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    • Thank you for creating such an awesome tournament. I usually quit about half way through these things but this one kept me engaged. Although we didn’t win, I felt we had one of the best fighters in this tournament. I few wrong slider changes and some unfortunate events kept us from taking home the grand prize. With that being said, I look forward to watching all these guys progress in their careers having fought them all. They will all do just fine. Again, Thank you. Any last words Cuevas?   “This was one of the most grueling competitions I’ve ever been in! I’m sure I’ll have a run-in in the future at some point with one of these guys…tons of talent amongst this group. For now though, I need some damn rest. I might take a few days off before returning back to work at the restaurant. Thanks for giving me a shot at this thing and if I disappointed anyone, fuck you!” “You disappoint no one, Cuevas. You gave everything you had and that’s all we asked of you. You’re a bit rough around the edges but there’s no doubt you’re talented. Look, we were hoping to grab the top prize but you still gave a good showing of yourself. As I understand it, you were needing money for your family back home? Not to worry, I know what it’s like to need help. I’m not a complete asshole, you know….we’ll fly you back home & we’ll take care of everything you and your family need to get back on your feet.  Before we say goodbye, the only question I have for you is….will you fight under The Purpose Corporation umbrella? We’d love to have you on our team. 😧…….🥹….”HELL YEAAAA!!!!! If we get to do fun side missions like this all the time! You’ve got yourself a new teammate!!” “Well then, it’s settled…”
    • I do love these, but Alfred always comes up with some great new tournament ideas so I’d love something new also. 
    • Alfred ran a Christmas Massacre at the end of last year & I hope he will do so again at the end of this one, the format is brutal but hella fun, it does depend on everyone sticking it out especially when you end up on a losing streak, but this has been 2 that have been good successes. I think 2 a year of these feels about right.
    • Kenlow, I think wins this with the largest margin in the Pick'em history ! Congrats ! I'll take 300k and put the rest into the next league (including my sign-in fee)
    • Nutrition also has the lower stock reorder amount compared to clothing, so your max sales are 1k a month lower even if things take off. As said above, there's no cost for developing clothes, but you can literally sink a few million into getting Q160 in a few nutrition items just to match what is already on the market. I've found as well that many managers tend to buy nutrition from the place they always do, as they trust the source is actually Q160 and not someone claiming it is and scamming them, while clothing tends to be something where a great new design can break into the market more easily. In the end it depends on the cash you have, the size of the hill you want to climb and how big of a reward you want at the end.
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