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Do you have the desire to fight with the big dogs at the top of the elite orgs?


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Do you have the desire to fight with the big dogs at the top of the elite orgs?


The Steel Penn alliance is rapidly growing into one of the strongest alliances in MMA Tycoon and is currently home to 34 members varying from veterans with over 100 fights right down to the newcomers who have just undergone their first few fights. Everyone at Steel Penn is committed to helping Steel Penn improve and evolve with the shared goal of becoming the number 1 alliance in MMA Tycoon. We realize that quality supercedes quantity and that is why when our members reach 40 we will be closing the recruiting doors indefinately until further notice.


In the meantime we are looking for new managers who are interested in joining the Steel Penn alliance.


We ask for three things:










We do not accept nor allow those looking for a free ride. However, if you feel you can meet our simple criteria then perhaps you are just the manager we are looking for. You can be sure that once you join Steel Penn, life on MMA Tycoon gets a whole lot easier.


Honesty, Loyalty, and Commitment are all we expect from you, and all we can offer in exchange. We expect the best from you, and will give you all the support you need to get the best out of you. We offer a private forum for matchup help with the alliance experts, sponsorships for your fighters, and the knowledge that someone has your back. We have profitable businesses in all facets of Tycoon, and will help you get yours going in the right direction, or help you start one from the ground up. The power of this alliance is reflected in the fighters we make, the businesses we run, and the common goal to beat some ass.


Why else would you want to join Steel Penn? Well below is a little info on the founder of Steel Penn and some of our top managers currently fighting under the Steel Penn banner.


* 'The Godfather' Mr. White - Mr White really needs no introductions as the life and soul of the Steel Penn Alliance. A true veteran with over 100 fights to his name Mr White has amassed a record of 74-31-0 (2 NC's) with over 80% of his win's not going down to the scorecard. This exciting attitude and his sheer will to win has crossed over well into his nutrition store, Steel Penn nutrition which is currently one of the most hyped stores in the world, helping to train many champions over the last few months. Being a highly ranked manager and running a succesful store would be enough for some people, but Mr White isn't just your normal person, he then went on to form the Steel Penn Alliance which has quickly become one of the most talked about alliances in all of MMA. Mr White's goal for the Steel Penn Alliance? ............. When asked he simply replies with the same two word response, 'World Domination'.[/i


1. Eric Murphy - The topdog of Steel Penn, boasting an impressive 52-11-0 (1NC) record. Eric sure knows how to train a fighter not only to win but also to win in style, over 70% of Eric's fights don't go down to the judges, this aggressive nature has Eric firmly tipped for the top.If that wasn't enough Eric is also the proud owner of Total Destruction Combat (TDC) which is currently the number 1 ranked organisation in Hilo and number 5 in the world featuring several fighters currently ranked in the top 100.

2. Miguel Farrell - The newest member of the Steel Penn Alliance is none other than Miguel Farrell, a serious veteran just one win away from 100 victories. Miguel comes to the SPA with an impressive record of 99-38-0 (1NC) and is looking to take the SPA forward. Not content to just train champions and fighters competing in the higher echeclons of the sport, Miguel is also the owner of O'Brannigan's Fightwear, regarded as one of the best clothing store's in Hilo.


3. Lance Edwards - In the 9 short months that Lance has been in the sport of MMA he's racked up nearly 80 wins with an impressive 46 of those coming by way of (T)KO, one lapse of concentration against a guy prepared by Lance and you'll be on your back counting stars. Lance has an impressive overal record of 79-21-0 and is a real force to be reckoned with in the world of MMA. Lance is also the owner of the one of the best gym's not only in New York but the world. With 12 elite coaches and counting is there a better place for your fighter to train than Dropset Dojo: Striking?


4. Warren Peace - Despite only being in the sport for less than 6 months Warren has exploded onto the MMA scene featuring in the top 10 overall rankings for a Rookie and also earning the number 1 rookie ranking spot for New York earning an impressive 55-15-0 (1 NC) record along the way. Warren also owns the impressive nutritional store Stardust Cosmic Creations which has helped to produce many a champion and has some of the best deals right now in the whole of New York.


5. Joe Smokem - Smokem by name, Smokem by nature Joe's fighters have an excellent combined record of 43-13-0 with over half of those wins coming by way of (T)KO. Pause for breath against this guy and you're going to get smoked! Also the owner of the Steel Penn Private gym based in Hilo Joe is helping to evolve some of Steel Penn's most talented fighters with the help of their 11 elite coaches covering 15 areas to the elite standard.

6. Craig Brophy - The fiery and full of heart Irishman seems to have passed on that trait to his fighters as they have amassed an excellent overall record of 41-12 with over 70% of his win's resulting in a finish. This man sure knows not to leave it up to the judges and that attitude puts him in good stead to quickly rise up the rankings.


We also feature some of the top fighters in the game, maybe we can help you to produce some top fighters. Below is a selection of some of our top fighters in MMA Tycoon.


1. Jake "The Bronx Bull" LaMotta 117 (Eric Murphy)


2. Bruce "Little Dragon" Lee 399 (Eric Murphy)


3. Jeff "Baseball" Blatt 520 (Lance Edwards)


4. Roco "The Assassin" de Cruz 559 (Joe Smokem)


5. Rudi "Scooby" Guns 679 (Lance Edwards)




Steel Penn is only as good as its members, and if you have the motivation to get better along with the dedication to see that goal achieved, we want you. Send Mr White a PM and you will hear back from us soon, as we only have limited spots available. This opportunity may never be at your doorstep again, as once we get our magic number, these doors might close forever.

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Steel Penn are amongst the biggest low lifes in the game, running multiple scam companys including a high profile neut company thats sups arnt worth the screen space their written on, join this shit piece at your own perral. While these folks are more than happy to throw lots of scammed money around at its own members its important for any self respecting potential Penn scum bag to remember were that money came from.


And thats just were the shady dealing start, got a deal in place with one of their members companys? It isnt worth the paper its written on, they will break it and betray you at the first sign. These guys make NickFM look like the fucking poster child for honest and integrity.

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Guest AintRite
Steel Penn are amongst the biggest low lifes in the game, running multiple scam companys including a high profile neut company thats sups arnt worth the screen space their written on, join this shit piece at your own perral.
I'm not sure what has happened in the past but I can assure you that we are not "shit pieces". I also know that we are working hard trying to get this to be the number one Alliance.


As far as any of that other shit you wrote, I could care less what is in the past. i know what is going on now and in the future and it looks great. But if you don't have better things to do, then keep on hating.

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Guest AintRite
I would strongly suggest that people keep this on topic and don't turn this into a slanging match.
We were just minding our business.


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Steel Penn are amongst the biggest low lifes in the game, running multiple scam companys including a high profile neut company thats sups arnt worth the screen space their written on, join this shit piece at your own perral. While these folks are more than happy to throw lots of scammed money around at its own members its important for any self respecting potential Penn scum bag to remember were that money came from.


And thats just were the shady dealing start, got a deal in place with one of their members companys? It isnt worth the paper its written on, they will break it and betray you at the first sign. These guys make NickFM look like the fucking poster child for honest and integrity.

Tempest and I hate each other, vehemently. But we completely agree on this topic, because Steelpenn is that bad. Normally I would feel bad posting something negative in their thread, however, their fearless and spineless leader has done it to me way too many times. Everything Tempest said is true, no matter how badly he spelled it. :poster_stupid:

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Guest AintRite

I do have a question though. Since I'm fairly new to the game and the forums and to the Alliance for that matter. What did Steel Penn do that was so terrible that everyone hates him so much?

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I'm not sure what has happened in the past but I can assure you that we are not "shit pieces". I also know that we are working hard trying to get this to be the number one Alliance.


As far as any of that other shit you wrote, I could care less what is in the past. i know what is going on now and in the future and it looks great. But if you don't have better things to do, then keep on hating.



Like I said whatever is in the past is exactly that, the past.



I do have a question though. Since I'm fairly new to the game and the forums and to the Alliance for that matter. What did Steel Penn do that was so terrible that everyone hates him so much?

Oh you'll fit right in.


I recall a short time ago, when 2 other alliances posted mildly similar threads recruiting new members, and no one dared to even mention anything negative. But they had the respect of the community here, coupled with dynamic success from their managers and businesses. I remember people begging to get into those alliances. Funny how that isn't happening here. Geez I wonder what the difference is?


You should ask Mayhem Miller from gym ownership fame to join, he belongs there too.

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Guest AintRite

I see you have figured out the quote button.


I do fit right in the Steel Penn Alliance. I was just wondering why all the hate on SteelPenn himself and not the Alliance. It won't change my mind about the him or the Alliance it was more out of curiosity than anything. But hey if you don't want to talk about it that's fine. I guess in the big picture of things it really doesn't matter.

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I do have a question though. Since I'm fairly new to the game and the forums and to the Alliance for that matter. What did Steel Penn do that was so terrible that everyone hates him so much?


It was in the original post.


Mr White really needs no introductions as the life and soul of the Steel Penn Alliance
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STEELPENN nutri is shit, they absolute arent even close to that numbers what they tell to buyers. I have bought from them and also heared from other, loyal dudes that they arent working at all. They sell most of that stuff on 159-class and truth is propably somewhere ~145-class, or lower. It would be a man`s job to lower prices to 20$/each and give buy 1 get 100 for free-deal.



Sad job guys, you copy everything from others and act like a child. AND, your "Worl-famous-manager-number-one" will sell Tycoon`s shittest owerpriced stuff under STEEL PENN-name.



AND, we all know that it is very easy to prove your supplements REAL quality, if you really want...

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STEELPENN nutri is shit, they absolute arent even close to that numbers what they tell to buyers. I have bought from them and also heared from other, loyal dudes that they arent working at all. They sell most of that stuff on 159-class and truth is propably somewhere ~145-class, or lower.


true, sadly.


Wasted my money

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I just took over the Steel Penn Nutrition 1 week ago.


So you guys hate me why? Ive been selling bad product and everybody know it, after 1 week?


Wow you guys have issues..


Here is the way it is, you dont like me to bad.


I have gained a great stable of managers from being me. You can not stop us, and it really pisses you's off.


The Steel Penn is right here in your face, and we will not back down.


And for the record we posted this thread and a top 100 manager joined us.


Bye the end of the day another is intending to join us. Do you know why? Becouse they want to be a part of the best alliance in this game. Say what you want

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Aaahhahahah Im laughing soooo bad. This is some delusional shit right here! :D :D :D



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