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    • Seth, I hope you understand that there is no way that my soft hands were responsible for that KO, after all you still only have 2 days of injuries & no cuts, so all I did was administer another of my, rapidly increasing in popularity, face massages and you were so damn tiired, and sleepy that you got super-relaxed and you passed out, I probably should have become a Masseur rather than a Fighter, but I digress. Onto the next, ahhh shitfuck, another Pyjama-Man, and this Asian Guy, says he has no martial arts skills but I think that might be a dastardly ruse. A bounty! Well, Alfred does like to throw in some encouragement to see his greatest opponents stumble, but I'm encouraged very much, I must admit, maybe I will disappoint myself and get subbed like everyone else, but maybe not, time to try and figure out this crafty Asian Guy's techniques & come up with a good answer, any tips Bob? "Flush to the mush!" Oh, good advice.
    • Seth Christian…Oh no, we suck again….
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