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Everything posted by imfromhoiland

  1. What I think will happen could be a potential spoiler, so I wrote it in white. Highlight my post if you want to read it. "In the season preview way back before everything began, we saw an ambulance and someone going into it. If you pause it, you can see a black male going into the ambulance, and he has a goatee. Hester is the only black male with a goatee remaining in the competition if he takes Bubba's spot. Now, that ambulance could obviously have been someone who just got injured during training, but I would guess that it was Hester getting knocked out by Uriah next episode."
  2. 5 VIP days to change coaches names seems like something EA would do.
  3. Except he was fighting a can with 1's across the board. Doesn't really count.
  4. Contention (210k+) in Vegas is looking for a writer for upcoming previews/reviews. Click the link in my signature if interested and send me an in game message.
  5. Yeah, the fights were definitely good. I loved seeing Kelvin knock out Hart after the disrespect. I felt that Luke was going to lose after he talked about trying to show his next opponent how good he is and talking about taking Dylan to the ground. I don't know why Luke tried takedowns. If he didn't he could have possibly won the fight. Next week I hope Bubba gets his face pounded in and Samman taps out.
  6. http://mmatycoon.com/gallery/27/27w33.jpg Sheamus McHoolihan: David Pesina, listen up laddy. In less than a month, you and I are gonna collide. In less than a month, you and I are gonna fight. In less than a month, I'm gonna kick your arse. I may be only 18. I may be a young fighter here, but I don't care. I've already taken the job, and on the 20th of April, I'm gonna get the job done.
  7. I think when Mike talked about balancing out what strikers need vs. what ground fighters need, he was talking about how strikers need both new skills, whereas ground fighters really only need one. The strikers need to be able to transition and escape, whereas the ground fighters really only need transitions if they prefer to be on the ground. This makes the strikers need an extra skill to help balance ground vs. strikers. That's how I understand it at least.
  8. Yeah, don't forget that Barnatt had the advantage of resting and healing the longest since he was the first fight. Andrews was the last fight, (not counting wild card) so he had the least amount of time.
  9. Used imdb for the Homeland guy . It's Cube Zero. http://i.imgur.com/g1kiqyP.png No image search for this one. I'll post another screencap if needed.
  10. I'm going to first say that I realize that this would be very difficult to do, and highly unlikely, but it would add to the experience for those who chose to really utilize it. This would be a "live" PBP chat room of the events. If an org chose to do a live PBP event instead of an automated event, here's how it would happen: 1. When event results are normally published, the events would NOT be published for this event, instead the manager could click on a live chat room. 2. After a certain amount of time, the event would start. 3. The org owner would set a speed for the PBP for everyone, so no one is ahead or behind, everyone is viewing the same thing at the same time. 4. There would be a chat room basically next to the PBP so people could chat during fights, make predictions, etc. I realize that this would be hard to do, and may not be used a lot, but I still think it could add a lot if used right.
  11. You can go into the general game discussion section. You'll find most of your answers there.
  12. Yeah, it really shows what people think of Bubba's ground game when King pulled guard twice, though I don't think he should have done that either time. If he didn't pull guard in the second round, he could have still won the fight.
  13. I know, I hate Josh and want to see him get his face pounded in, though I'd love to seem Jimmy choke him out.
  14. I think what you meant was Dissociative Identity Disorder.
  15. http://mmatycoon.com/gallery/24/24w9.jpg The dumbest man in MMA, Dontae Sheldon approaches the podium. Dontae Sheldon: Why'd he say I'm the dumbest man in MMA? My mom says my brain is the size of a peanut, and elephants eat peanuts, so my brain must be huge like an elephant! PABLO! PABLO! I CAN'T WAIT! In 10 days, we get to play! I'm even told that if I win, I get your 135 pound belt! I mean, I don't know who would want a 135 pound belt, that's how much I weigh! I always like prizes though, so I'll take it anyway! The last person to beat me was my good friend Colt McLaren back in November! He just hugged me on the ground so much that I couldn't get mad at him. I hear that you like to hug it out on the ground a lot too. When we play, I'll hug you back just as hard! I can't wait! 10 days!
  16. http://mmatycoon.com/gallery/11/11w6.jpg 265 pound fighter, Warren Worthington out of the Fox Jacobson fight camp steps up to the podium. Warren Worthington: I've already been told to give up. I've been told I shouldn't bother showing up to the fight to save myself some embarrassment. I've been told to quit while I'm ahead. Why? I have the unenvious task of facing Soham Roy. The same Soham Roy that beat Kalashnikov for the title. The same Soham Roy that was only the second person to put an "L" in Derric Styles's win/loss column. The same Soham Roy that I'm told I can't beat. Why'd you accept the fight? Are you an idiot? They say. Maybe I am, because I believe I can win. Soham Roy, as the experts say, is better than me in all four major fighting categories: Boxing, Muay Thai, Wrestling, and BJJ. I'm just the easy rebound fight so he can get back on his feet and challenge for the title again they say. Maybe some of you haven't been around that long, because some of you seem to have forgotten. I may be the guy that no one except Fox wanted when I became a free agent. I may be the guy that is barely floating above .500, but I'm also the guy that needs to be knocked out in order to lose. I'm the guy with a fire and a desire to rise above the odds. Remember how Roy wasn't given a chance going into his title fight, and he shocked the world? This is my title fight, and Roy, if you look past me, if you sleep on me, you're done, because I won't stop coming until someone stops the fight.
  17. http://www.mmatycoon.com/gallery/38/38w20.jpg 265 pound fighter, Elmer Goulfinhans approaches the podium after the card for Contention 1: The Beginning has been made official. Elmer is set to square off against Todd Duffee. Elmer: Finally, ze time for ze first event has come. Nobody else here vants to talk-yah? It is vecause you are all scared of the best fighter in this organization. Who are you all scared of? ME. ELMER GOULFINHANS-YAH. Vonce April 20th comes, I vill prove it all to you. Todd Duffee, I vill destroy you. I vill take you to the ground, and I vill beat your head in. This organization vill rise on my shoulders! So the rest of you can go VUCK YOURSELVES. I AM HERE TO VIN. I AM HERE TO STAY.
  18. The first card has been filled!: http://www.mmatycoon.com/orgupcomingeventpublic.php?EvID=767203 Expect a preview as we get closer to the event.
  19. Don't know why, but it reminded me of a movie from when I was a kid, 3 ninjas.
  20. Oh shit, don't know how I forgot about him. Can't wait for him to cash in during 'Mania.
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=P5VrNznDW9M
  22. I went with Battlefield 3. I've never played any Dead Space game, and used to love BF2.
  23. The free apology game: "The eligible titles are Battlefield 3 (Standard Edition), Bejeweled 3, Dead Space 3 (Standard Edition), Mass Effect 3 (Standard Edition), Medal of Honor Warfighter (Standard Edition), Need For Speed Most Wanted (Standard Edition), Plants vs. Zombies and SimCity 4 Deluxe Edition. You'll have until March 30 to claim your free game."
  24. I would put money on him having narcissistic personality disorder.
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