Summit is a tough slog that will test your stamina strength and heart, to help your fighters get through, THE PHARMACY PHUKET, is sending a supplements package to each fighter registered for the full series. Those fighters that are going iron man without testing have already received their package.
10 x Energy Boost
3 x Power and Strength
3 x Cardio
On request we will send top ups for those fighters still contesting the summit until final round.
SO what's the big deal with supps, everyone has 160 right?? Nope that's not right. There are plenty of good supps out there and those that have been around awhile know there are those that help and those that do nothing.
Not saying PHUKET are the best but I will say what the research investment is. If you don't have an alliance mate that has let you know the investment or not been checking supps in game for years, MAYBE you don't know what you are getting....
Phuket Pharmacy
10 million invested in energy boost - This will be one of the very highest in the game
2 million invested in both strength and cardio - Most supps in the game have 1 million invested to get the 159 quality.