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ITFL - International Team Fighting League


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i understand the reference...cleverly passive aggressive. i also understand saying things like "with all due respect..." and "bless his/her heart..." or even "jus sayin'..." are other common forms of this. way to cover ur tracks...


by the way, i'm already over it also. water under the bridge...

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Ya sorry for going off on you earlier when you clearly had nothing to do w/ it. You should've received my apology in chat already for my prior behavior.



This is just a game however with that being said a lot of us here in the community do take it serious and its your passion for not only the game but more importantly your ITFL concept that I admire and respect. I know sometimes its that very passion that at times we allow (myself included) to get the better of us and we sometimes allow other emotions to take the place of that passion such as anger and that is a human reaction, so I can not and would not hold a grudge because of it. I know the venom you were were offeribg me so kindly yesterday :) was not really anger but your passion for your idea and I can appreciate it, and move on in hopes that you do not lose that passion for your idea and instead use this experience to motivate you even more. I know you have been alittle burnt out lately and I just hope this isn't the final straw and instead turns things around for you. We are cool and hope we continue to be so.

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Wow, what a shit storm I guess people don't read enough of Aesop's Fables anymore to understand the sour grapes reference. I was basically admitting that I know that all of my frustration and anger are due to not getting what I wanted, the victory and the prize. I am sorry I vented my frustration on a public forum. And I apologize to ShortFuse for my jab at the contract. I did know what I was signing, it was wrong of me to imply it was unfair in anyway. I have moved on, and hope the rest of you can do the same.


I was just going to say let's not throw this whole thing out of proportion, Samedi was no doubt annoyed after losing out in the final and getting nothing after winning like 16 in a row, I think we can forgive him showing a little bit of frustration less than 24 hours after the fight.


Really enjoyed season one, am enjoying season two and really hope season three gets off the ground as this is a great concept.


The only thing that's really come out of this is whether or not it would perhaps be better to have some runner up prizes and prizes for 3rd and 4th etc with a slightly lower first prize in the future?

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Well that escalated quickly! lol! My post wasn't meant to be taken that seriously, I was just trying to give some credit to Bawon for doing so well. I added the popcorn eating animation at the end assuming most people would realize I wasn't really being that serious, but on the internet it's easy for things to be misconstrued.

Thank you for putting so much time & effort into this, Shortfuse and others who helped along the way. I know what a pain in the ass it is to run these things.

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This is just a game however with that being said a lot of us here in the community do take it serious and its your passion for not only the game but more importantly your ITFL concept that I admire and respect. I know sometimes its that very passion that at times we allow (myself included) to get the better of us and we sometimes allow other emotions to take the place of that passion such as anger and that is a human reaction, so I can not and would not hold a grudge because of it. I know the venom you were were offeribg me so kindly yesterday :) was not really anger but your passion for your idea and I can appreciate it, and move on in hopes that you do not lose that passion for your idea and instead use this experience to motivate you even more. I know you have been alittle burnt out lately and I just hope this isn't the final straw and instead turns things around for you. We are cool and hope we continue to be so.



All is good as far as I am concerned. I lack rationality when I am in that mind-set so I just needed a little time away from the computer to calm down. I think my overreaction is due to the fact that the "replacements" is still a pretty sore subject for me considering that it essentially ended my relationship w/ both Pure Evil and Dinooo.


The burnt out is also part of the overreaction. I really stretched myself pretty thin and am reaching so deep into my pockets that I literally have no idea how much of the prize money I will have until the last few weeks so it can be kinda stressful.

Due to being stretched so thin and really killing myself a bit financially when things are running smoothly and everyone is having a great time w/ the tournament it's very easy to not be stressed/bothered by those things. When there is a lot of griping like there was early during season 1 w/ the replacements or the last 2-3 days I get disheartened very quickly by it cause I already have so much on my plate to keep things running at all

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The only thing that's really come out of this is whether or not it would perhaps be better to have some runner up prizes and prizes for 3rd and 4th etc with a slightly lower first prize in the future?


This is a great idea. Can we make it retroactive? :shades:

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