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BANZAI COMBAT - Official Media Thread


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Light-Heavyweight Title-fight Young Hung  Wang VS Tyrone Cantrell

In the championship bout for the light heavyweight title, Young Hung Wang and Tyrone Cantrell engaged in a strategic battle from the outset. Wang's initial strategy involved clinching with Cantrell, aiming to control the fight and potentially secure takedowns. Despite Wang's efforts to assert dominance in the clinch, Cantrell showcased solid defensive skills, preventing Wang from executing his grappling game plan effectively.

Throughout the first round, Wang continuously pressed Cantrell against the cage, attempting to wear him down and create openings for takedowns. However, Cantrell managed to thwart Wang's takedown attempts and break free from the clinch, maintaining distance and frustrating Wang's grappling-heavy approach.

As the fight progressed into the second round, Wang altered his tactics, successfully transitioning the fight to the ground after a clinch exchange against the cage. Once on the mat, Wang swiftly capitalized on the opportunity, locking in an armbar submission that forced Cantrell to tap out at 1:27 of the round.

With this impressive victory, Young Hung Wang emerged as the new light heavyweight champion, showcasing his diverse skill set and ability to adapt to his opponent's strategies.

Hail Satan VS Yuujirou Hanma

In the light heavyweight division, Hail Satan and Yuujirou Hanma engaged in a fierce battle from the opening bell. Satan's calculated striking and body shots quickly took their toll on Hanma, who struggled to find his rhythm.

Throughout the round, Satan's superior footwork and precision punching kept Hanma on the defensive. Despite Hanma's attempts to clinch and counter, Satan's relentless assault to the body and head left Hanma visibly shaken.

As the round progressed, Satan seized an opportunity to capitalize on Hanma's weakened state, landing a series of powerful strikes that sent Hanma crashing to the canvas. Despite Hanma's valiant effort to survive, Satan's relentless barrage forced the referee to intervene, awarding Satan the victory by TKO at 4:51 of the first round.

With this impressive performance, Hail Satan secured a dominant win, showcasing his skillful striking and overwhelming pressure in the ring.

Kameron Sweeney VS Gauge Andersen

In the middleweight division, Gauge Andersen and Kameron Sweeney engaged in a tactical battle from the start. Andersen initiated a takedown early in the first round, landing in Sweeney's guard. Despite Sweeney's attempts to control from the bottom, the action stalled, prompting a stand-up by the referee.

Sweeney swiftly secured a takedown in the second round, finding himself in Andersen's half guard. Andersen attempted to work for submissions, but Sweeney maintained control, eventually transitioning to Andersen's back. With a tight rear-naked choke locked in, Sweeney forced Andersen to tap out at 3:58 of round 2, securing the victory by submission.

This win showcased Sweeney's grappling prowess and strategic control, earning him a well-deserved triumph in the middleweight clash.

Ashton Ribeiro VS Howie Travis

In the heavyweight division clash, Ashton Ribeiro and Howie Travis kicked off with a flurry of striking exchanges. Ribeiro initiated a clinch against the cage, controlling Travis but failing to secure a takedown. Travis broke free and landed some solid shots, but Ribeiro managed to clinch again and eventually dragged the fight to the ground.

On the canvas, Ribeiro maintained top position in Travis's guard, controlling the action while looking for opportunities to advance. As Travis attempted to stand up, Ribeiro seized the moment, reversing the position and securing top control. From there, Ribeiro swiftly transitioned to an armbar, forcing Travis to tap out at 4:29 of round 1.

Ribeiro's victory showcased his grappling skills and ability to capitalize on openings, securing the win via submission.


Drew Krueger VS Jerome Archer
- 265lb

In the heavyweight bout between Jerome Archer and Drew Krueger, the first round started with Krueger attempting a takedown, but Archer defended well and landed a series of striking combinations. Eventually, Krueger managed to clinch against the cage, but neither fighter was able to gain a significant advantage in the position. Archer then rocked Krueger with a punch, causing a cut.

Despite Krueger's cut, Archer found himself in trouble when Krueger secured a takedown and landed in top position. However, Archer reversed the position, and the round ended with both fighters back on their feet.

The second round saw Archer continuing to press forward with strikes, but Krueger landed a powerful combination that dropped Archer to the canvas. Krueger opted not to follow Archer to the ground and allowed him to stand back up. As the round progressed, Krueger's strikes began to take their toll on Archer, and a series of punches and knees forced Archer to the mat again. Unable to continue, the referee stepped in, awarding Krueger the victory via TKO at 2:38 of round 2.

In his post-fight interview, Archer simply said, "My bad pimps," acknowledging his defeat.

Viktor Mikidropov VS Johannes Balrog
- 185lb

In the middleweight bout between Viktor Mikidropov and Johannes Balrog, Mikidropov showcased his dominance throughout the fight.

In the first round, Mikidropov secured a takedown early on and controlled Balrog on the ground, transitioning to side control and maintaining top position. Balrog attempted a triangle choke and later regained half guard, but Mikidropov stayed in control for the majority of the round.

The second round followed a similar pattern, with Mikidropov again securing a takedown and controlling Balrog on the ground, this time from side control and later mounting him. Despite Balrog's efforts to improve his position, Mikidropov maintained dominant control.

In the final round, Balrog attempted a takedown, but Mikidropov defended well and ended up on top in guard, controlling the position until the end of the fight.

After three rounds of action, the judges scored the fight unanimously in favor of Viktor Mikidropov, with all three judges scoring it 30-27 in his favor. Mikidropov's superior ground control and takedown defense earned him the well-deserved victory.

Flynn Silva VS Evgeniy Boesku
- 265lb

n the heavyweight bout between Evgeniy Boesku and Flynn Silva, Silva emerged victorious in the first round.

The fight started with both fighters exchanging strikes, with Silva landing a significant hook to the side of Boesku's head. Silva then closed the distance and secured a double leg takedown, moving into Boesku's guard. Despite some ground and pound attempts from Silva, Boesku managed to maintain guard for a brief period before executing a sweep and ending up in top position.

However, Silva remained composed and controlled from the bottom, attempting to control Boesku's posture and work off his back. The referee eventually stood the fighters back up, and Silva took advantage of the opportunity, landing a series of strikes including a massive uppercut that dropped Boesku to the canvas. Silva followed up with ground strikes, prompting the referee to intervene and stop the fight, declaring Silva the winner by TKO at 4 minutes and 24 seconds of the first round.

Flynn Silva, although seemingly lost for words in his post-fight interview, expressed gratitude to his fans and directed them to his website.

Oliver Da Silva VS Mikey Fool
- 265lb

In a brief yet explosive encounter in the heavyweight division, London's Oliver Da Silva clashed with Tokyo's Mikey Fool. With Da Silva holding a record of 0-2-0 and Fool making his debut at 0-0-0, the anticipation was palpable. The judges, Yukihiro Yamamoto, Tatsuya Matsuyama, and Shigeki Sano, were poised as the bell rang to commence the action.

Da Silva showcased his agility early, dodging Fool's leg kick before launching a devastating liver shot that left Fool reeling. Sensing an opening, Da Silva delivered a swift right-left combo, sending Fool crashing to the canvas in just 21 seconds. The crowd erupted as Da Silva was declared the winner by knockout.

In his post-fight interview, Da Silva graciously thanked his supporters, emphasizing their role in his relentless pursuit of success in the heavyweight ranks.

Luc Mancer VS Luc Rhodes
- 145lb

Luc Rhodes encountered a challenging ordeal while attempting to make weight for his upcoming bout. Despite his efforts, he struggled to meet the required limit, initially weighing in at 148.2 pounds. Despite having a two-hour window to make adjustments, Rhodes still fell short of the mark upon his second attempt. Following deliberation, officials made the decision to cancel his scheduled fight against Luc Mancer.

Angus MacLeod VS Zhivko Bsohnakov
- 155lb

In a matchup in the lightweight division, Angus MacLeod and Zhivko Bsohnakov engaged in a three-round battle. Right from the bell, MacLeod displayed dominance, controlling the pace and positioning for much of the fight. Bsohnakov attempted several takedowns, but MacLeod showcased impressive takedown defense, keeping the fight standing. While there were moments of clinching against the cage and ground engagements, neither fighter landed significant strikes or secured dominant positions. Despite the lack of action in certain moments, MacLeod's overall performance seemed to outclass Bsohnakov, earning him the unanimous decision victory. All three judges scored the bout 30-27 in favor of Angus MacLeod, solidifying his triumph in the eyes of the spectators.


Date: 2024-03-23

Event Rating: 87.59

Attendance: 2095

 KO of the night: Oliver Da Silva

Sub of the night: Young Hung Wang

Fight of the night: Hail Satan vs Yuujirou Hanma


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Anakin Osborne VS Common Carp
-185 lbs

In a highly anticipated showdown for the middleweight championship of the world, reigning champion Common Carp faced off against challenger Anakin Osborne.

The opening bell signaled the start of round one, with both fighters eager to make their mark. Carp initiated the action with a series of strikes, but Osborne responded with a powerful left hand to Carp's body. Carp attempted to land an uppercut, but Osborne expertly evaded it. However, Carp accidentally landed a low kick, causing a brief pause in the action as Osborne recovered from the unintentional strike.

Once the fight resumed, both fighters continued to exchange blows, with Carp showcasing his agility and Osborne demonstrating his counter-striking ability. Despite Osborne's strategic approach, Carp's relentless attack kept him on the defensive. However, Osborne seized an opportunity and delivered a thunderous head kick that sent Carp crashing to the canvas.

With Carp visibly rocked, Osborne wasted no time and followed up with a massive uppercut that left Carp unconscious, resulting in a stunning one-punch knockout victory.

After just 1 minute and 6 seconds into the first round, Anakin Osborne emerged as the new middleweight champion, claiming the title in spectacular fashion.

Bentley Santos VS Yellow Submarine
-205 lbs

In a light heavyweight clash, Bentley Santos squared off against Yellow Submarine in what promised to be an exciting bout.

As the first round commenced, both fighters wasted no time in engaging. Santos initiated with a body kick, but Submarine swiftly evaded it. Submarine attempted a straight right, yet Santos effectively countered by closing the distance and clinching up.

Seizing the opportunity, Santos swiftly transitioned and pulled guard, aiming to work his ground game. Despite being on his back, Santos remained active, attempting strikes to keep Submarine at bay.

In a sudden turn of events, Santos capitalized on a moment of vulnerability, swiftly securing an armbar from the bottom position. With impeccable technique, Santos applied pressure, forcing Submarine to submit, signaling the end of the fight.

After a mere 40 seconds into the first round, Bentley Santos emerged victorious via submission, showcasing his grappling prowess. In his post-fight address, Santos expressed gratitude to the fans for their unwavering support.

Tyrese Mercado VS Panished Snake
-155 lbs

In a lightweight showdown, Tyrese Mercado faced off against Panished Snake in what promised to be an intense encounter.

As the opening round commenced, Mercado wasted no time in asserting himself, landing a nice shot early on. The intensity ramped up as both fighters engaged in the center of the cage.

Despite Snake's attempts to close the distance and secure a takedown, Mercado showcased excellent defensive skills, evading Snake's advances with precise footwork.

Displaying his striking prowess, Mercado closed in and unleashed a crisp combination that connected flush, sending Snake crashing to the canvas, unconscious.

With a lightning-fast knockout just 18 seconds into the first round, Tyrese Mercado claimed victory by way of devastating punches. As Snake's corner looked on in dismay, Mercado celebrated his impressive win in front of the electrified crowd.

Blake Melendez VSNaoya Li
-135 lbs

In a bantamweight clash, Blake Melendez squared off against Naoya Li in what promised to be an intriguing matchup.

As the bell chimed for the first round, both fighters engaged cautiously, with Melendez attempting a takedown early on. Despite Li's resistance, Melendez managed to secure a takedown into Li's guard, where he controlled the pace of the fight.

The action intensified when Melendez sought to pass the guard, but Li defended well from the bottom, prompting a stand-up from the referee due to a lack of activity.

Back on their feet, Melendez wasted no time in closing the distance and executing another takedown, eventually ending up in side control. Li struggled to escape, leading to Melendez transitioning into mount, where he maintained dominance.

In the second round, Melendez swiftly capitalized on a takedown opportunity, transitioning to side control and then to mount position. Sensing an opportunity, Melendez initiated a submission attempt, securing an armbar that forced Li to tap out.

With a victory by submission (armbar) at 1 minute and 19 seconds into the second round, Blake Melendez emerged triumphant. Post-fight, Melendez expressed gratitude to the fans for their support, acknowledging their role in his success.


Bruno Canto VS Raiden Wallace
-265 lbs

In a thrilling matchup in the heavyweight division, Bruno Canto faced off against Raiden Wallace, promising an explosive encounter.

As the bell rang for the first round, both fighters wasted no time engaging in the center of the cage. Canto showcased his striking prowess early on, landing a devastating head kick that sent Wallace tumbling to the mat. Despite Wallace's resilience, Canto continued to dictate the pace, landing significant strikes and showcasing his dominance.

Into the second round, Canto maintained his aggression, delivering a relentless onslaught of strikes that left Wallace visibly rocked. Sensing an opportunity, Canto unleashed a barrage of punches, ultimately sending Wallace crashing to the canvas, prompting the referee to intervene and stop the fight.

With a victory by TKO (Strikes) at 2 minutes and 59 seconds into the second round, Bruno Canto emerged victorious in impressive fashion. Post-fight, the crowd erupted in applause as Canto celebrated his well-deserved win.

Ashi Garami VS Nelson Keller
-205 lbs

In a light heavyweight showdown, Ashi Garami clashed with Nelson Keller in a highly anticipated battle.

As the opening bell chimed, both fighters wasted no time in engaging, with Keller demonstrating his striking prowess early on. Despite Keller's offensive efforts, Garami showcased his grappling skills by executing a well-timed takedown, initiating the ground battle.

Maintaining control on the canvas, Garami maneuvered into dominant positions, eventually securing side control and later transitioning to mount. With precision and determination, Garami locked in an armbar submission attempt, forcing Keller to tap out just seconds before the end of the round.

With an impressive victory by submission (armbar) at 4 minutes and 49 seconds into the first round, Ashi Garami emerged triumphant in his debut bout. Post-fight, Garami celebrated his win, showcasing his expertise in both striking and grappling techniques.

Lee Young-Ho VS Isaiah Dos
-170 lbs

In a thrilling welterweight clash, Lee Young-Ho faced off against Isaiah Dos in a showdown that left the crowd on the edge of their seats.

As the bout commenced, Dos attempted to close the distance and initiate a clinch, but Young-Ho expertly swatted him away with precision strikes. Displaying superior striking skills, Young-Ho landed a devastating head kick that sent Dos crashing to the canvas.

Although Dos managed to regain his footing, he was visibly rocked and struggled to defend against Young-Ho's relentless assault. With lightning-fast strikes, Young-Ho unleashed a barrage of punches, ultimately flooring Dos with a powerful combination, prompting the referee to intervene and halt the bout.

With an impressive victory by knockout at just 57 seconds into the first round, Lee Young-Ho showcased his prowess in the welterweight division. In his post-fight interview, Young-Ho graciously acknowledged his sponsor, Black Lab Clothing, expressing gratitude for their support.

Oreo Hopgood VS Yuri Boyka
-205 lbs

In an electrifying light heavyweight bout, Yuri Boyka faced off against Oreo Hopgood in a clash that kept fans on the edge of their seats.

As the bell rang to commence the first round, Boyka attempted a high kick, but Hopgood quickly closed the distance and secured a takedown into guard. Demonstrating his ground prowess, Hopgood swiftly transitioned to side control, where he unleashed a barrage of ground and pound strikes.

Despite Boyka's efforts to escape, Hopgood maintained control, relentlessly landing strikes and keeping Boyka pinned against the cage. With Boyka rocked and struggling to defend, Hopgood seized the opportunity, unleashing a flurry of punishing strikes that forced the referee to intervene, declaring a TKO victory for Hopgood.

Securing the win at 2 minutes and 58 seconds into the first round, Oreo Hopgood showcased his dominance in the light heavyweight division, displaying both skill and killer instinct.

Lewis Rocha VS Shoyoroll Shanks
-185 lbs

In an intense battle in the middleweight division, Lewis Rocha clashed with Shoyoroll Shanks in a thrilling contest that captivated the audience.

Right from the opening bell, Rocha and Shanks engaged in a striking exchange, with both fighters landing significant shots. Shanks demonstrated his boxing skills with precise jabs and hooks, while Rocha showcased his power with kicks and punches.

As the round progressed, Rocha started to find his rhythm, landing several effective strikes and showing improved footwork. Shanks, however, remained dangerous with his counter-punching and elusive movement.

In the second round, Rocha continued to press the action, throwing a variety of strikes from different angles. Sensing an opportunity, Rocha unleashed a devastating spinning back fist that caught Shanks flush on the jaw, sending him crashing to the canvas.

With Shanks unable to continue, the referee stepped in to stop the fight, awarding Rocha the victory by TKO at 3 minutes and 6 seconds of the second round.

Celebrating his win, Rocha thanked the fans for their support, acknowledging both the spectators in the arena and those following the fight online. His acknowledgment drew a big reaction from the crowd, showcasing his appreciation for the fans' enthusiasm.

Hirota Jiro VS Ricky Davis Jr
-170 lbs

In a hard-fought welterweight bout, Hirota Jiro and Ricky Davis Jr clashed in a battle of skill and determination.

Right from the start of the first round, Davis Jr showcased his striking prowess, landing a combination that sent Jiro stumbling to the mat. Despite being rocked, Jiro showed resilience and managed to survive the round.

As the fight progressed, Jiro demonstrated his grappling skills, initiating clinch exchanges and securing takedowns. Davis Jr attempted to keep the fight standing, but Jiro's control against the cage and on the ground proved to be effective.

In the final round, Jiro continued to dominate, securing takedowns and maintaining control on the ground. Despite Davis Jr's efforts to escape and create opportunities, Jiro remained relentless in his pursuit of victory.

After three rounds of action, the judges rendered a unanimous decision in favor of Hirota Jiro, with scores of 29-28, 30-27, and 30-27.

Jiro's strategic approach and effective grappling ultimately earned him the well-deserved victory, solidifying his position in the welterweight division.


Event Rating: 93.83

Attendance: 2475

KO of the night: Tyrese Mercado

Sub of the night: Bentley Santos

Fight of the night: Bruno Canto vs Raiden Wallace

Merchandise Partner: Sakura Style


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Daichi Tanaka VS Richard Cheese
-145 lbs

In a tactical battle in the featherweight division, Daichi Tanaka faced off against Richard Cheese in a three-round contest.

Right from the start of the fight, Tanaka displayed control, utilizing his grappling skills to dictate the pace of the bout. Cheese attempted to close the distance and engage in the clinch, but Tanaka effectively countered and maintained distance.

As the fight progressed, Tanaka continued to showcase his dominance on the ground, securing takedowns and controlling Cheese with superior grappling. Tanaka displayed patience and control, frustrating Cheese's attempts to escape or mount offense.

In the final round, Tanaka secured a dominant position on the ground, transitioning smoothly into side control and looking for a submission opportunity. With a well-executed kimura, Tanaka forced Cheese to tap out, securing the victory via submission.

After 2 minutes and 47 seconds of the third round, Daichi Tanaka emerged victorious by way of submission (kimura), further solidifying his position in the featherweight division.

Dzej Ramadonvski VS Milton Goodman
-135 lbs

In a bantamweight MMA bout, Milton Goodman faced off against Dzej Ramadonvski. The atmosphere was electric as both fighters made their entrances, with the crowd fully engaged.

As the fight commenced, Goodman wasted no time and initiated a takedown, pinning Ramadonvski against the cage and securing top position in guard. However, Ramadonvski remained composed and managed to sweep, reversing the position and finding himself in Goodman's guard.

From the guard, Goodman attempted various submission holds, including a triangle choke and an armbar, but Ramadonvski defended effectively and maintained control. Suddenly, Ramadonvski seized an opportunity and transitioned into a triangle choke of his own, catching Goodman by surprise. Despite Goodman's attempts to escape, the triangle was tight, forcing him to tap out.

The fight ended swiftly at 1 minute and 53 seconds of the first round, with Dzej Ramadonvski emerging victorious via submission (triangle choke). However, Ramadonvski's post-fight interview, filled with self-praise, received mixed reactions from the fans, some finding it arrogant.

Nelson Lucciola VS Mr Anderson
-185 lbs

In a middleweight bout between Mr. Anderson and Nelson Lucciola, the crowd was treated to an explosive contest.

As the bell rang for the first round, both fighters wasted no time in engaging. Lucciola showcased his striking skills with precise jabs and hooks, while Anderson tried to close the distance and initiate a clinch.

However, Lucciola's accurate punches started to take their toll on Anderson, with several shots finding their mark. Despite Anderson's attempts to press forward, Lucciola maintained his composure and kept the fight at his preferred range.

Then, a significant moment occurred when Lucciola landed a powerful uppercut that visibly rocked Anderson. Seizing the opportunity, Lucciola followed up with another devastating punch, knocking Anderson out cold.

The fight ended swiftly at 2 minutes and 21 seconds of the first round, with Nelson Lucciola emerging victorious via knockout. It was a remarkable display of skill and power from Lucciola, earning him a well-deserved win in his debut match.

Tony Robins VS Baki Hanma
-145 lbs

In a thrilling featherweight bout between Tony Robins and Baki Hanma, the fans witnessed an electrifying performance.

As the first round began, both fighters wasted no time in exchanging strikes. Hanma showcased his skills with precise jabs and hooks, while Robins utilized leg kicks to slow down his opponent.

However, Robins found his opening when he landed a thunderous head kick that sent Hanma crashing to the canvas. Despite Hanma's efforts to recover, Robins capitalized on the opportunity and delivered another devastating kick, knocking Hanma out cold.

The fight came to an end at 1 minute and 56 seconds of the first round, with Tony Robins emerging victorious via knockout. It was a spectacular finish, demonstrating Robins' power and precision in striking.


Ringo Dukes VS Brandon Waldrup
-205 lbs

In a tactical battle in the light heavyweight division, Ringo Dukes and Brandon Waldrup squared off for three rounds.

The fight started with both fighters showcasing their skills, with Dukes landing some solid strikes while Waldrup attempted to initiate clinch exchanges and takedowns. Dukes managed to control the stand-up exchanges, landing crisp shots and defending takedown attempts effectively.

As the fight progressed, Waldrup found himself stuck in Dukes' guard for extended periods, unable to mount significant offense. Despite some attempts to advance position, Waldrup struggled to break free from Dukes' control.

In the final round, Dukes continued to dominate, maintaining top control and avoiding Waldrup's submission attempts. The fight ultimately went the distance, with Dukes earning a clear unanimous decision victory.

With all three judges scoring the bout 30-27 in favor of Ringo Dukes, he secured the win in his debut MMA fight, displaying his prowess in both striking and grappling.

Big Chungus VS Deontay Tyson
-265 lbs

In a battle of heavyweights, Big Chungus and Deontay Tyson clashed in the cage for three rounds of intense action.

From the opening bell, Chungus wasted no time in taking the fight to Tyson, pressing him against the cage and pulling guard in the early stages. Despite some attempts by Tyson to break free and land strikes, Chungus maintained control, constantly looking for opportunities to advance his position and threaten with submissions.

As the fight progressed, Chungus continued to dominate the grappling exchanges, repeatedly pulling guard and stifling Tyson's offense on the ground. Although Tyson managed to escape Chungus' guard a few times, he found himself unable to capitalize on the feet, as Chungus relentlessly pushed the pace and kept the pressure on.

In the second round, Chungus once again utilized his clinch work to control Tyson against the cage, landing a series of strikes that visibly hurt his opponent. Sensing an opportunity, Chungus unleashed a barrage of punches that overwhelmed Tyson, ultimately forcing him to collapse under the pressure and tap out.

With the TKO victory at 4:55 of the second round, Big Chungus showcased his dominance in his debut heavyweight bout, proving himself as a force to be reckoned with in the division.

Bobby Jonker Jr VS Evan Law
-185 lbs

In a three-round battle in the middleweight division, Evan Law and Bobby Jonker Jr clashed in a contest marked by grappling exchanges and occasional striking flurries.

From the outset, Jonker Jr attempted several takedowns but was met with resilient defense from Law, who showcased his takedown defense skills effectively. Law also managed to stuff multiple takedown attempts throughout the fight, frustrating Jonker Jr's efforts to bring the fight to the ground.

Despite Jonker Jr's persistence in seeking takedowns and controlling positions against the cage, Law demonstrated resilience and managed to keep the fight standing for significant portions of the match. Law's ability to maintain the fight in the clinch and thwart Jonker Jr's grappling attempts showcased his determination and defensive prowess.

In the final round, Law secured a crucial double-leg takedown, landing in Jonker Jr's guard. Although Law attempted to control from the top position, Jonker Jr remained active from the bottom, preventing Law from capitalizing fully.

Ultimately, the judges scored the bout in favor of Bobby Jonker Jr by unanimous decision, recognizing his consistent pressure and grappling attempts throughout the fight. Despite Law's defensive efforts, Jonker Jr's control and aggression earned him the victory in this middleweight clash.

Rodrigo Vivar I VS Patrick Carswell
-170 lbs

In a thrilling welterweight matchup, Rodrigo Vivar I faced off against Patrick Carswell in a three-round battle.

From the opening bell, Vivar I wasted no time asserting his dominance, landing effective strikes and showcasing his grappling skills. Carswell attempted to counter Vivar I's aggression but found himself taken down swiftly, with Vivar I securing side control.

Maintaining control, Vivar I transitioned smoothly into Carswell's guard, remaining vigilant against submission attempts while looking for opportunities to advance his position. In a surprising turn of events, Vivar I capitalized on an opening and swiftly locked in an armbar submission, catching Carswell off guard.

Despite Carswell's efforts to defend, Vivar I's technique and determination proved too much to handle, forcing the submission victory at 2 minutes and 18 seconds into the first round.

With this impressive win, Rodrigo Vivar I redeems himself from his previous loss and secures a notable victory in the welterweight division.

Max Wood VS Junes Saki
-155 lbs

In a lightweight showdown, Max Wood faced off against Junes Saki in a three-round battle.

Right from the start, Wood displayed his grappling prowess by swiftly securing a takedown into side control. With calculated control, Wood maneuvered into advantageous positions, patiently searching for openings to advance his position.

Throughout the bout, Wood maintained dominance on the ground, transitioning between side control and mount while delivering calculated strikes to weaken Saki. Despite Saki's attempts to defend and escape, Wood's relentless pressure proved too much to handle.

In the second round, Wood continued to assert his ground control, eventually maneuvering into full mount. Sensing an opportunity, Wood expertly isolated Saki's arm and locked in an armbar submission, forcing Saki to tap out just seconds before the round's end.

With this impressive performance, Max Wood secures a well-deserved victory by submission, showcasing his skill set in the lightweight division.

Ilia Topuria VS Bunson Burner
-145 lbs

In a featherweight clash, Ilia Topuria faced off against Bunson Burner in a three-round battle.

From the opening bell, Topuria wasted no time asserting his dominance, swiftly clinching with Burner against the cage and executing a takedown. Throughout the fight, Topuria displayed superior control on the ground, transitioning between positions and nullifying Burner's offensive attempts.

Despite Burner's efforts to defend and escape, Topuria maintained control, landing strikes from top position and effectively stifling any momentum his opponent attempted to build. With his relentless pressure and ground control, Topuria secured a unanimous decision victory after three rounds of action.

Ilia Topuria's well-rounded performance showcased his skills in the featherweight division, earning him a well-deserved win and further establishing himself as a formidable contender in the division.


Attendance: 1503

Event Rating: 54.15

Fight of the night: Nelson Lucciola vs Mr Anderson

KO of the night: Tony Robins

Sub of the night: Dzej Ramadonvski

Merchandise Partner: Sakura Style





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Antony Rangel VS Clark Kane
-265 lbs

In a swift and explosive encounter in the heavyweight division, Clark Kane faced off against Antony Rangel.

As soon as the bell rang to signal the start of the fight, Rangel wasted no time in asserting his dominance. He landed a solid shot that rocked Kane, who attempted a takedown in response. However, Rangel seized the opportunity and countered with a powerful right hand that sent Kane crashing to the canvas.

Despite Kane's attempt to scramble back to his feet, Rangel capitalized on the opening and unleashed a devastating superman punch that rendered Kane unconscious, bringing a swift end to the bout.

With an impressive display of striking prowess, Antony Rangel secured the victory via knockout just 17 seconds into the first round, announcing his presence in the heavyweight division with authority.

Jackson Mehoff VS Boston Mathis
-185 lbs

In a spirited contest in the middleweight division, Jackson Mehoff clashed with Boston Mathis.

Right from the start, Mehoff showcased his striking skills, peppering Mathis with a variety of strikes while avoiding his opponent's attempts to clinch. Mathis struggled to find his rhythm and was unable to impose his game plan effectively, allowing Mehoff to dictate the pace of the fight.

Despite Mathis' efforts to initiate clinches and land strikes, Mehoff remained composed and continued to control the distance, landing significant shots throughout the bout. Mathis showed resilience, but Mehoff's superior striking and defensive skills ultimately secured him a unanimous decision victory after three rounds of action.

With this victory, Jackson Mehoff adds another win to his record and demonstrates his proficiency in the middleweight division, while Boston Mathis vows to return stronger in his next outing.

Nyongesa Chidike VS Robert Brant
-155 lbs

In a swift and decisive victory in the lightweight division, Nyongesa Chidike clashed with Robert Brant.

The fight began with Chidike asserting his dominance early, securing a takedown and landing in Brant's guard. From there, Chidike unleashed a barrage of ground and pound strikes, overwhelming Brant and causing significant damage. Despite Brant's attempts to defend and potentially set up a submission, Chidike's relentless assault proved too much.

As Brant found himself rocked and unable to effectively counter, Chidike capitalized on the opportunity, standing over his opponent and delivering punishing strikes until the referee intervened to stop the fight.

With this impressive performance, Nyongesa Chidike secures the victory via TKO in the first round, showcasing his skills and making a statement in the lightweight division. However, Chidike's post-fight demeanor may have rubbed some spectators the wrong way, as his confidence bordered on arrogance during his interview following the fight.

Antwan Wang VS Slant Grant
-185 lbs


In a closely contested battle in the middleweight division, Slant Grant faced off against Antwan Wang.

The fight began with both fighters showing caution, with Wang attempting a takedown early on. Grant defended well initially but eventually found himself on his back in guard. Wang controlled the position for much of the round, attempting strikes and submission holds, but Grant managed to avoid significant damage.

The second round saw Wang securing dominant positions on the ground, including side control and mount, but Grant showed resilience, escaping submission attempts and regaining guard. Grant struggled to mount much offense from his back but managed to survive the round.

Entering the final round, Grant looked to utilize his striking, landing some effective kicks. However, Wang once again found success with takedowns and maintained control on the ground. Grant attempted to fend off submission attempts but was unable to mount a significant offense.

When the final bell rang, the judges scored the bout unanimously in favor of Antwan Wang, acknowledging his control and dominance throughout the fight. Wang thanked his sponsors, BANZAI COMBAT NUTRITION, for their support during his post-fight interview, expressing gratitude for their contribution to his preparation.


Hizuki Tasahigo VS Asa Christensen
-155 lbs

In a lightning-fast bout in the lightweight division, Hizuki Tasahigo faced off against Asa Christensen.

As soon as the bell rang, Tasahigo wasted no time and unleashed a devastating combination of strikes, catching Christensen off guard. Tasahigo's precision and power were evident as he landed a series of blows, ultimately flooring Christensen with a powerful punch.

Although Christensen attempted to rise to his feet, he was clearly rocked and unable to defend himself effectively. Tasahigo continued to press the attack, delivering another crushing blow that sent Christensen crashing to the canvas, knocking him out cold.

With the crowd roaring in excitement, Tasahigo was declared the winner by knockout just 11 seconds into the first round. Tasahigo made sure to acknowledge his sponsor, BANZAI COMBAT NUTRITION, during his post-fight interview, expressing his gratitude for their support and his joy at securing the victory.

Martin Nejc VS Messiah Wyatt
-185 lbs


In a brief but explosive showdown in the middleweight division, Messiah Wyatt faced off against Martin Nejc.

As soon as the bell rang, Nejc wasted no time in unleashing a barrage of strikes, landing crisp shots to Wyatt's body and ribs. Despite Wyatt's efforts to defend himself, Nejc continued to press the attack, landing a powerful overhand right that sent Wyatt reeling.

Wyatt found himself rocked by the onslaught of punches from Nejc, struggling to maintain his composure in the face of the relentless assault. However, Nejc capitalized on Wyatt's vulnerability, landing a devastating hook that rendered Wyatt unconscious, bringing a swift end to the bout.

With the crowd erupting in cheers for the victor, Nejc celebrated his victory with confidence, strutting away from the unconscious Wyatt and acknowledging his coaches with gratitude during his post-fight interview. Despite Nejc's bold proclamation of conquering the world, the crowd seemed to appreciate his bravado, making for an electrifying conclusion to the fight.

Jerome Webb VS Franco Bollo
-205 lbs

In a fierce clash in the light heavyweight division, Franco Bollo faced off against Jerome Webb.

As soon as the bell rang, both fighters wasted no time engaging in a striking battle. Bollo showcased his aggression with a series of jabs and crosses, looking to impose his will on Webb. However, Webb remained composed, utilizing evasive maneuvers and counterstrikes to keep Bollo at bay.

Webb demonstrated his superior striking accuracy by landing crisp shots to Bollo's body and ribs, gradually wearing down his opponent. Bollo continued to press forward, but Webb's calculated strikes found their mark, causing visible damage.

In a pivotal moment, Webb capitalized on an opening, delivering a thunderous uppercut that sent Bollo reeling. Bollo was rocked by the devastating blow, and before he could recover, Webb unleashed a crushing right hand that sent Bollo crashing to the canvas, unconscious.

With the crowd erupting in awe at the ferocity of the knockout, Jerome Webb emerged victorious, his powerful punches securing a stunning victory in just 1 minute and 44 seconds of the first round.

Alpha AI VS Michael Dejusonzo
-265+ lbs

In a match that lacked significant action, Michael Dejusonzo faced off against Alpha AI in the super heavyweight division.

From the start, it was evident that neither fighter was particularly aggressive, with Dejusonzo looking to clinch up against the cage early on. The pace remained slow throughout the round, with Dejusonzo attempting to control the position but failing to mount any significant offense. However, AI managed to land some body shots and maintain control, showcasing his dominance in the clinch.

As the fight progressed into the second round, Dejusonzo continued to struggle with AI's clinch game, unable to effectively counter or escape. AI capitalized on his position, landing strikes to Dejusonzo's body and eventually dropping him with a powerful right hand. With Dejusonzo on the ground, AI swiftly transitioned to full mount and unleashed a barrage of strikes, prompting the referee to intervene and stop the fight.

In the end, after 1 minute and 56 seconds into the third round, Alpha AI emerged victorious by TKO due to strikes, showcasing his dominance in the super heavyweight division.

Delta AI VS Beta AI
-265+ lbs

The super heavyweight bout between Beta AI and Delta AI delivered an action-packed showdown over three rounds. From the outset, both fighters displayed their prowess in the ring, engaging in a back-and-forth exchange of strikes.

In the opening round, Delta AI demonstrated superior footwork, evading Beta AI's attacks while landing precise counters to the body. Despite Beta AI's aggressive approach, Delta AI's defensive skills gave him the edge.

As the fight progressed into the second round, Beta AI ramped up the pressure, launching a flurry of punches in an attempt to overwhelm Delta AI. However, Delta AI remained composed, effectively countering Beta AI's advances with accurate strikes of his own.

In the final round, Beta AI continued to push forward, targeting Delta AI's body with powerful shots. While Beta AI showed determination, Delta AI's strategic movement and counterpunching allowed him to maintain control.

When the judges' decision was announced, it was clear that Delta AI's consistent performance had earned him the victory. With all three judges scoring the bout 28-29 in his favor, Delta AI emerged triumphant, showcasing his dominance in the super heavyweight division.

Overall, the bout between Beta AI and Delta AI provided an exciting showcase of skill and determination, with Delta AI ultimately prevailing thanks to his superior technique and tactical acumen.

Sergei Yan VS Quek Wei
-135 lbs

In a three-round bantamweight clash, Sergei Yan and Quek Wei went head-to-head, showcasing their skills in the cage.

From the opening bell, Yan displayed sharp striking, while Wei attempted takedowns, but Yan's defense held firm. Yan's precise counterpunching and effective sprawls kept Wei at bay throughout the first round, earning him the nod on the judges' scorecards.

The second round saw Wei secure a takedown, landing in Yan's guard. Despite some ground and pound attempts, Yan defended well, limiting Wei's offense. However, Wei's control on the ground earned him the round, putting him back in contention.

As the final round commenced, Yan's striking continued to dictate the pace of the fight. Wei struggled to secure takedowns, with Yan consistently thwarting his attempts. Despite the lack of significant action, Yan's overall dominance in the stand-up exchanges secured him the victory.

In the end, the judges scored the bout unanimously in favor of Sergei Yan, with scores of 29-26, 29-27, and 29-27. Yan's superior striking and takedown defense proved decisive, earning him the hard-fought victory.


Event Rating: 58.24
Fight of the night: Delta AI vs Beta AI
KO of the night: Antony Rangel
Attendance: 1644
Merchandise partner: Sakura Style





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Mason Barbosa VS Lincoln Hamilton 
-155 lbs Title Fight

In a highly anticipated lightweight championship bout, Lincoln Hamilton faced off against Mason Barbosa in a five-round showdown.

Right from the start, Barbosa showcased his power and accuracy, countering Hamilton's takedown attempts with sharp strikes. A series of well-placed punches rocked Hamilton, leaving him visibly shaken. Despite Hamilton's efforts to initiate a clinch, Barbosa's relentless assault proved too much to handle.

As Hamilton attempted to close the distance, Barbosa delivered a devastating counter punch, sending Hamilton crashing to the canvas. With Hamilton unable to defend himself, the referee intervened, calling a halt to the contest in favor of Barbosa.

With a TKO victory at 1:27 of the first round, Mason Barbosa emerged as the new lightweight champion, capturing the title in impressive fashion. In his post-fight interview, Barbosa exuded confidence, proclaiming his intention to dominate the division and beyond, much to the delight of the crowd.

Bentley Rocha VS Diego Lopes
-145 lbs

In a matchup within the featherweight division, Bentley Rocha clashed with Diego Lopes in a three-round battle.

Right from the opening bell, Rocha displayed his grappling prowess, swiftly securing a takedown into Lopes's guard. Despite Rocha's control, Lopes managed to stifle any significant offense from the bottom.

As the fight progressed, Rocha continued to dictate the pace, employing a cautious approach from top position. However, the action slowed, prompting a stand-up from the referee.

In the following rounds, Rocha once again found success with his grappling, repeatedly taking Lopes down and controlling him on the ground. Despite Lopes's efforts to create opportunities, Rocha's stifling tactics prevailed.

With Rocha's dominance evident throughout the fight, the judges scored the bout unanimously in his favor, awarding him the victory by decision.

Despite his victory, Rocha's post-fight interview, where he boasted about his performance, received mixed reactions from the crowd, with some finding his demeanor overly confident.

Moi Tie VS Rinya Nakamura
-135 lbs

In a thrilling clash in the bantamweight division, Moi Tie faced off against Rinya Nakamura in a three-round battle.

Right from the start, Tie showcased his striking skills, countering Nakamura's takedown attempts with vicious strikes in the clinch. Despite Nakamura's efforts to bring the fight to the ground, Tie's defense proved too formidable.

As the round progressed, Tie continued to dominate the clinch exchanges, landing knees and elbows that visibly rocked Nakamura. Despite Nakamura's resilience, Tie's relentless assault eventually took its toll.

In a dramatic turn of events, Tie landed a series of devastating knees and elbows that left Nakamura staggering. Sensing his opponent's vulnerability, Tie capitalized on the opportunity, delivering a final blow that sent Nakamura crashing to the canvas.

With the referee stepping in to halt the contest, Tie emerged victorious by TKO at 3 minutes and 37 seconds of the first round.

Following his impressive performance, Tie celebrated exuberantly, expressing his confidence in a rather animated manner post-fight, much to the mixed reactions of the crowd.

Draymond Green VS Nathan Lee
-145 lbs

In a lightning-fast encounter in the featherweight division, Draymond Green faced off against Nathan Lee.

As soon as the bell rang for the first round, Green wasted no time in showcasing his grappling prowess. He swiftly secured a takedown, landing in Lee's guard. Sensing an opportunity, Green smoothly transitioned into side control.

With impeccable technique, Green locked in an armbar submission, applying pressure relentlessly. Despite Lee's attempts to escape, Green's hold was too tight, forcing Lee to submit just 23 seconds into the fight.

With this impressive victory, Draymond Green emerged triumphant by way of submission (armbar), marking a swift and decisive end to the bout.


Obah Bafote VS Dangelo Nickoson
-170 lbs

In a welterweight showdown between Dangelo Nickoson and Obah Bafote, it was Bafote who emerged victorious in spectacular fashion.

As the bell rang for the first round, Bafote wasted no time engaging, attempting to close the distance and clinch up with Nickoson. Despite Nickoson's efforts to break free, Bafote maintained control in the clinch, landing punishing strikes including elbows and knees.

The fight took a decisive turn when Bafote connected with a series of devastating knees, causing Nickoson to stagger and falter. Sensing his opponent's vulnerability, Bafote continued to unleash a barrage of strikes until Nickoson fell to the canvas, prompting the referee to intervene and stop the fight.

With an impressive TKO victory just 1 minute and 58 seconds into the first round, Obah Bafote showcased his skills and announced his arrival in the welterweight division. After the bout, Bafote expressed gratitude to his fans and pledged to deliver even greater performances in the future, earning admiration for his humility from the crowd.

Isai Malaki VS Atlas Gall Peters
-185 lbs

In a closely contested battle in the middleweight division between Isai Malaki and Atlas Gall Peters, the judges were unable to come to a unanimous decision, resulting in a draw.

Throughout the fight, both fighters displayed their skills and determination, engaging in clinch battles and exchanging strikes against the cage. Malaki and Gall Peters showcased their toughness and resilience, making it difficult for either fighter to secure a clear advantage.

After three rounds of back-and-forth action, the judges' scorecards reflected the competitive nature of the bout. Judge Hirohito Nitta scored the fight 29:29, Judge Taro Takaoka scored it 28:29 in favor of one fighter, and Judge Shigeki Fujiwara scored it 30:28 for the other, resulting in a draw verdict.

While neither fighter emerged with a victory on this occasion, both Malaki and Gall Peters demonstrated their skills and proved themselves worthy competitors in the middleweight division.

Tembakan Pasti VS Eugene Eaton
-265 lbs

In a dominant performance in the heavyweight division, Tembakan Pasti emerged victorious over Eugene Eaton with a TKO finish in the first round.

Right from the start, Pasti took control of the fight by engaging in the clinch and landing a series of devastating strikes against the cage. Despite Eaton's attempts to break free, Pasti maintained control and continued to unleash a barrage of punches and elbows, eventually causing significant damage to Eaton.

With Eaton rocked and unable to defend himself effectively, Pasti capitalized on the opportunity and delivered a powerful elbow strike that sent Eaton crashing to the canvas. The referee swiftly intervened to stop the fight, awarding Pasti the victory by TKO at 3 minutes and 56 seconds of the first round.

Following his impressive win, Pasti took a less-than-humble approach in his post-fight interview, expressing his confidence in conquering the world of heavyweight MMA. While some may have been taken aback by his brash demeanor, the crowd seemed to enjoy the display of confidence from the victorious fighter.

Valto Joki VS Aatami Korpi
-205 lbs

In a closely contested bout in the light heavyweight division, Valto Joki emerged victorious over Aatami Korpi via unanimous decision after three rounds of action.

Throughout the fight, Joki displayed superior striking skills, effectively landing punches and kicks while avoiding many of Korpi's attacks. Despite Korpi's efforts to counter and land leg kicks, Joki remained composed and continued to score with his combinations.

The judges scored the fight unanimously in favor of Joki, recognizing his dominance in each round. With this win, Joki improves his professional record and solidifies his position in the light heavyweight division.

It was a valiant effort from both fighters, but tonight belonged to Valto Joki as he showcased his skill and determination inside the cage.

Jari Puikkonen VS Andrew Okwi
-170 lbs

What an exhilarating fight! Jari Puikkonen emerges victorious by unanimous decision after showcasing his superior striking skills and effective counterattacks throughout the bout. Despite Andrew Okwi's resilience and occasional offensive flurries, Puikkonen's precision and control secured him the win. The judges scored the fight 30-27 in favor of Puikkonen across the board, highlighting his dominance in all three rounds.

Puikkonen's crisp jabs, powerful hooks, and well-timed leg kicks kept Okwi on the defensive for much of the fight. Despite Okwi's efforts to press forward and land significant strikes, Puikkonen's defensive prowess and ability to counter effectively allowed him to control the pace and dictate the exchanges.

Both fighters displayed remarkable toughness and determination, making it an entertaining spectacle for the fans in attendance. With this impressive victory, Jari Puikkonen continues to climb the ranks in the welterweight division, solidifying his position as a formidable contender.

Stefan Dragosavac VS Mason Hawkins Jr
-170 lbs

Stefan Dragosavac displayed impressive dominance in this bout, controlling the majority of the fight with his striking and grappling skills. Despite Mason Hawkins Jr's attempts to secure takedowns and create openings, Dragosavac showcased his superior defensive wrestling and effective counterattacks.

In the second round, Dragosavac capitalized on a takedown attempt from Hawkins Jr, swiftly transitioning to side control and securing a kimura submission for the victory. His ability to maintain control on the ground and capitalize on opportunities led to a decisive win.

With this impressive performance, Stefan Dragosavac not only secures his first professional victory but also makes a bold statement by calling for a title shot. His combination of skills and determination undoubtedly makes him a formidable contender in the welterweight division.


Attendance: 3748

Event Rating: 101.85

Fight of the night: Atlas Gall Peters vs Isai Malaki

KO of the night: Mason Barbosa

Sub of the night: Draymond Green


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Marko Novakovic VS Bennie Howard
-205 lbs

Marko Novakovic showcased his dominance in the light heavyweight division with a swift and decisive victory over Bennie Howard. From the opening bell, Novakovic controlled the fight, utilizing the clinch to land devastating strikes and wear down his opponent.

With a series of powerful shots, Novakovic managed to rock Howard early in the fight, eventually dropping him to the canvas with a thunderous right hand. Showing his killer instinct, Novakovic wasted no time in capitalizing on the opportunity, unleashing a barrage of strikes from the mount position until the referee intervened to stop the fight.

This impressive performance improves Novakovic's undefeated record to 3-0-0 and solidifies his position as a rising star in the light heavyweight division. In his post-fight interview, Novakovic expressed gratitude to his fans for their support, acknowledging their role in his success. With such a dominant display, Novakovic undoubtedly has his sights set on climbing the ranks and challenging for championship gold in the future.

In addition to his remarkable victory, Marko Novakovic made headlines by breaking the record for betting on a fighter in the Banzai Combat Organization. His confidence in himself translated into a bold wager, further cementing his status as a confident and ambitious competitor.

Moreover, Novakovic's performance comes amidst growing hype surrounding his career, attributed in part to his training with Viktor Mertel in St. Petersburg. Mertel's expertise and guidance have undoubtedly contributed to Novakovic's development as a fighter, garnering attention and admiration from fans and pundits alike. With each impressive display inside the cage, Novakovic's star continues to rise, and his association with Mertel only adds to the anticipation surrounding his future endeavors in the sport.

Mark Atherton VS Cody Nightmare
-205 lbs

In addition to his victory, it's worth noting that Mark Atherton showcased his impressive takedown defense throughout the fight, stuffing numerous attempts by Cody Nightmare. This aspect of his game has been honed through rigorous training and preparation, demonstrating Atherton's versatility and adaptability inside the cage.

Furthermore, Atherton's performance underscores the importance of maintaining composure and control in adverse situations. Despite facing tough grappling exchanges and clinch battles, Atherton remained composed and eventually asserted his dominance, ultimately securing the victory.

Overall, Atherton's win solidifies his position as a formidable contender in the light heavyweight division, and his ability to overcome challenges will undoubtedly continue to garner attention and respect from fans and fellow fighters alike.

Mbuti Bayaka VS Enzo Cooke
-155 lbs

In addition to his victory, it's worth noting that Mbuti Bayaka displayed exceptional control throughout the fight, particularly in the grappling exchanges where he effectively neutralized Enzo Cooke's attempts to impose his game plan. Bayaka's ability to dictate the pace and dominate the ground exchanges played a significant role in securing his victory.

Furthermore, Bayaka's striking was on point, as he consistently landed significant shots that rocked Cooke multiple times throughout the fight. His accurate striking coupled with his relentless pressure kept Cooke on the defensive for the majority of the bout.

Overall, Bayaka's performance showcased his well-rounded skill set and his ability to excel in all facets of MMA. With this impressive win, Bayaka solidifies his position as a rising star in the lightweight division and undoubtedly earns the respect of fans and fellow competitors alike.

Sinan Vrases VS Paul Maddoc
-170 lbs


Sinan Vrases showcased his dominance in that fight, particularly in the clinch where he delivered devastating knees that ultimately led to his opponent's defeat. Vrases demonstrated excellent control and precision in his striking, effectively utilizing the Thai clinch to deliver powerful blows to Paul Maddoc's body and head.

Furthermore, Vrases displayed his killer instinct by capitalizing on the opportunity when Maddoc was rocked, swiftly transitioning to side control and unleashing a barrage of strikes to secure the TKO victory. His ability to maintain composure under pressure and capitalize on openings highlights his skill and tenacity as a welterweight fighter.

Celebrating his win with enthusiasm, Vrases proudly displayed his sponsorship from BANZAI COMBAT NUTRITION, showcasing the support he receives from his sponsors and the dedication he puts into his training and nutrition regimen.

Overall, Vrases' performance in this bout solidifies his position as a formidable contender in the welterweight division, and he undoubtedly leaves a strong impression on both fans and opponents alike with his impressive display of skill and determination.


Santiago Jefferson VS Sylvester Jolt
-265 lbs

Santiago Jefferson demonstrated his striking prowess and aggressive style in this bout, ultimately securing a quick and decisive victory over Sylvester Jolt in the heavyweight division. From the opening bell, Jefferson showcased his power and accuracy, landing crisp punches that visibly affected Jolt.

Despite Jolt's efforts to defend himself and counter, Jefferson's relentless pressure and well-timed shots quickly turned the tide in his favor. A series of impactful punches, including a hard precision jab to the jaw, rocked Jolt and sent him tumbling to the mat, prompting the referee to intervene and stop the fight to prevent further damage.

With this impressive knockout victory, Jefferson notches another win to his record and solidifies his position as a dangerous competitor in the heavyweight division. His ability to capitalize on openings and deliver fight-ending blows underscores his skill and potential as a rising star in the sport.

The crowd may have had mixed reactions to the stoppage, but Jefferson's performance leaves no doubt about his capabilities inside the cage. As he celebrates his victory, Jefferson undoubtedly leaves a lasting impression on both fans and opponents alike, signaling his presence as a force to be reckoned with in the heavyweight ranks.

Brain Game VS Dolph Rush
-205 lbs

Ladies and gentlemen, Brain Game showcased his striking prowess in this light heavyweight bout, securing a victory over Dolph Rush with a powerful knockout punch in the second round. Despite Rush's attempts to control the pace and initiate takedowns, Game's aggressive striking and defensive skills proved to be the difference-maker.

In the first round, Rush demonstrated his grappling ability by attempting several takedowns, but Game effectively defended and kept the fight standing. Rush managed to pull guard at one point, but Game quickly regained control and landed some ground and pound before the round ended.

As the second round began, Game continued to press forward with his striking, landing shots to Rush's body and head. Then, with a well-timed counter, Game caught Rush with a devastating right hand that sent him crashing to the canvas. Rush was visibly rocked and struggled to recover, ultimately succumbing to Game's relentless onslaught.

After the fight, Game expressed his relief at securing the victory and wasted no time in calling out his next opponent, Gonzo Dragosavac. However, the post-fight drama escalated when Gonzo Dragosavac responded by posting inappropriate content involving Chris Chan's wife doing some "charity" work. This added another layer of tension and rivalry to the already intense competition in the light heavyweight division.

Louis Sutherland VS Matthew Dean
-185 lbs

Ladies and gentlemen, Louis Sutherland showcased his ground skills in this middleweight bout, securing a victory over Matthew Dean with a slick submission finish in the third round. Despite Dean's attempts to control the pace and land takedowns, Sutherland's grappling prowess proved to be the difference-maker.

In the first round, Sutherland capitalized on a takedown attempt by Dean, swiftly transitioning to top position and maintaining control throughout the round. Despite Dean's efforts to escape, Sutherland's ground and pound kept him grounded.

The second round saw Dean rally with a successful takedown of his own, landing in Sutherland's guard and delivering ground strikes. However, Sutherland managed to weather the storm and eventually worked his way back to his feet.

As the final round began, Dean attempted another takedown, but Sutherland countered with a triangle choke attempt, transitioning seamlessly to an armbar that forced Dean to tap out. Sutherland's display of grappling skill earned him the victory and potentially the submission of the night honors.

Louis Sutherland emerged victorious, showcasing his proficiency in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and securing an impressive win in the middleweight division.

Silas Mason VS Bobby Frank
-170 lbs

Silas Mason emerges victorious by unanimous decision after three hard-fought rounds in the welterweight division. Despite Bobby Frank's relentless attempts to control the fight with clinch work and takedown attempts, Mason showcased superior striking and effective defensive skills throughout the bout.

In the first round, Frank's aggressive clinch work and takedown attempts were largely nullified by Mason's defensive maneuvers and counter-striking. Frank's inability to secure takedowns took its toll on his energy reserves.

The second round saw a continuation of the clinch battle, with Mason effectively defending against Frank's attempts to control the position. Mason's striking accuracy and ability to create distance frustrated Frank's game plan.

Entering the final round, Frank remained persistent in his clinch and takedown attempts, but Mason's superior striking and defensive skills allowed him to maintain control of the fight. Despite a brief stint on the ground, Mason quickly returned to his feet and continued to outstrike his opponent.

Ultimately, the judges unanimously scored the bout in favor of Silas Mason, recognizing his effective striking, defense, and control throughout the contest.

Braylon Mason VS Gavin Windsor
-265 lbs

Braylon Mason secures a victory in the heavyweight division with an impressive submission win over Gavin Windsor. The fight started with both fighters engaging in striking exchanges, with Windsor landing some solid shots. However, Mason managed to secure a trip takedown into guard after a clinch against the cage.

Despite Windsor's attempts to control from the top, Mason remained active off his back, eventually locking in a tight triangle choke. Despite Windsor's efforts to defend, Mason's technique was too much to handle, and he forced Windsor to tap out just seconds before the end of the first round.

With this submission victory, Braylon Mason adds another win to his record and demonstrates his prowess in both striking and grappling exchanges.

Dustin Knight VS Manning Moore
-185 lbs

Dustin Knight secures a quick victory in the middleweight division with a TKO win over Manning Moore. The fight started explosively, with Moore attempting to close the distance and initiate a clinch. However, Knight showcased excellent striking skills, countering Moore's advances with a barrage of wild strikes.

One particularly powerful combination from Knight wobbled Moore, causing him to stumble to the ground. Knight capitalized on Moore's weakened state, pressing forward with punches and knees until the referee intervened and stopped the fight.

With this impressive performance, Dustin Knight notches his first victory in his MMA debut, showcasing his striking prowess and earning a decisive win in just 25 seconds of the first round.


Event Rating: 75.73

Attendance: 2641

Fight of the night: Mbuti Bayaka vs Enzo Cooke

KO of the night: Brain Game

Sub of the night: Braylon Mason

Sponsor: Sakura Style

Starting from now, for every Banzai Combat event, spectators and fans can look forward to betting odds being available, thanks to Octagon Odds Company. This exciting addition adds another layer of engagement and anticipation to each event, allowing fans to further immerse themselves in the action-packed world of mixed martial arts. Whether you're a seasoned bettor or just looking to add some extra excitement to fight night, these odds will provide insight and opportunities for predictions and speculation on the outcomes of each bout. Get ready to analyze, strategize, and place your bets as Banzai Combat continues to deliver thrilling matchups and unforgettable moments in the world of combat sports.



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Banzai Bonanza 1 written review by Cat Fresh (ington) Sr./Jr. XIV


Kentaro Noburu vs Raiden Stewart (265+lbs)

    In this fight Noburu has a 8cm height and 5lb weight advantage. With him being the much better striker, one could assume he will try and keep this fight standing and enjoy his reach advantage from the outside.

Round 1:
 Instead of touching gloves, Stewart charges Noburu shooting for a takedown! Within the first minute of the fight Noburu shoots for three takesdowns with each one being stuffed by Noburu. As one could suspect, Noburu is just piecing up his opponent. About one minute into the fight, Stewart missed with a wild as hell body shot which allowed Noburu to land a huge left hook, then a right uppercut which opened up a nice cut rather close to Stewart's eye.
    The next few minutes are basically Noburu landing whatever punches he wants as Stewart is just trying to get in close to clinch and eventually takedown Noburu. Finally around the 4 minute mark Stewart manages to grab ahold of Noburu and pull guard. Noburu lands a few shots from the top before Stewart trys to lock in a triangle... I'm not much of a fighter myself, but I could have freed myself of that triangle lock...
    Complete domination from Noburu in round 1!!!

Round 2:
 Noburu opens up with some kicks, then scores with an amazing 4 punch combo. I had to laugh when I heard the commentator mention that Roy Jones Jr. respects the hands of Noburu... No offense young buck, but you are not on that level yet...
    Stewart finally gets close enough to shoot and lands a great double leg takedown. I thought Stewart was going to have the advantage on the ground, but it's like he has the strength of a two month old otter. After about of minute of the two battling for control with literally nothing happening, the ref stands them up. Tons of boos from the crowd here...
    The next few minutes are just Stewart trying to get takedowns and being stuffed. I might fall asleep watching this one and judging by the boos of the crowd, they are not happy at all. In the last minute Stewart pulls guard again and attempts to lock Noburu into a triangle again, with 0 success.
    Boring round who noone should be the winner of...
Round 3:
   A bit more action during the opening of the round. Noburu getting back to landing shots while stuffing takedowns. Honestly, the whole round is basically Noburu picking and landing shots whenever he wants. I'd guess about 60% of his shots are landing this round, yet Stewart has yet to land a strike. A lot more action this round, but it's completely one sided...
    Complete domination again from Noburu this round. Should be an easy call from the judges.

Scores: 30-26, 30-26, 30-25
Kentaru Noburu W by Unanimous Decision


Demontravius(You are a jackass for naming your fighter the N word)Iv Jr vs Dominik King (265+ lbs)

 I guess it is time for a circus fight... King is 65 cm taller than his opponent and 25 lbs heavier. I suspect Demontravius (Whom will just be called Jr the rest of the fight) will just go for a takedown and try and end it there? Who knows...

Round 1:
 Well butter my biscuit and call me Santa, Jr comes out swinging and King is shooting takedowns and getting stuffed. You'd think the giraffe would stand and jab the midget? After about a minute and a half, 4 stuffed King takedowns and a dozen big swings and misses by Jr, Demontravius finally lands a huge right hand which knocks King down and damn that cut looks vicious! King jumps right back up and shoots another takedown, which once again has 0 success. Jr lands a Cross which rocks King, then follows it up with a few jabs then an uppercut straight from hell. King slumps and the ref jumps in!

    Shocked me the guy who comes up to an average man's shoulders comes in boxing and the guy with a towering height advantage came to wrestle...

Demontravius (Like really, you are a jackass and I don't like you) Iv Jr by KO punch (2:17 rd1)


Xander Walls vs Artyom Kozlov (265+ lbs)

    Walls is 9cm taller but 20 lbs lighter than Kozlov. Looks like it's going to be a good boxer in Kozlov vs a good muay thai fighter in Walls.

    Round 1:
 As soon as the bell rings Kozlov clinches up with Walls. Kozlov tried to pull guard but just basically fell onto his back looking stupid. A few minor strikes and a couple failed takedowns from Kozlov, but nothing exciting. Walls landed a great body kick and a few small strikes while stuffing takedowns and keeping Kozlov away and during the last 10 seconds lands an amazing flying knee!
    Round 2:
One minute in and Kozlov has failed 4 takedowns. Walls misses most of his strikes, but lands a few kicks here and there. Kozlov missed another takedown and landed a pretty good counter hook, but he is worthless this fight overall. The rest of the round is Walls stuffing takedowns and landing a few shots.

    Round 3:
 Can't lie, I went and grabbed a drink and snack during most of the third round but I bet you can guess what happened. Yup, a bunch more stuffed takedowns and Walls landing some mediocre shots while missing a lot of shots.

Xander Walls W by Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)


Stevan Micic vs Yao Ming (265+ lbs)

    Micic is about 3cm taller and 25lbs larger than Yao Ming in this next match up.  Both of these guys look to be good boxers so I think we are going to see fists flying!

    Round 1:
 Micic quickly closes the distance and clinches up.  He is landing shots left and right while Ming struggles to try and get free. One minute in now and it's been all Micic, Ming is 1-0 so this isn't his first rodeo. Who was his last opponent because he has to be a can!??!? Two minutes in and it's all Micic, Ming looks discouraged, somewhat hurt and getting tired. Still in the clinch Micic lands a couple small head shots then the perfect right hook which drops Ming. Ming tries to stand but wobbles and the ref steps in.

    Stevan Micic W by TKO (right hook 2:13 rd 1)


Deebo Drummond vs Kelvin Harvey (265+lbs)

    Harvey is 4cm taller and 15 pounds heavier than Drummond. Classic boxer vs wrestler matchup, although Drummond has some hands too go along with his superior wrestling.

    Round 1:
    Harvey comes out swinging, misses and Drummond clinches up. Deebo lands a left hook to the body, then goes up top with a right which cuts open Harvey. Another left, then an uppercut from Drummond rocks Harvey. This guy has a chin made of jello! Deebo lets Harvey stumble around before clinching back up and going to town with a few more shots and a huge uppercut to top it off, dropping Harvey. The ref jumps in to save captain jello chin!

Deebo Drummond W by TKO (Combo to Uppercut 0:28 Rd 1)

Josef Stallin vs Chibuka Stilera (265+ lbs)

 Chibuka stands 23 cm taller and outweighs Stallin by 51lbs. I guess Stalin couldn't find a HW matchup or wanted to test himself out, because he is giving up a lot of size to Chibuka in this one. Stallin is the much better BJJ artist, whereas Stilera is a better wrestler. Both of them are average at best when it comes to striking.    

Round 1:
 The bell rings and Stillera instantly closes the distance and clinches up. Stillera misses a body shot, then the two continue to fight for position. Stallin able to pull guard and damn it I always think that is the most boring thing to do in a fight, but he is the submission artist...
    The fighers are struggling for position when Stallin goes for a triangle. No luck with the sub and Stillera lands a couple weak shots. Stillera out of nowhere locks in an anckle lock, Stallin might be done here!!! And Stallin some how breaks out and ends up in top control. Stillera trys to lock in a triangle but Stallin pushes him off and takes side control. Stillin has his arm and is starting to crank an Americana. Stilera trying to wiggle free but just puts himself in a deeper crank, he screams in pain as the ref steps in. Good move by the ref calling it before the tap, Stillera could have lost his arm there.

Josef Stallin W by Submission (Americana 2:59 rd1)


    Freaky Travis vs Lucas Wilson (265+ lbs)

    Travis stands 12cm taller than Wilson, but both of them are a gigantic 300lbs each. Travis (who has a really strange green beard) is a pretty good muay thai fighter whereas Wilson is more well rounded but doesn't really thrive anywhere.

    Round 1:
    The bell rings and Wilson instantly throws a huge left hand. I guess it's a warning of his power or something? The two finally get within striking distance and Travis lands a huge right which drops Wilson to the ground. Wilson jumps up but doesn't quite have his legs under him completely. Wilson comes back with a huge cross and gets Travis attention. It looks like Wilson has a little cut above his eye. The two throw back and forth with nothing big landing before Travis finally lands a good Straight which opened up the cut on Wilson pretty bad.  About a minute and a half in and Travis lands a huge uppercut dropping Wilson to the mat again! The ref almost steps in but Wilson looks alright Travis waves him back to his feet not wanting any of Wilson's ground game. Wilson stands back up, his cut bleeding really bad now and he walks right into a monster right hook. Good night Mr. Wilson...

Freaky Travis W by KO (Right hook 1:58 Rd 1)


    Roger Lamont VS Genyo Takeda (265+ lbs)

    Lamont is 5cm shorter and 2lbs lighter than Takeda here. We have 2 good wrestlers but Takeda has the advantage in strinking. Hopefully another action filled fight as we are getting closer to the end of the night.

    Round 1:
    In the first minute Lamont is just looking for takedowns. I think it took 5 before he finally gets Takeda down. The next few minutes is all Lamont landing ground a pound. Around the 3:30 mark a huge ground punch opens up a cut on Takeda. As Lamont continues to land GnP shots, focusing pretty hard on that cut, Takeda can't do anything about it. He's only got about 30 seconds left to survive. A huge elbow lands for Lamont with about 10 seconds left and thats round 1 folks, all Lamont there!

    Round 2:
 Takeda opens up with a nice combo, but it doesn't have any power. Lamont instantly looking for takedowns again, getting a few stuffed before the two clinch up. Takeda is landing shots in the clinch, some of them landing pretty good. Already in the first minute Takeda has done more than all of round 1. Takeda lands an uppercut, then a right, he is dominating the striking in the clinch. Lamont is trying to get the takedown, but Takeda isn't having it. 2 minutes in and Takeda lands 2 huge jabs followed by a right uppercut from hell. Lamont is slumped and the ref jumps in!

Genyo Takeda by KO (Uppercut 2:13 rd 2)


    Nathanial Burch vs Virgunlino Lampiaun  (265+ lbs)

    Burch is 2cm taller and about 10lbs heavier than Lampiaun. Both of these two are great wrestlers and not very great strikers. We should see two guys hugging each other a lot.

    Round 1:
   The bell rings and Lampiaun instantly clinches up with Burch. He lands and uppercut then starts working the takedown. He trips up Burch and is now on top in guard. Lampiaun postures up in full guard and lands a huge hammerfist that knocks burch out cold. Holy shit, that guy has some power.

Virgunlino Lampiaun W by KO (Hammerfist GnP 0:39 rd 1)


    Tommy Wilander vs Soren Lozano (265+ lbs)

    The two fighters are almost the same height, with Lozano being 1cm taller but he gives up 25lbs of weight. Lozano is the better striker and a decent wrestler, but Wilander is a dominate wrestler. If this one stays standing Lozano should have an easy night.

    Round 1: 
Once again, I heard the ding ding ding and a clinch. Lozano lands a few shots and Wilander drops back trying to pull guard. He looks like a f'ing idiot landing alone on his back. Lozano smirks and Wilander stands back up. Wilander finally gets the takedown he wanted about 45 seconds into the fight. The following 4 minutes is all ground and pound shots from Wilander. None of the shots are too crazy, it seems he is just fighting to control and win the round.

    Round 2: 
As soon as the bell rings Wilander closes the distance. He throws out a overhand then shoots and scores another takedown. Unsure where in there but Lozano looks to have picked up a cut. If Lozano doesn't get to the feet he's going to lose this fight. About a minute of weak ground and pound and Wilander passes into half guard.  He postures up and lands a huge shot which had to rock Lozano. Wilander follows up with huge shots on a defenseless Lozano and the ref jumps in.

    Tommy Wilander W by TKO (GnP strikes 1:58 rd2)

And that wraps up the night folks! Tonight's card was full of super heavyweight prospects looking to make a name for themselves. I hope you all enjoyed the fights as much as I did! Here is a list of the next few upcoming shows which are for sure to be a step up competition wise compared to tonight! I'm Catfresh aka Mr. Freshington aka your favorite managers favorite manager, have a good day folks. And don't forget to drink more water...

BC FIGHT NIGHT 7 2024-05-08 Tokyo
BANZAI COMBAT 29 2024-05-10 Tokyo
BANZAI COMBAT 30 2024-05-11 Tokyo
BANZAI COMBAT 31 2024-05-12 Tokyo
BC FIGHT NIGHT 8 2024-05-15 Tokyo
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Like his father before him Balder Bull Junior is maybe not top fighter material. But when he goes into the ring he gives all he got. His father had a great run fighting in Tokyo against increasingly tall odds. The crowning achievement of his career was this fight against a challenger that should rightfully have walked right over him. They were throwing bombs, both getting rocked but Bull came out on top.

Some big shoes for Bull Jr. to fill there, but he does have his fathers fighting spirit. Like him fighting in Tokyo, both fighters getting rocked but Bull came out on top. He may never win a big title, but he loves fighting and will win something more important to him. The hearts of the japanese fans who now get to relive the fireworks of the legendary Bull charge in the ring.

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