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Everything posted by gwad12345

  1. I'm so proud of my team. Together we will stamp out these Turd Reich wannabees.
  2. Everyone looks like a Nazi when you call your team "Nazi Gang"
  3. Both requested by Alfred. Trading cattle he called it.
  4. Yes but that would suggest we're on the same level or something.
  5. These things are best hashed out and decided away from the prying eyes of the public. You don't have to worry. Tycoon oligarchy is all knowing and wants what's best for us all.
  6. Whoever wants to join the winning team should start posting about how much they hate Alfred NOW
  7. Wow that's almost as clever as Master Leader, I can tell I'm really up against it this time.
  8. I'll never love you, stop trying to flirt with me.
  9. Are we waiting until 290k? That's gonna take months lol
  10. I have decided to heed the call and do my part to resist the Nazi scourge plaguing this game and forum.
  11. Hey. That's my president you're talking about.
  12. Randy gave his handlers the slip and has been out of pocket for the past 12 hours. As of now unconfirmed but we fear he may be partying. Baby.
  13. @Rambo has managed respectable family lineages in the past, true. However- THE ONLY FATHER AND SON DUO *IN THE HALL OF FAME* Rocky / Winston
  14. For the first time in Tycoon History, Father and Son sit side by side in the Hall of Fame. Rocky / Winston A truly incredible spectacle and honor for the legendary Todd family, whose strategic partnership with G Wad LLC has resulted in much mutual success, money and babes, lots of babes (7s and above). What's next for this bloodline of pipe-smoking, gentleman-warriors?
  15. Alas, this will be our last interaction. It's beneath me.
  16. Yes, certainly not someone to be trifled with. Or ridiculed or pitied.
  17. Lol thanks but I made this in 2017 when a certain diminutive redhead questioned if I was cheating then recycled it a couple years ago when Black Batman repeated those accusations. I had to magic erase "-Chris Karter" and "-Camara" out each time cus I don't have the original file anymore. If you look closely you can see the blur.
  18. Wow, clearly not someone to be trifled with
  19. Who was his last rival? Don't tell me its you
  20. #justblessed Thank you sir I don't blame you, Louie DePunchingbag
  21. Number 1 Manager Number 1 Fighter Number 1 in that dumb pyramid thing Come enjoy GWad's thick frothy stream of number 1. I heard he ate asparagus last night.
  22. Ah, I see what you mean. The truth is I could have smashed you anywhere, including the clinch, but I chose to be boring and go for the guaranteed victory rather than allow the 1% chance you could get a doctor stoppage. Really just an easy W, you were totally gassed by mid second round, all those failed hugs vs my 80 damage saw to that. Thank you fighting the fight I predicted to the tee.
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