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why cant i?


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ok i went vip reason was i wanted supliments that i know are good , i created roidrage company and created 3 suppliements for my fighters to buy , i have bought duff shit in the past and wanted quality , but i find my own fighters arnt allowed to by things from my company ? why?


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Because you could use it as a method of money laundering. Just give it to them as a gift.

thanks mike for quick reply , dont you ever sleep? lol serious though in real life i would make and use suppliements.

it stands to reason if i make a product i know is awsome i would have my fighters buy it.

the only reason i started a company for suppliements was because most of the other companies are all lying through thier teeth about 150+ products.

anyone who has owned a suppliements compaNY KNOWS THE SCORE it is legal to lie about products but unethical.

dunno , is there a way for me to move my products around so as my fighters can use them , without giving them freebies?

for instance i get a m8 to buy them , is there a way he can sell them on?


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thanks mike for quick reply , dont you ever sleep? lol serious though in real life i would make and use suppliements.

it stands to reason if i make a product i know is awsome i would have my fighters buy it.

the only reason i started a company for suppliements was because most of the other companies are all lying through thier teeth about 150+ products.

anyone who has owned a suppliements compaNY KNOWS THE SCORE it is legal to lie about products but unethical.

dunno , is there a way for me to move my products around so as my fighters can use them , without giving them freebies?

for instance i get a m8 to buy them , is there a way he can sell them on?


lol this could be fixed if the quality rating automatically showed up. We'd also get to see who trys to lie when they put "150" (or whatever) and then right next to it is, example: Superbuff 150 [ 85 ]


Ha, that'd get em.

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nope fighters cant trade or exchange either --- it sucks cause i would rather my fighters buy the product also instead of my company lose money by giving it to them but thats the way it is --- you might also want to check this thread out on sigs, tycoon wants to keep the images to 60 pixals in height http://www.mmatycoon.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=1050

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^ thats a pretty cool story... I might read the article in a bit...



Anyways, yeah, smart move by Mike. I was planning on paying back my loan 5 times quicker than normal by having all my rich fighters drop like 3-4 grand on my company. I wasnt very happy when I couldnt do it but it is understandable.

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Ha, random story for anybody who takes their time to read this, but it's pretty interesting. full article here


My friend's (I lived with him a year ago for about 6 months, known him for a few years before he moved in with me) dad laundered over $100 million dollars for the Colombian Cali Cartel. full article here


No bullshit. Well, he never told us (me and his son) what he went to prison for in New York for 4 years, we just knew it was money laundering. He's always been friendly with our Sheriff, Mike Scott (might as well be a wanna be DEA agent. He can go shove his badge up his ass.) and he ran Mike Scotts campaigns. Well, technically he "did not" and Mike Scott's "grandmother" did because it's illegal for a convicted felon to be that involved in political campaigns.


Anytime me and Dick (his sons name, too) were in some type of situation that involved police, we'd call his dad.. and the situation was fixed. Cops would post up down the end of the street and kept pulling people over leaving our house, problem was it was the same few girls they kept pullin over, and they did it like 4-5 times. He called his dad and we didn't see them again on our street. Hell I won't lie... it was great. We got pulled over one time turning around before a liscense checkpoint (just like a DUI checkpoint) and like 8 cops came outta nowhere and had us surrounded, we pulled over cops came up and little Dick (haha) was on the phone with his dad and the cop recognized him, asked about his dad dick spence, and little Dick was like yeah he's on the phone you wanna talk to him and the guy was just like no, and all the cops left immedietly lol we got lucky.


Some people don't see shit like this often, so a lot of people are completely stupid and blind to the 'corruption' we have in our governments and think that shit only happens overseas. Haha, like I said some people are just stupid. Fort Myers, Florida. If it happens here, it happens almost EVERYWHERE.


Anyway the whole story got brought up locally and they're making a big deal about Mike Scott's friendship with "felon" and "con man" Dick Spence.


Something like this happened to me as well. I went to school with the movers and shakers of Latin America. Type of thing you would see were Ferraris on AmEx statements or nephews of presidents who embezzled large amounts of US aid money...you get the idea.


So I was in a coastal city in Latin America. I was 17 going on 21, and at an exclusive beach club began getting my first taste of booze. Everyone wanted to buy a shot for the gringo, and before too long, I was roaring drunk on the beach. Of coarse, my Spanish greatly improved while intoxicated, and the liquid courage had me screaming the worst kinds of obscenities at the cops. They were going to take me to a nasty, nasty jail (open to debate whether I would make it that far or drown in a ditch), when my friend (we can call him "Red") came running up.


Though I remember little, I remember him saying to them in Spanish, "Do you know who the f*** I am?" "Do you know who the f*** my dad is?" There were several minutes of near-begging by the officers and clumsy explanations on how they were just going to give me a ride home. Most of the conversation became on how they would make it up to me. It ended with them walking me to the bar and eventually my friend's driver's car (maybe carried is a better word). While most of my friends came from rich families who made it the legit way- bribery-I came to really understand that Red's dad was a (the) middle man for moving our vices through said country.


Now that this thread is hijacked....

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Because you could use it as a method of money laundering. Just give it to them as a gift.


Couldn't you use a gym for money laundering, too? We still allow people to join their own gyms.


ex. Let's say you've got 3 fighters each with $5000 to burn. You could create a gym, hire a useless coach, set the gym fees to $5000, join the fighters and then close down the gym. Bam. Manager now has $14000 more than before.




edit: actually, you could eventually sack the coach and keep the gym fees at $5000 permanently to use whenever you need to (and who knows maybe some poor sap will accidentally join your gym)

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no limit you can leave and join one everyday if you want too


Yeah I just tested it out now and had a dude at one of my gyms leave and join and leave and join. So the $500 gym fee limit means nothing: I can still siphon as much money as I want to my manager/companies.

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thanks mike for quick reply , dont you ever sleep? lol serious though in real life i would make and use suppliements.

it stands to reason if i make a product i know is awsome i would have my fighters buy it.

the only reason i started a company for suppliements was because most of the other companies are all lying through thier teeth about 150+ products.

anyone who has owned a suppliements compaNY KNOWS THE SCORE it is legal to lie about products but unethical.

dunno , is there a way for me to move my products around so as my fighters can use them , without giving them freebies?

for instance i get a m8 to buy them , is there a way he can sell them on?



You must be speaking about the majority because I know you're not talking about Non-Stop Nutrition....my friends and enemies alike can and will confirm my products quality.

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