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    • This is a game that I came up with on the way home from work tonight. It's One Word Band Names. The objective is to reply to the previous poster with a one word band name. The only criteria is that has to be one word (The Beatles wouldn't count), if it's a person that goes by one name it would count (Drake would count but Kanye West wouldn't), and it can't be posted before. So, I'll start with Rush.
    • You know what, I've had inquiries about why there's a spare slot in an upcoming card and I think it's time to tell the masses.....     The next Pickle fight will be him taking on another big guy in a single 3 minute round fight. Seems a bit short doesn't it? Why would we withold Pickle from the masses? ...because he's going to fight on BACK TO BACK CARDS!!!!! DMMA 323 and DMMA 324 will be back to back Pickle appearances. This has been in the works for a while, but unfortunately Alfred's real life freakshow "World Freak Fight League" kind of stole our thunder and went with the next best thing and had Eddie Hall fight two people at the same time (well worth watching by the way). But yes, Pickle, two opponents, back to back cards, back to back DAYS in two different cities!?! Unbelievable! DMMA 323 in Tokyo: Mr Pickle takes on the giant Sheriff and former DC 265+ champ, Carlo Pedersoli! DMMA 324 in London the very next day assuming org owner Crazy Horse doesn't forget: Mr Pickle takes on a mysterious opponent rumoured to be a bit smaller in stature but certainly with a bigger mouth given his traveller roots...
    • This is mikes game and if those are his rules he can enforce them. No, this is not more important to Mike than all the other issues of the game, but it takes exactly 5 seconds to message you to tell you to chill out. He’s not asking that much! Mike may not care about making this game better anymore, but he still cares about this games integrity, and if features like buzz make this game a bad environment for some people (and some people must have felt that way because I know damn well Mike didn’t read those buzzes on his own) then yes, Mike will do something about it. So don’t complain and just comply with this easy request. He isn’t asking you to never post on buzz again for gods sake. He just wants you to tone it down a little.
    • I am not required to address every single one of your points, they all stem from from your interaction with Mike & are all unrelated to the central premise that you went too far. If you refuse to accept that in his judgement you have gone too far & want to debate honestly then using this type of moral relativism is disingenuous and all of your other points only seek to dilute what he said with whataboutery, a distraction technique that only serves to show you have no real argument to begin with. Stick to the point, the topic & subject matter of the reprimand if you wish to debate honestly, instead of diversionary pissing & moaning.
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