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How NOT to get your ass kicked by the police


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Exactly, If this was a foreigner, there would be a very different reaction, as Stewart points out.



Why are you saying "Scottish based knowledge"? If Scooby is producing videos and I am in turn watching the videos, is that not "American based knowledge"? You don't have to have experienced something to have a judgement of it.

This isn't a case of taking people's words for things. I haven't told any stories that require someone to believe my "word" I don't believe.


What we're talking about isn't what Scooby personally has faced. That's shit that opinions or perception can't change. What we're talking about for example is things like how black people are allegedly vilified by the media, which I heavily disagree with. We're talking about how black people are killed as a result of both their race and otherwise, but me and other guys are rebutting that there are plenty of white people killed too and that any case involving a white police officer and a black criminal/victim is not automatically a race issue. This doesn't require personal insight into the situation. I've got just as much working knowledge of the police force in America as Scooby has most likely (research into a lot of different topics, first hand information from speaking to US police etc. and even if Scooby knows lots about them, they don't exactly shoo black people out the door or air their dirty laundry to everyone anyways). But above all, what we're talking about is the actions of PEOPLE. Scooby might have faced direct racism on a daily basis for whatever amount of years, I'm not talking that down or saying that's not true in any way (if that was the case).





All you have is media, compared to Scoobs own experiences, plus the same media......


If I was arguing with you and you claimed that Scottish media was taking sides and always reported "better" for one of the sides.

You are on the receiving "side" and know this first hand....


Who am I, living in Denmark, armed with only TV, newspapers and the internet media..... to tell you that your are all wrong in your claims?


If we woudl flip this and talk to me about the Muslim situation in Denmark, I would laugh at you if you claimed to know more about it that I do.

Wtf would you really know about it in comparison...


I have access to the same media, have been on the Internet since early 1992, lived in the States for a couple of years...

I can't say I have any true isight into the matter, other than media (mostly biased) and can't see any reason to dismiss Scoob's take on the matter.

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Was the Washington Sniper killed by police?


Just asking, given we don't actually deal in quantitative methods in this thread, we just roll with occasional examples and anecdotes.

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Actually no its systematic. When slavery ended and we became so called free all the slaves knew how to work and the slavemasters had to do something to ensure that they would have jobs because who would you hire to pick cotton in a field? A slave with experience or his master who sat on the porch? This is where the IQ test was used (William Shockley taught that blacks had lower IQ scores based on genetics) The IQ test taught in white schools and not permitted in black schools. This is also where BLACK CODES were brought in, which most people do not know about. Legally if you were black and reading a book you were allowed to be slaughtered or curfew's held on blacks that would result in the same. Many of these laws still existed in cities just 50 years ago.


My point is, if equality was just reached one generation ago (which it wasnt) then how can you expect people who didnt get reparations to be able to get jobs and afford the same housing as the people who were legally deemed superior?


I havent run into many black men who did not have the experience of taking a woman out on a date and wondering why everyone else in the restaurant is getting served and you and your date arent. Before you so quickly excuse this matter away understand that the vast majority of us have gone through this multiple times. We chalk it up to a place we will never go back to and we dont think about it much again, but this does not happen to everyone of all races. These are experiences you do not have to deal with because you arent black.


Im a manager at my job but damn id be rich if i had a dollar every time someone came to me and said "i thought you were a gangbanger when i first met you." Well shit i look extremely fuckin professional, no tattoos or piercings, pressed clothes and shirt tucked every day. Cut my natural hair style to be accepted by corporate america but i still get that statement constantly. Why? My skin...


I post videos because i obviously am not a credible enough source for you.




I was wondering if they would put the confederate flag at half mast since it was all black victims.


As he said, Al Quaida, ISIS and those terrorist groups arent shit compared to what we do to ourselves right here in America. (dont try and change the context because he spoke ALL about race)


Come on Scooby, you ACTUALLY believe in reparations? Reparations is basically someone paying money because an ancestor they never met did wrong to someone else's ancestor they didn't meet. That's like me asking some guy for money because their great grandfather robbed my great grandfather.


My brother got asked to leave a restaurant recently because he was wearing jeans with his shirt. They had no dress code posted anywhere. Was it a racial thing?


"No tattoos". You're doing the EXACT same thing that guy did. He (for some random reason) thinks that a black guy would be a gangbanger. You for some reason think a guy with tattoos could be considered unprofessional. For the record I've been told countless times that someone thought I was going to start a fight with them several times because of my appearance, and they were surprised I was being nice. Why is it so much worse that you are perceived a certain way because of your skin colour than I am because of the scars on my head?


Exactly, If this was a foreigner, there would be a very different reaction, as Stewart points out.




All you have is media, compared to Scoobs own experiences, plus the same media......


If I was arguing with you and you claimed that Scottish media was taking sides and always reported "better" for one of the sides.

You are on the receiving "side" and know this first hand....


Who am I, living in Denmar, armed with only TV, newspapers and the internet media..... to tell you that your are all wrong in your claims?


If we woudl flip this and talk to me about the Muslim situation in Denmark, I would laugh at you if you claimed to know more about it that I do.

Wtf would you really know about it in comparison...


I have access to the same media, have been on the Internet since early 1992, lived in the States for a couple of years...

I can't say I have any true isight into the matter, other than media (mostly biased) and can't see any reason to dismiss Scoob's take on the matter.


You seem to be thinking I'm dismissing Scooby's experiences. Scooby could have straight up faced racism ever day of his life. Like proper full on "Fuck off nigger" racism. That doesn't speak for the entire population of the black race and holds absolutely no weight in if a white cop did or didn't commit racism in a case (unless Scooby had experiences with that specific officer).


You know THIS is experience right? Talking to people who have dealt with racism. I come from a long history of being on rap sites where the majority of the population are black guys living in America. I've talked about racism A LOT over the years. That's all part of research into a subject. People weren't in the Bronze Ages but can tell you what the customs were.


If I spent years studying the muslin situation in Denmark and talked to several Muslims who can give me their first hand accounts, and also some people who are on the other side of the fence, and you just happened to live there and only picked up a few news stories, then yes, I could well know more than you about the subject. I've lived in Ireland and Scotland, there are billions of people that can tell me more about situations going on in those countries.


I don't dismiss Scooby's opinions at all. Scooby says he's faced this stuff loads. That's not even an opinion, he just has. Racism still exists because if one person is racist....then by definition is exists. I'm not even saying racism doesn't exist, but every single wrong doing to a black person from a white person isn't automatically racist. I gave examples of similar things where my brother was asked to leave or where I'm prejudged. I get asked for a cigarette every time I'm in the nightclub. I say I don't smoke. They say "Bullshit, come on give us one". I went to school with these people and didn't once smoke, but I'm being judged by how I look in that they assume I do. Scooby gets judged because he's black, as is someone with scars, as is someone with tattoos, as is a big guy or small guy. But for some reason it's a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE deal when it's race and no one gives a shit in any other situation. Racism (only against blacks) and homophobia are the two more ridiculously offensive things in the world, yet racism against Muslims or sexism is just jokes. Hell what about racism against white people? Like when Ice Cube made several really racist songs against white people, including blasting a friend of his for just communicating with white people. That was fine though right? Can you imagine Eminem said "I hate how Iggy Izelea hangs out with those niggers all the time"? That would be INSANELY big, yet you've got Azzelea Banks saying she hates how those white folk are trying to steal her culture and they should stop making rap music, and that's fine.

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Am I talking to a brick wall here?


Because I care about black americans that are killed by police DOES NOT mean I don't care about white americans getting killed by police.


I am showing concern for a community people that have endured incredible hardships that the other community has not had to deal with as a greater entity



And Clyde you act like America is so much different in 2015 than in the 1960's and so forth... A white supremacist just walked into a black church and killed 9 people, in a state that flies the confederate flag at its state house! This is that 2015 you are talking about! There is Muhammad drawing contests with hundreds of armed white individuals standing guard with assault rifles in this 2015! There are black men choked to death for selling untaxed cigarettes that beg for their life in this 2015! This is that same 2015 in America!

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I think this thread title needs a update as its no longer about police brutality ita about racism in America.


You can't fixe stupid or in the case of these dumb ass guy from South Carolina you can't fix crazy. I only hope that this does not continue to escalate but it will. The social media will see to that it's not there fought completely there just doing there jobs.


Now the difference between the 60's and now Wellman every psychopath in the nation has access to these kinda headlines and it fuels there hatred. While as in the 60's that would only know various amounts of media. One would say having access to all this dirty laundry is a good thing, I choose to differ.


Frankly who ever is in office next term is in for a world of shit.


I will continue to live my life though and I hope some of you guys in this thread will try to do the same.


My issue with this thread it almost seems as if it you guys are continuing to say you care about white lives but you never mention when I white person is murdered by cops or murdered by black men? Of course shit like that does not sale in the media so maybe your just not seeing or hearing it.


Here are a few that don't get discussed but should not be ignored.















Long story short there is evil on both sides of the spectrum i believw we can all agree with correct. So why are will still discussing this shit?


I remember a time when it was not quite as chaotic at least it seemed milder to me back in the awesome 90's. Again this is all coming from a high scholl drop out so I could be wrong but I am opinionated as well on matters like this. Only because I just want some peace for fuck sake.


On another topic but similar is it just me or do white men get labeled as Cowards far to often. Sure some are but I'm not and I don't like the label at all. Maybe are penises are slightly smaller but I won't be no ones bitch. That was me be kinda funny but very serious.

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I never once asked for reparations i said how the fuck can you expect people who were seen and treated as cattle one generation ago to be equal when they were mindfucked strategically for over 400 years (FACT:see the willie lynch letters).


And i DO NOT see tattoos as a gangbanger, i am mentioned my appearance to show that i have done everything "corporate america" says blacks have to do to not seem threatening yet i STILL am seen as a threat.


This is proving my exact point, i have to explain to you that i am forced to do all this extra shit to be accepted in social establishments in order to maintain a peaceful and financially successful life simply because of my skin.


Except for the aboriginal australians (who are black) there has never been a people dehumanized as blacks have been and NEVER for as long yet you compare any type of conflict to what has happened to blacks worldwide.


Thats why Jon Stewart says we still wont do shit, because we always say it was one off, make an excuse, blame it on blacks and say it was not racist. Even when they guy is telling us in as many ways as he can that he hates blacks and killed because they were black. A blog saying that he and plenty of whites or in his words all subconsciously see blacks like dogs, less than human because whites are superior.



The DC sniper killed people of many races, he didnt come out and say "i killed them because they were ____ race"


If it wasnt about race then why, after he was arrested would people send bomb threats to black churches holding vigils?

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Lee Boyd malvos confession would disagree with you


""Part of his testimony concerned Muhammad's complete, multiphase plan. His plan consisted of three phases in the Washington, D.C. and Baltimore metro areas. Phase One consisted of meticulously planning, mapping, and practicing their locations around the D.C. area. This way after each shooting they would be able to quickly leave the area on a predetermined path, and move on to the next location. Muhammad's goal in Phase One was to kill six white people a day for 30 days. Malvo went on to describe how Phase One did not go as planned due to heavy traffic and the lack of a clear shot and/or getaway at different locations"".[20][21][22][23]


His story was that originally they wanted to kill 6 White people a day but it didn't work out. From his wiki page.

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Latest FBI UCR online is 2013



Black victims of white murderers (appears to include Hispanics) 189

White victims (appears to include Hispanics) of black murderers 409

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^This might be true but just as I say it's the other way, that's just a circumstance of chance.


White people in impoverished communities are seen like food. They WILL be prayed on, but who's fault is that? It's their own, just like it's any black families' fault in that area that they are poor. I'm not going to act like white people face hardships that black people don't because in general that's not true (not saying you said that JLP).


What JLP posted though DOES show that this shit happens both ways. It's not some mass race extermination against blacks. White people get killed (by black people too), and all other races deal with horrendous deaths. It's not just a case of me saying #WhiteLivesMatter, fuck that, #LivesMatter. How many links have you posted about Arabs or Asians etc.? I get that white people are seen as negative so that's why you aren't posting them, but don't Asian lives matter? You are selecting a group to defend in the name of equality, if you are black or white is irrelevant, but in doing so you're not selecting other groups. Picking a group to support based on race is....well racist? If I voted McCain cause he's the white guy, I'm racist. If you support BlackLives and not AsianLives for any reason, you're racist. Simple as that.


This dude who killed what, 9 people? Should either get killed (if that's in the state law) or the maximum penalty. He will get as such. He'll get EVERY bit the punishment a black person would get killing whatever amount of white people. putting down his gun and laying on his front.


fbwellman, we're on a mixed martial arts site. Go watch the Gracie breakdown video where these masters of chokes don't see how the man could have been killed for the under 10 second choke. That guy wasn't arrested for race, he was going to be brought in, he pulled his arms away, he was dragged to the floor, cuffed and brought in. That's it. Unless something no one claims happened to him outside of that went down, there was no foul. You can't scream "I have a heart condition after breaking the law". Right this second, even in Ireland, if I try to resist arrest, they'll drag me to the floor. In the UK, they might mace me. If I say "I'm allergic to mace", will they not do it? Bullshit. Garner resisted arrest and got dragged to the floor, in which guys who have been choking people for decades say wasn't overly aggressive. You're pretending things are race related when they're not.

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Except for the aboriginal australians (who are black) there has never been a people dehumanized as blacks have been and NEVER for as long yet you compare any type of conflict to what has happened to blacks worldwide.




Are you a holocaust denier? Shit, the Jews were even slaves under Egyptians by all accounts.


How about the Kurds within the Middle East generally?


How about the Armenians under the Turks?


How about Native Americans under the Brits, French and Spanish in Canada, USA and Mexico?


How about Palestinians since the inception of Israel?


How about women generally worldwide, and those with any kind of physical and mental disability?


I'd love to hear more about how the race skin colour you personally identify with is THE MOST PERSECUTED FOR THE LONGEST TIME EVER, like it's a competition.

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Are you a holocaust denier? Shit, the Jews were even slaves under Egyptians by all accounts.


How about the Kurds within the Middle East generally?


How about the Armenians under the Turks?


How about Native Americans under the Brits, French and Spanish in Canada, USA and Mexico?


How about Palestinians since the inception of Israel?


How about women generally worldwide, and those with any kind of physical and mental disability?


I'd love to hear more about how the race skin colour you personally identify with is THE MOST PERSECUTED FOR THE LONGEST TIME EVER, like it's a competition.

Ooops,, there is a law in many countries forbidding exactly the highlighted... Anyone questioning that, is a horrible person and should be in jail.. <_<


On the rest, you can legally cast all the doubt you want... a scenario utilized by many organizations and individuals, for personal, corporative and/or political gains.



Generally Turks deny treating Armenians and Kurds in a bad way,,, Israel, (by their own account) treat Palestinian the way they deserve to be treated...


We all know about the Indians,, they were just savages and needed to be slaughtered, according to Europeans.... and Black's,, according to many whites today, are not victims of institutional racism at all... Even though incident after indent, year after year, point exactly in that direction.


If enough people in the developed (and semi civilized world) carry on not giving a shit, constantly turning a blind eye, denying it's happening, it will never change for any of the (national/tribal) fractions mentioned..


The persecution of any race (no mater how terrible one thinks they are), religious beilievers (no matter how stupid one thinks they are), homosexuality (no matter how disgusting/sinful or wtf ever one thinks that is), gender (no matter how much one regards women to be property) etc... etc... etc..


is as fucked up and wrong as anything can be.

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In plenty of cases this was true, but in just as many cases they were stolen for the purpose or were prisoners of war and sold as property by the victors - often other tribes or peoples such as the Ottomans.

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In plenty of cases this was true, but in just as many cases they were stolen for the purpose or were prisoners of war and sold as property by the victors - often other tribes or peoples such as the Ottomans.


That was basically standard practice for thousands of years among virtually all cultures, in all honesty looking back at slavery with today's eyes it's a demented practice, but up until relatively recently it was just spoils of war.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, was it the Africans that sold their own people (slaves) to the Europeans in exchange for miscellaneous shit?


Slavery was not the same historically, those slaves were treated as friends, basically had rights and were cared about. Thats why they regretted when they did it, Ghana is giving citizenship and land to african americans because of this.


Slavery existed in Africa, but it was not the same type of slavery that the Europeans introduced. The European form was called chattel slavery. A chattel slave is a piece of property, with no rights. Slavery within Africa was different. A slave might be enslaved in order to pay off a debt or pay for a crime. Slaves in Africa lost the protection of their family and their place in society through enslavement. But eventually they or their children might become part of their master’s family and become free. This was unlike chattel slavery, in which enslaved Africans were slaves for life, as were their children and grandchildren.

The treatment of slaves in Africa varied widely. Ottobah Cuguano, a former slave, remembered slaves as being ‘well fed … and treated well’. Olaudah Equiano, another former slave who wrote an account of his life, noted that slaves might even own slaves themselves. In larger states some slaves worked in government administration, and might become an important state or royal official with wide ranging powers. Other slaves in Africa might work within their master’s household as domestic servants or as agricultural labourers.


These slaves were still seen as human beings.


Funny, every other people KRAD named received reparations except blacks and Native Americans, however many people we "think" were native americans were "Black Seminoles(southern runaway slaves)" olmec and other indigenous black tribes. I dont care about receiving shit, the point is giving reparations is an admission of fault.


The use of Swastika symbols and flags are strictly prohibited by law in most areas whereas right here in america its still a state flag and can be seen almost daily.


But look at what just happened in Virginia, just after the SC shooting. Another guy runs up to a church terrorizing and threatening to kill "niggers" but he was unable to get inside.




The man called the worshippers “n-----s” and said, “I’m gonna kill all you and all you are gonna get killed tonight” and “You’re taking over,” church members said.


I hate racism, doesnt matter what race is doing it to what. Nobody reading these threads except maybe Nuke who hasnt posted knows and sees the work i do in the community here. The point is everyone needs to hate racism and support human life preservation.


But of course, theres no race problem here at all. Our black experience is no different than anyone elses... Just be careful when you go to church

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Slavery was not the same historically, those slaves were treated as friends, basically had rights and were cared about. Thats why they regretted when they did it, Ghana is giving citizenship and land to african americans because of this.


Slavery existed in Africa, but it was not the same type of slavery that the Europeans introduced. The European form was called chattel slavery. A chattel slave is a piece of property, with no rights. Slavery within Africa was different. A slave might be enslaved in order to pay off a debt or pay for a crime. Slaves in Africa lost the protection of their family and their place in society through enslavement. But eventually they or their children might become part of their master’s family and become free. This was unlike chattel slavery, in which enslaved Africans were slaves for life, as were their children and grandchildren.

The treatment of slaves in Africa varied widely. Ottobah Cuguano, a former slave, remembered slaves as being ‘well fed … and treated well’. Olaudah Equiano, another former slave who wrote an account of his life, noted that slaves might even own slaves themselves. In larger states some slaves worked in government administration, and might become an important state or royal official with wide ranging powers. Other slaves in Africa might work within their master’s household as domestic servants or as agricultural labourers.


These slaves were still seen as human beings.

That's a laughable revision of history. Trying to sugar coat slavery in Africa and make it seem benign and beneficial is as questionable as you can get. As a whole, I doubt it was any better or any worse. It would all have to be looked at in a case by case basis, as there are countless accounts of owners freeing their slaves in the US and owners being kind and good to slaves and treating them like family. There are also countless accounts of terrible mistreatment and murder. There are also quite a few former slaves and free black men in America who went on to own slaves as well.


Funny, every other people KRAD named received reparations except blacks and Native Americans, however many people we "think" were native americans were "Black Seminoles(southern runaway slaves)" olmec and other indigenous black tribes. I dont care about receiving shit, the point is giving reparations is an admission of fault.


The use of Swastika symbols and flags are strictly prohibited by law in most areas whereas right here in america its still a state flag and can be seen almost daily.


I dont think i understand what you mean in your final sentence. What state flag is the swastika?

Of the groups KRad listed only two received any reparations at all. Israel is heavily on the teat of pretty much every Western democracy. Native Americans in the US have casinos and tribal lands/self governance. Of the other ones listed, not one is receiving any kind of reparations.


Are you a holocaust denier? Shit, the Jews were even slaves under Egyptians by all accounts.

Jewish people got their own homeland, went from persecuted to persecutors.

How about the Kurds within the Middle East generally?

Kurds are still persecuted and under attack. Lack their own homeland.

How about the Armenians under the Turks?

Turks wont even admit that they committed genocide on the Armenians to this day.

How about Native Americans under the Brits, French and Spanish in Canada, USA and Mexico?

Native Americans are still generally treated like shit in South and Central America. NA natives have largely integrated into American culture except for those who were moved to reservations. I knew a blonde hair blue eyed "chief" when i lived in Florida.

How about Palestinians since the inception of Israel?

Palestinians would kill for the treatment black Americans get. Try living in a closed off refugee camp that gets bombed on a regular basis.

How about women generally worldwide, and those with any kind of physical and mental disability?

Women in most non-western countries are essentially property to this day.

I'd love to hear more about how the race skin colour you personally identify with is THE MOST PERSECUTED FOR THE LONGEST TIME EVER, like it's a competition.

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When did anyone say it was a competition... just because you care about black lives doesn't mean you don't care about those other situations, and just because I don't post articles or stories or accounts on whites killed by police doesn't mean I don't care when they are, I don't know what I said that made it seem like that but that isn't true

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Trying to switch back on topic though


Don't you ever think its crazy that in this country black parents now have to talk to their kids about how they are deemed as a bigger threat to police and they are more likely to face abuse in the face of the law, and just to do whatever they ask no matter how ridiculous it seems because they just want their kids to get home at the end of the day?


it doesn't matter how "high class" of a citizen you are because many cops (not all but its not as small of a number that they believe and say it is) see darker skin and think that they are somehow more of a threat... and it doesn't go the other way! Cops don't see white guys and think "hey he is more of a threat than a black guy to me" it only happens the other way around.


If it was happening to YOU then you would care, if the tables were flipped and this happened to white people don't you guys think you'd be a tad pissed off?

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Trying to switch back on topic though


Don't you ever think its crazy that in this country black parents now have to talk to their kids about how they are deemed as a bigger threat to police and they are more likely to face abuse in the face of the law, and just to do whatever they ask no matter how ridiculous it seems because they just want their kids to get home at the end of the day?


it doesn't matter how "high class" of a citizen you are because many cops (not all but its not as small of a number that they believe and say it is) see darker skin and think that they are somehow more of a threat... and it doesn't go the other way! Cops don't see white guys and think "hey he is more of a threat than a black guy to me" it only happens the other way around.


If it was happening to YOU then you would care, if the tables were flipped and this happened to white people don't you guys think you'd be a tad pissed off?


these are all your assumptions once again, like you said not all Cops see blacks as threats yet you continue to bring up that there are cops that do.


Like it has been said a million time in this broken record of a thread there are some duchebag racist cops out there, and most of which are being brought out to the front for everyone to see.


So once again there are some complete idiots out there at a alarming rate these days and the racial tension in this country as of now is bringing them out . we all know this its Whites killing blacks and blacks killing whites some times its race related. Lets not forget about the Hispanics though to commit Hate crimes.


Now this thread should be discussing how we fix this more often, for one thing blowing stuff up like this thread does not help. Go out and make a difference face to face not behind a computer. If you have kids raise them to respect one another they are the future and if there are enough like minded people out there you got to believe that a difference can be made in the future.


If your point is not enough white people are out defending black lives then also include that not enough blacks are defending white lives as well. America is far from what it once was the Morale is complete shit now. We as a Country need to come together as one, which is funny cause most people will laugh at that comment. Which is the whole problem in my eyes.


Everyone wants to bash religious people all the time, think of these though We believe in something that is good and try to be good people for that matter. a lot of these nutcases out there dont believe in anything so they have that void in there life. That void is normally filled with Hate end of story


Be positive and support your fellow man.


Or smoke some Weed i do both.

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Trying to switch back on topic though


Don't you ever think its crazy that in this country black parents now have to talk to their kids about how they are deemed as a bigger threat to police and they are more likely to face abuse in the face of the law, and just to do whatever they ask no matter how ridiculous it seems because they just want their kids to get home at the end of the day?


it doesn't matter how "high class" of a citizen you are because many cops (not all but its not as small of a number that they believe and say it is) see darker skin and think that they are somehow more of a threat... and it doesn't go the other way! Cops don't see white guys and think "hey he is more of a threat than a black guy to me" it only happens the other way around.


If it was happening to YOU then you would care, if the tables were flipped and this happened to white people don't you guys think you'd be a tad pissed off?


You said earlier that you feel your talking to a wall correct. I feel the same way and i'm sure others do as well.

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JLP, it may be laughable but i researched for about 6 years now when i realized that school didnt teach us shit about what happened in the past. Every february i learned about peanuts and what work a person had to go through based on how dark or light their skin was. Not about black wall street and the Tulsa race riots, not about the slave trade routes, the amount of people who died during transport, the effeminization and demasculation of the men that took place upon arrival, being split apart by two horses etc.


I am black so i actually had a reason to research it heavily for my own knowledge, not for debates. Once i learned so much i decided that in my life i need to fight to stop racism. From the beginning of this thread and in some of those threads with misfits/rainbow you can see my stance is always the same. If you hold racist views against Jews, Asians or any race, including mine. I dont like you and i speak my bit against it.


I got love for you too JLP, but if more people had even your stance the world would be better.


However, we dont... we've got a major problem and the media is only going to continue making it worse

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JLP, it may be laughable but i researched for about 6 years now when i realized that school didnt teach us shit about what happened in the past. Every february i learned about peanuts and what work a person had to go through based on how dark or light their skin was. Not about black wall street and the Tulsa race riots, not about the slave trade routes, the amount of people who died during transport, the effeminization and demasculation of the men that took place upon arrival, being split apart by two horses etc.


I am black so i actually had a reason to research it heavily for my own knowledge, not for debates. Once i learned so much i decided that in my life i need to fight to stop racism. From the beginning of this thread and in some of those threads with misfits/rainbow you can see my stance is always the same. If you hold racist views against Jews, Asians or any race, including mine. I dont like you and i speak my bit against it.


I got love for you too JLP, but if more people had even your stance the world would be better.


However, we dont... we've got a major problem and the media is only going to continue making it worse

scoob I think there are a lot more people like JLP then you think, or believe it or not even better. Maybe where you live its not so great, if so I say keep doing what your doing. I'm sure you have friends and family that got your back let the racist pricks continue eventually they will meet Karma. Above all don't worry about them. And if your getting descreminated against at work, is the job really worth it.


There is always other jobs that will arrive happiness should always be ahead of careers.


Although i am finding that out the hard way currently as I have had bad luck with jobs mostly because no one gives a damn about there employee's anymore.


Happy fathers day to you Scooby hope it was a good one.

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I am well aware of all the horrors of slavery. What I think is laughable is you trying to put a good face on slavery that occurred in Africa while talking about the nastier elements that occurred in the US. Slavery is slavery. To condemn or dismiss based on the race of the owner is a rather bizarre argument to make.


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"most of which are brought out front to see" is where you are wrong, it comes out that cops are in the KKK and hate groups when they are in their 30's and 40's and 50's... most likely these guys have had these racist roots in them for a long time now, so every arrest they've made has been influenced when handling said hated races. What about all the cops that haven't been figured out yet though? And the fact that many of these guys have not nor will ever face discipline


And to your point yes I am 100 percent about making change and would love to discuss it with all of you. I've gone to protests- not only to stand and chant but I make it a goal to talk to as many people there- protestors, leaders, cops, by standers etc. to gain opinions into a melting pot of ideas. I've signed petitions, talked to government officials. I'm always looking for more to do and love to talk about how the community as a whole can promote change for the better

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