. Are we even sure JB isn't Alfred's multi?* EDIT: I have mixed up my latinos, and in fact, the guy getting the free pass is not Alfred's competitor. I still blame him though. *not serious, or am I?
  2. Really dumb suggestion but you didn't happen to forget to tick each fight under the event and hit update did ya? I know that one got me a couple of times
  3. Couldn't even beat the average mmatycoon player! We've derailed his future title challenge at the first hurdle.... back to the drawing board
  4. I always thought heart was better than chin, but that chin is mediocre for sure. Interesting he never got cut though. Might be the weightclass but his cuts dont seem like a crazy value. I think Yasha's heart/chin is very similar to my Olsen. Already know through some detective work his chin is probs sub 70. Luckily I suspect his KO power is in the 140s. Crucially, although it's HW and it is knock them out or get KO'd yourself, he seems low injury which means maybe his lil chin has lasted.
  5. That Crazy Horse fella is a real dork, I wouldn't listen to him. Also he's very selfish and has never put his hand up for being a mentor. It feels too much like being a parent. Sometimes lurks on discord though more like the crazy uncle at the family bbq. Also if you have any questions about learning speed specifically, @Sprooch aka Thibs is our resident expert and would love to show you (but actually)
  6. I think he means that with the guys winning by decision, keeping a tally of their point differential. E.g. if you win a decision 10 points to 2, your differential is +8. I think it's also another way of being an additional tiebreaker on top of your bonus submission points.
  7. I think this is a great suggestion!
  8. If anyone has some spare slots and would like to pick up similarly aged and skilled (but far less severely brain damaged) fighters, some have just hit the FA market: https://www.mmatycoon.com/fighterprofilepublic.php?FID=79768 https://www.mmatycoon.com/fighterprofilepublic.php?FID=80067 https://www.mmatycoon.com/fighterprofilepublic.php?FID=81943 https://www.mmatycoon.com/fighterprofilepublic.php?FID=122423 Peter Tosh might have one of the better records out of the bunch, but is currently the least skilled with -1/0/-1/-1 in his primaries. The other three are -0/0/-0/-0 I'm pretty confused about how you can be minus zero, but I suspect it is just a miniscule negative figure that has rounded to 0. But here's where maybe they have the advantage over Frito. They have full energy bars, but Frito only has the power of alcoholism.
  9. At the end of the day, I'll repeat what I said a while ago in regards to this topic: The design philosophy should be about bringing people up rather than putting others down to level playing fields, and I think that translates to this discussion really well. The nature of anything with a remote smidge of competitiveness (nevermind one that is also a text based browser game) is that people will deviate towards whatever is 'optimal'. To direct people into playing the game how you envision, make that playstyle the best way to go about it or at least a viable alternative. IF you don't like the idea of cooking for philosophical reasons or for being unfriendly to non-VIPs and/or noobs THEN make a viable alternative, by making development better out of the box (which seems to be gathering more favour amongst users) or rewarding being active through fights with noticeable development bonuses which would be on par to cooking. Both combined with existing mechanics like the skills softcap mean that there is simply less or no advantage to cooking. Imagine if you could develop a fighter equally as well by actually fighting (within reason to prevent farming) or if that was the more optimal way to build a guy. Not many people would still choose to cook extensively, and you'd get a bunch of less 'complete' guys actually going at each other (Alfred's wet dream!). Nerfing cooking rather than providing a better alternative like more skill points or faster development just keeps the non-chefs just as depressed and now makes the chefs sadder too.
  10. Oi, I'm pretty sure this is my bookie's market share. It even says so in the name: Terrible Odds for Addicts Only If you're a true degen, you'd bet even when the odds were shit - not at all these fancy places where you'd maybe actually make money.
  11. Billy "Chess" Fischer "Praise Allah! My manager has finally pulled his finger out and we may finally begin the tournament since I am now ready to go."
  12. Earlier today when reading this thread, this is where my mind went to as well. I think increased training speeds could fundamentally affect a bunch of things (good or bad) and it's not necessarily as trivial as just changing one number. There's not many people who totally know, but it's clear to most people paying attention that due to the age of the game and perhaps certain decisions in the past there's definitely some floating spaghetti code around. e.g. Bio formatting and PMs on phone browsers being broken due to efforts to mend certain other holes. That being said, hopefully something like starting skill points is something that can be changed without flow on technical issues. Raising the floors of starting skill points will mean it takes less time to develop an 18 year old and/or having a diverse build isn't so reliant on 7+ learning. It also means 25 year old creations still overall won't be better medium to long term compared to a crafted prospect, but definitely better out of the box. It shouldn't also have too much of an effect on end games due to skill point softcaps still being a thing. So it addresses a few community gripes through a way that potentially doesn't fundamentally change too much compared to revamping the training system. The only thing I see a change in starting skillpoints having a potential flow on effect on is that you'd have to adjust the QFCs. The threshold for QFC level 1s are already really low, and an increase in skill floor would mean that no one meets the criteria. We could just consolidate and make QFC Level 2 the only one rather than splitting pools, or if it's possible, adjusting the goal posts to keep them separate but actually working if we were to change starting skills. EDIT: The fact of the matter is that starting total skill point decisions were made at a time where maybe the vision of the game was a bit different to how it's panned out. Things like the monetary reward for QFCs and the tiny amount of cash your fighter earns from working 'part time' when they're out of cash are relics of a vision that was a bit different, which is why they prove useless in providing newbies any assistance in hitting the ground running. Raise total skill points on creation, and make Cozad gyms better. New guys have zero chance of ever making it to even a midtier org without donations.
  13. You are always welcome back to do rankings and writeups for Dynasty if you wish. It's still chugging along and a viable org that funds itself. I do a poster for almost every event but that's the only extra love it gets currently. I inherited it from Butch, but have spent a lot of time chatting to Zoidi on discord and Shaun (now Squirrely Dan) so it isn't entirely unrelated to the crew you knew.
  14. Put me down for 1 spot, but I had a couple of questions. 1) Can we test? Mostly because I intend to potentially use/develop him later on probably. 2) Being able to cut to 155 is a clear requirement , but is there a bottom limit on weight? This is good, now convince Butch to do the same I saw this response earlier and it made me laugh, but I totally see why you responded with this
  15. Mr Pickle is so amazing.... he's even decided to fight the very next day on the very next DMMA card! He's certainly made of stronger stuff than Conman McGregor that's for sure. However, in the interest of fairness and to continue the theme of absolute freakfights.... Pikey Jnr will exclusively be using kicks to try and defeat the great Mr Pickle. Unless it goes to the ground of course.
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