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    • And totally AGREE with this post!
    • The only thing going to bring in fresh faces is a faster paced game. That’s the world we live in now. Yes, you like the game the way it is, I don’t mind it either but prefer faster, but new younger people don’t.  You’re not getting the good old days back of this game, they’re gone. And tbh, if drastic changes aren’t made - like speeding up the game - the game itself will probably be gone soon too. To Me the choice is, keep the game you love the way it is, but it will slowly continue to die  Or speed it up, which gives ur a chance to survive longer term  of course, just my opinion but seems obvious 
    • Yeah, but this was a slow paced game and always has been. I play this game, because it is slow paced. This does not mean i am against things like having more skill points or faster learning speed. However as i mentioned, this does not solve any real problems, it just lowers the bottom line of the owners.  In regards to taking "risks" with the game. Well, there is plenty of risks you can take, that will give much bigger results and If you are telling me, that giving 50 or 100 skills points at creating, or increasing learning speed by 10 or 20%, will "bring back old members" or "bring in new members", well.........................sorry, i do not think that will be the case. In fact, 100% it wont be the case.
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