The next tournament will be 8 weeks from the conclusion of the current one (now at the semi-final stage)
Reminder:The top ranked/hyped fighters will qualify through fighting prior to tournament play. Think of it like a PFL type season/tournament
Still plenty of time for new fighters to be created and qualify for the next tourney
And we’ll have on going tourneys 12 weeks or so (will be 8 weeks after the conclusion of previous tournament) with plenty of fights to he had in between and during tourneys
sign me up for the upcoming one, when is the start date?
I'll chip in:
Winner: 2 avatars
Runner-up: 1 avatar + 50k on top of the prize
3rd/4th = 50k on top of the prize each
Definitely join the MMAT discord too, lots of people there are happy to help
We have a Newbie HQ alliance too but you’ll need to have VIP to join that unfortunately (not sure of it works while on the VIP trial)