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    • i'll pickup Grant Dawson 10k and Xiaocan Feng 10k
    • Suggestion: Have fighters gain skills from fights  Suggestions Description: In the real world, nothing is better training than the real experience. So, fighters should also gain experience/skill points from fights as well. Pros: Encourages more fights early on. Develops fighters faster Speeds up the game (as many users constantly ask for) Improves the activity in the game Gives more for new managers to do. Counters the current “cooking” meta.  Cons: None. There is literally no negative to this other than players may exploit it by spamming fights, but I’m sure there could be limits or some type of “diminished returns” enabled to avoid this. Especially if fighters fight someone they’ve fought before. Additional info: This update would pair very well with adding amateur/pro records to fighters    
    • This gave me an idea. Why don’t we have a separate part of the game for “amateur” fighters? There would be fight orgs and stuff the same way, but maybe you wouldn’t lose energy from fights, wouldn’t lose chin from getting KO’d, etc. so it would give more incentive to fight early.
    • If we’re staying with flag theme, a Hungarian one would be cool. But if that’s too hard/annoying then any generic background will do. 
    • No idea how you could do this but some managers don’t like to fight their young fighters early as the don’t want shit records . Why not have a separate amateur/ pro record ? Maybe qfc could be counted as amateur. You could stay amateur for as long as you want but once you turn pro you stay pro .     
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