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    • Juan Pablo Estrella’s philosophical response: ”At least it better than being Alfred butler at American tourist hotel in Dominican.”
    • Fight offers sent! Got to admit I am kind of praying on Burch’s downfall since if he wins we will have an odd number. Oh well! That’s part of the MADNESS of this tournament! I think if we did have a bye I’d give it to the last seed, to make it more interesting because if I give it to top seed he’ll have even more of an advantage.
    • I only know some of the basics so I can’t give any in depth insight but I would go 110 MT and rest in boxing, then 110 in clinch punches and striking d. 
    • I have been playing for a couple of weeks now and so far all of my fighters are 140 to 160 wt class.  I have a few fighters in a fight org, the owner of the fight org has been very helpful in learning how things work.  I told him I would like to make a fighter and develop him over a year or two before we fight him, he would be 18 nor 19 to start and we are going to sit him until 20 before we fight him.  Since two of my guys are in lighter weight class he asked me to make him heavy 205 or up, I have been trying to find a good way to build him then maybe get some help on how to go about his training.  I am trying to find information on heavys and how they work with energy during the fight, if they seem to fair better standing with boxing or MT or do the big guys work better on the ground?  Should I start several skills at 110 then just train everything else or since he is a project kid do I round him out so I don't have so many skills to bring up from abysmal?  There are so many things for a new player to figure out and there is so much information on the forums but most all of it is years old and I am not sure if anything has changed.  My fist thoughts were to start with MT 110, and rest in boxing, 110 clinch, and that is where I am at right now not sure where to put the rest of the points.  I read that maxing conditioning would be the best route on creation to allow for more training before dipping under 90%, I assume this is still the way to go?  I am really just looking for help with the starting stats and maybe the priorities during the training phase.  If I wanted to keep him a standing fighter then what would I work on to keep him from getting killed on the ground?  And how would I build him to get off of the ground and back to his feet without gassing him?  Sorry for the long winded post, thank you in advance.
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