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Sprooch last won the day on May 23

Sprooch had the most liked content!


About Sprooch

  • Birthday 08/22/1990

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Sprooch's Achievements

Black Belt

Black Belt (5/6)



  1. Most, if not all, came to the discord to get actual help and their stories are the same as @Bob Slay . I'd concur with his assessment.. He may just be burnt out and using that as his easy button, but despite the name... He's not the best...get Chris Karter, Crazy Horse, etc.. Edit: Wrote this prior to seeing that activity that came thereafter. If you want help and you have a discord.. Pop in and ask whatever you need as well...I'm generally a fly on the wall amongst a few others who'd definitely assist. Befriending Van and I, may have you marked with an asterisk from previous controversy but fear not, we've never been found guilty.
  2. Frankmaster Phlex: “Despite my namesake, I was not a master but student to some abhorrent clinch hug tactics.”
  3. No.. with a 6+ it takes like 18 months - 2 years to get them fully maxed. There aren't many pros unless you are patient.. might be a phenomenal fighter but learns slow.. He'll never "git gud" before he starts his decline.
  4. Sprooch


  5. KT Failure (Cecil Lightning) - Hiddens Report. Intelligence: 137/150. Heart: 82/150. Chin: 125/150. Injury Proneness: 138/150. Self Confidence: 136/150. Cuts: 124/150. Fast Learner: 58/150. Natural KO: 121/150. Average: 115.1/150. Rank: 2,322 out of 236,369 (top 1%) Experience: 147/150. Potential: 120/123. (Min 96). Age Drop Off: 33 years. Days of Cuts: 3 (Rank: 55,136) Days of Injuries: 186 (Rank: 6,433)
  6. Negative.. dont miss it at all.
  7. https://mmatycoon.com/fighterprofilemanager.php?FID=404627 Frankmaster Flex
  8. For sure, if we are training them for that long, I would presume they'd likely would have a career and not just be tourney fighters.
  9. it means....what will the date be whereas everyone will create their guy and when the tourney will start. As previously stated, it determines the type of builds created, whether they are one-dimensional, etc. Quite frankly 25 years olds are way better for a throwaway tourney with less time with varied builds; however if you are giving an upwards of 2/3 months for projects to actually be worth a damn, it has a much greater chance to NOT be a grappler snugglefest.
  10. Well this is exciting; I might have to make my way back on in.
  11. I'd venture to say this manager is also Frank Costello Disregard, as the avatar was initally stolen by Frank and then he was dropped lol
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