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Everything posted by andy808

  1. For how much you pretend to talk down to me, you are quite obsessed with me. Pretty cringe, its too early to deal with a muppet like you, go crawl back in your den stealing wifi and collecting welfare, you have way too much time for this little guy
  2. Says the guy who folded to skater teens he had to look up to. But we all know you're used to that little red
  3. Its remarkable and second hand embarrassing how idiotic you are. You bring up a fight that you've already brought up before in this thread. Oh, and its a fight with a chinless FA pickup of mine, against a top homegrown fighter of yours. Keep living in your own world bud, your idiocy is quite amusing this morning
  4. Im sorry, bitches say what? You arent even worth my time to link the other images just like this rofl. Good one still training for twgc, fixing that for ya you probably shouldnt lose to me if im so predictable, oh wait. and basic bitch builds? you mean the same ones just as kilo, sosa, and 2/4 of your 380s? lol good one yet again, you really do make looking stupid look so easy
  5. You ok? Sure do think about me a lot. Should seek help there bud. Not healthy. Speaking of training wheels, something none of my fighters have that you pathetically harp on, whats with these? All my 360s have more fights than this 358 - https://www.mmatycoon.com/fighterprofilepublic.php?FID=358244 This 350 of yours is still in an ID org, a shit ID org at that. Even the remnants of HFC would have better diarrhea than the cans you've been facing - https://www.mmatycoon.com/fighterprofilepublic.php?FID=351159 7 QFCs, 2 can crushes. I thought you said 360s were ready for open? - https://www.mmatycoon.com/fighterprofilepublic.php?FID=363705 374 still hasnt fought yet, been 10 months of training there bud. - https://www.mmatycoon.com/fighterprofilepublic.php?FID=374644 Oh, I also just saw a DM from you saying it was too early for my 360s to go open, it would better when they are 26. But go ahead bud, keep trying to spin the story in your favor. Its entertaining watching you always end up contradicting yourself
  6. So nothing intelligent to say, and you realized you just contradict yourself all the time? Tell me you lost the convo without telling me. Muppet
  7. So you shit on poor team panda for their #1 fighter saying hiddens will carry, but then go and brag about your top 2% hidden fighter? Not exactly using your brain again are you. You tried to dunk but got rejected by skater teenagers again before also realizing youre not even half the hoops height there napoleon. You couldnt reach the net if your welfare check depended on it
  8. you signed up for the wrong olympics, youre looking for the special olympics
  9. coming from the muppet who tried a slapping fest at heavyweight with parsley boy. think before talking
  10. we could tell by the 'kings' recent track record that he did indeed did not 'give a fook'
  11. youre gonna have to excuse me from engaging in cringe LARPing. something your potato skull cant comprehend, im sure
  12. try to accomplish one thing at a time before taking a big boy step up. you had a chance at duvernay before but bjorn'd out of it. lets see how you do against thekshit first
  13. The LW division wont be kind to him either tonight. Maybe the 'king' will drop down to 135 after this after failing 145
  14. Pussy of the year goes to karter, wont even sign up his best fighter
  15. all I see are excuses, and more dodging
  16. excuses, wouldnt expect anything less. and doubling down. and again, keep making up that narrative, but kilo was in an ID org for just as long as beau. I know logic is hard for you this evening. hopefully kilo can find a pair and joins the olympics, at least kimbo had the balls to join when he was #1 at the time. cant say the same for kilo
  17. yawn, that response was more predictable than my sliders
  18. a chinless FA? thats what you got? at least let the people know its 1-1 https://www.mmatycoon.com/fightcommentary.php?FTID=1018089 stacks will keep you protected even when I sign after ditching the belts. dont worry little red, we all know who your daddy is
  19. dont want to link this aj fight with beau? how selective. kinda like some fights of yours https://www.mmatycoon.com/fightcommentary.php?FTID=1024552 beau would be in syn if he didnt have a pesky belt, awkward situation. kilos time is coming to an end, count your blessings little red
  20. abner is the same age as kilo was entering his tournament. not very smart there 😘
  21. Beau 'My Sister is tougher than Kilo' Abner - 265lb https://mmatycoon.com/fighterprofilemanager.php?FID=361057 Evan Duvernay - 155lb https://mmatycoon.com/fighterprofilemanager.php?FID=362602
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