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    • By the way, if you was the owner of a business, which is generating you profits, you would never do that. You would make adjustments to improve the core, but you would not press a reset button.  
    • What you are is making a game with a different concept. A faced paced MMA/Tycoon game, this is not a faced paced MMA game and making such a change after 15 years of existence is foolish to say the least.   
    • And totally AGREE with this post!
    • The only thing going to bring in fresh faces is a faster paced game. That’s the world we live in now. Yes, you like the game the way it is, I don’t mind it either but prefer faster, but new younger people don’t.  You’re not getting the good old days back of this game, they’re gone. And tbh, if drastic changes aren’t made - like speeding up the game - the game itself will probably be gone soon too. To Me the choice is, keep the game you love the way it is, but it will slowly continue to die  Or speed it up, which gives ur a chance to survive longer term  of course, just my opinion but seems obvious 
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