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Noob Fund - Holiday Drama Special


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What's wrong with working your way to the top? I love that idea!

hard work pays off and that's great


I think im bein misunderstood here... I would like to see more than a few dollaRS given to new players on creation.... we have fighters in 1000K gyms... this isnt possible for new players and puts them at a great disadvantage... even if they can get into a good gym? for how long/// and sups and clothing" we way outpower new players..... I never earned my cash in the game.... I bought it and also that might not be fair.... many need help and I think it would be best to start them off on even ground.

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Skap please act here in the forum like you do in chat and shut your self righteous mouth the fuck up. Bunch of fucking twats roaming loose. Fuck you and your money and all the buy your way into heaven cuntz that think like you. Suck my simple dick ( ) )====D~~~~


Your a terrible flirt but... I Love you too Bitch! :)

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Skap: Dont let him do that,..its like a Universal remote,..and he's got the *I am going to send someone to jail* button. dont be programmable. :mf_popcorn1:

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Some people get impatient with slow matters like email and in game mail. They may not realise how much some people have to go through and how long that takes not to mention all the other tasks that come with a larger fighting roster.


In the end I am sure the mailer gets the point and understands by now that not everyone is able to respond to in game mails immediately.


If I am honest, sometimes I get mails from noobies looking for a mentor and there are times when I am just way too busy to even respond and to tell them that I don't have the time lately for a mentee and I could direct them to another good mentor perhaps... But I guess I'm too stoned - or I mean busy lol.


Anyways we need the noob fund and we need you. Now go forth and continue to Fund noobs!

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I don't really care who's involved here but the post about $600 being too little to get by on?


The rich managers in this game are rich for a reason... haha they all started off like i did, working part time and training in $50 gyms on 100/100 contracts with 140Q supps.

all orgs were created with the 50k loan...


it took me 3 years to reach my first million and set up a private gym..


sure the noob fund is a good thing but it's a gift.. don't confuse charity with law

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That escalated quickly. I think it is great both of you are helping out newer managers. There really shouldn't be a reason to argue about it. It isn't a competition. I have had guys contacting me with requests this week, and like you I have not really been active due to Christmas and a few personal things like getting sick. It happens, and it can be annoying for both sides if they don't understand the other side's perspective. Just try to look through each others eyes and don't let it spoil you on the good work you have been doing. There can be more than one person helping noobs. The fund itself was not donated by a single individual.

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I don't really care who's involved here but the post about $600 being too little to get by on?


The rich managers in this game are rich for a reason... haha they all started off like i did, working part time and training in $50 gyms on 100/100 contracts with 140Q supps.

all orgs were created with the 50k loan...


it took me 3 years to reach my first million and set up a private gym..


sure the noob fund is a good thing but it's a gift.. don't confuse charity with law


I wont tell you how many private gyms I own but I will say it takes me less than 3o minutes to make a million... you worked for the money and I can appreciate that... But Im living proof your post is outdated. 100/100 contracts? why would you say that when you know it was yrs ago?

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I wont tell you how many private gyms I own but I will say it takes me less than 3o minutes to make a million... you worked for the money and I can appreciate that... But Im living proof your post is outdated. 100/100 contracts? why would you say that when you know it was yrs ago?

because the managers at the top of the game worked for it, its no coincidence that they have the big contracts or understand orgs better, they have had the trial and error.

new managers have more benefits already such as 3k contracts, better public gyms, 160q nutrition, more ways to earn money and the fact that a lot of the trial and error has been completed for them.


we don't need to make it a straight road to number onefor them

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because the managers at the top of the game worked for it, its no coincidence that they have the big contracts or understand orgs better, they have had the trial and error.

new managers have more benefits already such as 3k contracts, better public gyms, 160q nutrition, more ways to earn money and the fact that a lot of the trial and error has been completed for them.


we don't need to make it a straight road to number onefor them


ok I can appreciate that.

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AWESOME! I was informed there was some low-life here posting HIS side of the story and bad talking me.

im not surprised, i PREDICTED it. Thats how immature childish people do things. They cant stand on thier own so they have to try to pull in public support. Ive seen it so many times in games and real life that I can spot these types from far away. Sad and pathetic they can handle things like an adult and stand on thier own ONE on ONE.

But thats life and so while many advise me to just ignore them and dont give them the satisfaction of a reply it only makes them feel like they somehow WON by getting u upset? or something....

And I was warned also about posting a reply so all the gang suckup buddies could nitpick what I say and just make things worse. But I KNOW HOW IT WORKS already. been there done that so many many times. I was told that NO MATTER what I say I wont change anything...all the suck-up buddies gonna jump on me. because the scumbag with an issue has friends and Im a noob standing alone I have no chance to win.

Well I disagree...partly anyway. TRUE if u count posts for and posts against I will be the loser. thats known BEFORE I even make a post. WHY? Because the people who aint trying to suckup and are MATURE and adult enuff to actually consider the FACTS will side with me. The problem is...MOST of them are smart enuff to NOT stick their necks out and actually post their support of me. these ADULTs often mail me and say stuff...but they have seen how the dogpile always happens and they (unlike me) are smart enuff to avoid it.

But as most people know...there is TWO sides to every story. And it does not surprise me AT ALL that this scumbag would come here and present HIS side of the story for all the suckups to applaud and worship on thier knees at his alter of immaturity.

So this is my notice of intent.

I will read his dribble and post MY side of the story with the FACTS which without even reading his dribble Im SURE were not presented. NOt that the FACTS will win me any "converts" Suckups and scumbags are what they are and in all my years only TWICE out of what must be THOUSANDS of these kinda encounters have I ever got any of them to step back and regroup and actually even CONSIDER what I say. It just isnt in thier nature. So my time to present the FACTS are not aimed at them...they are lost causes. MY time to present the FACTS will be aimed at those who use the forums for what they were put there for. Looking for information on the game. NOT as a pissing contest area for the scumbags which sadly it often turns out to be. These MATURE people have a right to be presented with BOTH sides of the story and the FACTS. Because as mature adults they will make their own decision regarding the issue....likely find it of little actual concern and move right on without wasting their time with a reply that will only be dogpiled by the suckups.

So without further ado this is what I am going to do. I will present the FACTS...maybe even my side of the story...but after the FACTS are presented....my story will be pretty much self-explanatory and likely add not much.

I currently am busy actually playing the game and dont have time to post the FACTS at the moment...I also have BETTER things to do like i need to clean the toilet for example...so maybe later tonight or tomorrow I will make another post. THAT POST will be my last on the subject. I wont return to waste my time over what the dogpiler scumbag suckups have to say and try to defend myself from all the stupidity they will throw. And sure as hell dont care what my new enemy has to say in response to the facts. i already discussed them with him and he completely failed to accept responsability for his failures and showed me his immaturity so thats why I put him on ignore. So what he has to say I have already dealt with. In the same concept i wont return to answer the dogpilers. They are so predictable I can damn near write thier stupidity for them.. Ive seen it so many times. Most of them wont ask questions for clarification or even address the actual issues...just simply throw insults and suckup to the more powerful player hoping to easily get favors later. So I wont even waste my time reading what they post. Now thats how I WIN...because they have mentality thats says the FACTS are immaterial. its the LAST WORD that wins. u can see this in every chatroom on the internet. They seem to KNOW they are wrong but as long as they get the last word...they think that makes them the winner.

So Im gonna steal the victory and make my post and vanish. I will never visit this thread again....and by their own standards I win regardless of how solid the FACTS will support me.


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Wait, so he isn't allowed to say his side of the story? Sorry, but that just seems like you are trying to cover up and only have your voice heard.


As for Skap, I gave an answer as to why Listerman MIGHT have been holding out on funds, I never said it was the definitive case. Since he has said it isn't the case, I can apologise for being wrong in what I thought might have been a possible reason.


As for Rabid, saying you are going to post the facts and then not posting them doesn't give you any victory, it just makes you look and sounds like a dick.

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Trying to weather the storm,....

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