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FA list speed up process


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In order to speed up the process of clearing the free agent list, we will be allocating fighters who have bids on them already, every 12 or so hours. This will clear the top free agents and let managers who were unsucessful with fighter bids have another look at the list to see if there is anyone else they might like to pick up.


New users to the game, please try picking up some of the 2-0 sort of level guys, many of whom will be in established orgs.

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First run of this will be when I get up tomorrow I think - I don't want to do it now because people might have been waiting til the day before the free agents run out to make their picks and also, just in case anything goes wrong then I'd rather that doesnt happen at 1am... not that it will as I've spent most of today double checking the FA list code. :)

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First run of this will be when I get up tomorrow I think - I don't want to do it now because people might have been waiting til the day before the free agents run out to make their picks and also, just in case anything goes wrong then I'd rather that doesnt happen at 1am... not that it will as I've spent most of today double checking the FA list code. :)


So by this time tomorrow we should know if we have our picks?

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I had my eyes on that guy, but I waited too long.. Congratulations, he's a monster :)


Thanks! : ) Also, he came as an "extra-slot" fighter, so it presumably works fine now. Go grab your extra slots, gentlemen. :)

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some got their new FA when they still had 5 days...I have a FA that have 4 days to wait?


how is this process happening?


I'm pretty sure he's manually doing it every 12 hours, meaning you can disregard the time remaining

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Crap. I have 16 fightes short listed, not sure which of them I want yet, and haven't bought the extra slots needed yet either, since I figured I would have plenty of time to do that.



Edit: Bought new slots, narrowed the list down, hopefully I'm good, but I think it's total crap to change expiration times up on very short notice like this.

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ya so i didn't get any FAs. Deleted guys and stuff, but guys who already have the best fighters in the game got them too. So all I see this multi gate has done is basically made the highest ranked managers even higher, and on top of the fact that they win all the time, now they just got free 10-0,9-0,7-0 etc fighters. Lame.

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First run through is now done. Some people will be happy, some won't, as usual. If you didn't get who you wanted have another look and see if there is anyone good left.


I'm looking at who got who now and some people with zero hype got decent fighters so there you go... Eleventhsun - if you got nobody then you were aiming too high. Of course all the top managers are going to go for the top fighters - it goes without saying - but you could have quite easily picked up some good guys.

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First run through is now done. Some people will be happy, some won't, as usual. If you didn't get who you wanted have another look and see if there is anyone good left.


I'm looking at who got who now and some people with zero hype got decent fighters so there you go... Eleventhsun - if you got nobody then you were aiming too high. Of course all the top managers are going to go for the top fighters - it goes without saying - but you could have quite easily picked up some good guys.


I had quite a few guys on my shortlist. I forgot I did get the guy who was signed to my org, thankfully his hype was only like 62 so none of the best guys saw him. I dunno, I don't think I'm the only one who saw multi gate as worse for the majority, than having to possibly be playing with guys with hidden accounts, I would have much rather been ignorant to the fact that top managers had 2nd accounts with top fighters, rather than it being right in the open, seeing top 10 managers, become even more elite. Oh well its just like the real world, the rich get richer while ...well you know the story. One thing I can be thankful about is that of all the NY orgs, I'm sure I had the least guys in my org go FA on me. Def thankful of my managers for being legit!

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At 85th ranked, you could have picked up several 6-0, 6-1 guys.


Anyway, if you didn't get who you wanted guys, bad luck but keep your eyes peeled. There are some 5-0 guys on the list right now and I might go hunting later today if I can be bothered (bit tired of deleting people at the moment), so people will get added all the time, just obviously not in the same quantity.

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At 85th ranked, you could have picked up several 6-0, 6-1 guys.


Anyway, if you didn't get who you wanted guys, bad luck but keep your eyes peeled. There are some 5-0 guys on the list right now and I might go hunting later today if I can be bothered (bit tired of deleting people at the moment), so people will get added all the time, just obviously not in the same quantity.



fair enough, I obviously must have gone for too many of the highest hype, not so much highest record. I put a few more on there, I guess its not that big a deal making your own fighters is probably more rewarding when they do well.

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