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    • No, if he did he would have posted an update at some point during the months this had taken him telling us he is still working on things. And if he is still hard at work "under the hood" at this point I would anyway question his priorities. Maybe trying to bring tycoon onto some modern framework is not the right decision.. even if it makes implementing a spanish translation easier once done 🙄 Maybe updating the autoflight texts would have been worth 5 minutes at some point during those months? Or provide us with the roadmap he actually promised to give us. Being months into the plumbing of the site he should have a good grasp by now on what the "easy pickings" would be and in which order to start implementing all the suggestions he already approved. The level of engagement with the player community dropped quite drastically since then. The only reasonable conclusion here is that he isn't doing shit for the game right now. I'm sure this is not what he planned and I hope he is ok, but it doesn't change the fact this game is still on the slow death march towards the critical mass abyss it was already headed for under Mike.
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