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    • Las Vegas Features Fight Nights Going Down In UFC APEX Between UFC 307 And UFC 308 Read the Full Article Here[url={url}]View the full article[/url]
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    • Sucker Punch Pro Series September 28th - Sydney, Australia On behalf of both Donkey and myself, Hare, I’d like to welcome all our Sucker Punch fanatics to the… Resurrection 06 Event Preview!!! …once again, at the very intimate, 3,000 seat strong… And of course, don’t forget, once again Sucker Punch Pro Series is partnered with Shadow Warrior Nutrition, for all your supplement needs to ensure your fighters are getting the absolute max out of their training efforts! Hello all you raging, rabid Sucker Punch MMA fanatics! We’re back, I’ve got Donkey here with me, and we’re stoked to dig into the upcoming fights at Resurrection 06!  Once again, our poster features the top hyped fight of the evening, a Heavyweight Main Event between Franz Ramos and Huug Schlepper, but the Co-Main Event won’t be overlooked by anybody as the Light Heavyweight title is about to be established this evening!  As we have been up to this point for Resurrection, we’re at the 3,000 seat Hard Knocks Arena in Sydney this evening.  We’ll remain there for a bit as we build up hype within the reborn promotion and that helps us also keep things relatively intimate for our lunatic fans down undah!  But, with all that said, and as I always say as well, nobody wants to hear me drone on and on.  So the Donkster and I are going to jump right into it now.  Let’s goooo!  Prepare to protect those dingle dangles! *********************** Undercard Bout #1: Featherweights Caleb Jones (18-15-2)v John James (9-26-0) Ok, as we prepare to kick things off with our first battle, a Featherweight showdown between Caleb Jones and John James, I get to tell you all about how this is normally where I go off about how disappointed Donkey is going to be and how annoyed it makes me when a fighter comes unprepared to the cage.  I usually go on about how this is likely to be a gift fight for the prepared fighter, or how the lesser prepared one in this case (Jones) has no shot.  But…and a huge BUT here…last week a couple of our fighter who came to the cage unprepared, fully off on morale, down to ZERO…still managed to somehow beat the odds and pull off upsets!  I was…shocked…to say the least.   So…yeah. Jones has ZERO morale coming into this. James has less than half.  Honestly, I don’t get it.  Just change up the clothes a bit and get that morale back!!!  I mean, James is coming to the cage tonight in his tighty whities for crying out loud!  Same things he’s been training in, unwashed, since the very beginning.  Boy…you guys SMELL to high heavens! That’s about all you’re going to get from me on this one.  Not going into the matchup, because if you can’t come prepared, I don’t spend much time on it.  Good luck tonight gentlemen! Donkey?  Got a pick?  I know you’ll love making one here… Donkey’s Pick: James via TKO (Strikes) You’re really going to make me give a pick on this one bunny-boy?  Fine, I will.  But I’m just going with the less unprepared fighter.  And I’m not convinced this’ll go anywhere good!  Hope so for the fans. *********************** Undercard Bout #2: Heavyweights Ryan Wallaby (5-3-0) v Kendo Yakuza (4-6-0) Now we’re talking!  Donkey will be much happier about our first set of Heavyweights to step into the cage this evening.  Both are fully prepared to give the fans their very best, thank you boys!  Wallaby will have the height advantage in this one by about 13 centimeters although both weigh in about the same this evening. They’ll both have to cut some weight, but both are cutting about the same so no edge there.  Wallaby will have the striking advantage boxing this evening.  By a bit.  Yakuza snakes the edge in all other areas, including the clinch and both primaries on the ground.  Wallaby lost his SPPS debut to Franz  Ramos due to cuts, and that’s not the first time he’s fallen to cuts in his career.  It happened under former manager Hopson back at WCMMA on July 2nd last year as well. So there may be a small bit of concern there over a tendency to bleed. Hopefully that doesn’t come into play tonight, I think the last thing we need is to have the cage decorated bright and early in the event!  Or maybe you folks like that?  Ya are a bunch of freaks down here!  Expect Wallaby to fully try to take advantage of his elite boxing edge tonight, under former management he was on a three fight KO winning streak before switching teams. And now the worse news for Wallaby.  Yakuza won his last fight due to doctor stoppage as he vanquished Zurabi Vakht…er, Vakhtang…well,  he dispatched Zurabi thanks to the doc stepping in late in the second round.  Yakuza love the ground and pound…and that is not good for a guy who might tend to bleed.  Expect him to try to get this fight to the ground early and often.  He’ll mix in sub attempts as well to keep his opponents off-guard, but so far in his career he hasn’t pulled off a submission finish.  He *does* appear to be susceptible to the KO, so he’ll need to careful of Wallaby’s lights out capabilities! Now, over to you Donkey! Donkey’s Pick: Yakuza via TKO (Cuts) Hare stole my commentary on this one picking up on the cuts thing!  Wallaby could end this fight fast tonight if he connects with the bomb early.  But if this fight goes to the ground, Yakuza has elite wrestling and a love for brutality.  It could get messy down there folks!  Clean-up on aisle two! *********************** Undercard Bout #3: Welterweights Sean Rivers (6-6-0) v Edward Sleon (5-9-1) Awesome to see another pair step in for the early fights fully prepped and ready to get at it!  I likeee!  Sleon will be the taller fighter by barely a centimeter this evening but will also be the lighter fighter, only having to drop a few pounds to make weight.  I’m expecting a good one here, Donkey! Sleon will have the Jiu Jitsu advantage with his Black belt over Rivers’ brown one.  But he didn’t look overly comfortable on the ground in his last fight and preferred to stay standing and boxing. So perhaps that belt is mostly defensive in nature?  Outside that, these two are just about even in most other areas.  Sleon won his SPPS debut by taking it the distance and getting the nod from the judges earlier this month when he took on Rhashaun Kinkead.   You now he and his team had to be ecstatic to start off on the right foot at a new promotion given they came in off back to back losses at CCC, as well as a rough, rough run of 1-8 over the run from CFC to RSE to CCC.  Ouch.  But, onwards and upwards, can’t change the past, so take ownership of the future!!!  Sleon does have a granite chin, we know that from his early fights, but there’s definitely some concern over whether he’s got the heart to go with that chin as he’s been KO’d five times over his career to date. Rivers also won his SPPS debut with a unanimous decision over Benjamin Walton late last month.  He came into that fight off back to back wins at RSE, so he’s on a three fight winning streak and no doubt he and his team would love to extend that to four!  He, like Sleon, has a granite chin but has only been stopped once in his career, via cuts.  He’s shown he can finish or go the distance and given his tendency to also stay on the feet with a kickboxing approach in the last fight I would say this fight likely stays standing. Donkey, what do you think? Donkey’s Pick: Rivers via Unanimous Decision I think you already caught the key difference in these two Donkey, both granites, but also one seems to maybe have a bit of an issue with confidence or heart.  Rivers seems a little more solid in that area, but that’s not the primary reason I made this pick.  Instead, I like the mixing up of things with the kicks involved. For two fighters who can, and do, go the distance that can make a huge difference in points.  I like Rivers and those kicks mixed in tonight. *********************** Undercard Bout #4: Middleweights Brayden Abner (4-2-0) v Nestor Makhno (7-7-0) Donkey, this may be an earlier fight on the Undercard, but I know for a fact that this fight is an opportunity for either fighter, especially Makhno, to earn a shot at a Title Fight to establish the Middleweight belt here at Sucker Punch!  How do I know this?  Because I already told ‘The General’s manager, Johnny Tirado, that that’s what was on the line! Yes, this is Makhno’s first fight here at SPPS.  Yes, he’s coming in off a loss to Leroy Brewer at NYF’s under former manager Parker Lewis prior to changing management teams.  But he’s also one of the more skilled fighters in the division and probably has a solid chance of taking down my own kid, Abner, who made short work of Luka Sorenson last month. Many thought Luka, under P J Jones’s camp, was the heavy favorite to establish the belt here at Resurrection, but after that loss P J had had enough and seen enough, and sacked poor Luka.  Luka has since moved on to Odense to support his new manager’s efforts there.  Both fighters tonight are about even in all primaries. If there’s any edge at all, it may be a slight edge in Muay Thai for Abner.  Outside that, these two are very, very evenly matched.  And both are fully prepared for this fight, as you’d damned well expect!  Makhno has a history of winning…and losing…via KO’s, but under a new management team it’s difficult to say which direction he’ll go.  Advantage Team Tirado in that regard, as they’ll have information about Brayden’s tendencies under my management while I have none on his!  Oooh, the intrigue! Abner doesn’t really hide what he wants to do.  He’ll work the clinch if he thinks it’s advantageous, but has no issue with standing and throwing.  He brings a heavy shot to the cage most fights and will mix in the kicks to keep his opponent off-balance.  Does that mean you can count on all of that?  Nope.  Maybe.  Perhaps.  Ha! I’m not telling! Donkey, which way do you think it goes? Donkey’s Pick: Abner via TKO (Strikes) I hate going all homer here and typically love to pick against you there, cotton-tail!  But, if I stay objective, knowing that this is a very closely matched fight and with KO artists, assuming both hold true to prior approaches, it can always go either way.  So I look to the intangibles.  Abner has a granite chin.  Makhno showed…that he prefers standup. Which, I suppose is good considering that’s what we expect from him. But not the most promising hidden one can lay claim to.  For that reason I think I go with Abner tonight. *********************** Undercard Bout #5: Welterweights Gatimu Wanjiku (9-6-0) v Pykky Kalla (6-5-0) Our last bout of the Undercard and Donkey will be happy to note that so far this evening, only one match on the Undercard had unprepared fighters.  And that’s not these two!  Both Wanjiku and Kalla are prepped and ready to get in there and give em hell!  Just not sure which one will be doing the giving and which will be doing the receiving yet! Finally, after a couple iterations trying to find Kalla a fight where the other guy didn’t go MIA on us, he gets his chance to get back into the cage and turn things around after the loss he took in his SPPS debut. That fight was against John Dory, now champ for the Welterweight division, so you know that in the back of Kalla’s mind he’s probably annoyed with the loss, but knows that having taken it from the champ means he’s only a step or two away at potentially earning back some opportunities!  That makes this fight tonight even more important for him than ever.  He’ll have a small edge in wrestling, but outside that gives up the boxing Muah Thai advantage and is about even with Wanjiku with his boxing and Jiu Jitsu. He pulled off a submission over Blake, who is also here with us in the division now, but that was via strikes.  He’s also had several other finishes standing, so I’m half expecting him to continue the trend of dishing out fist to face for this one. Wanjiku is an all or nothing, just let me bang bro, type! He’s either turning the lights out for his opponent or taking a nap himself, no in betweens!  Every single professional fight he’s had between two managers now has ended with somebody getting some smelling salts and a rude wake up call!  So I think it’s fair to say, let the fireworks begin for these two!!! Donkey, let’s see what you think here?  Tough one? Donkey’s Pick: Kalla via TKO (Strikes) This is going to be a very interesting, and telling, fight this evening.  Given the history for these two, I went to the hiddens from their early fights.  Kalla has a granite chin.  But, he’s also taken a few TKO and KO finishes against him over his career.  So, is the heart or confidence there as well?  Another KO tonight, and you have to question whether it is.  Wanjiku showed a high level of cardio early on, meaning his stamina overshadowed any other hiddens that may be lurking.  So we just don’t know.  Given his history so far, I’d say he definitely has power in those hands, but maybe the chin isn’t quite there with it?  So it’s a dish it out first or get it dished to you situation perhaps for Wanjiku.  I’ll call this one for the granite chin, but I think this one is a toss up.  It’s a, “Sit back, enjoy and wait for some excitement, which is likely to happen!” sort of fight! *********************** Alright folks!!!  We’re taking a quick lunch break and we’ll be back in a couple hours with the Main Card!! ***********************
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