Okay, let’s get this mess sorted out. @FlatSky, has @BlueFalcon agreed to be an alternate? I’ll step down for him to take my place if he has. The idea of having a 32 man tournament is not out of the question, since we have 29 willing right now. But until that happens, we are sticking to 24 man, and 2 alternates each. If Jay Lawrence is confirmed, he is on Team Bobbit and Bowser Big Dog is on Team Ramirez. @embalmer can pick between either Dane Chakrawan (146169) or Aquarium Fish (144011). We will stay with 2 alternates unless 3 more people can be found, in which case we will expand to 32 teams, no byes, which would be a 5 round tournament.
If anyone has any more questions please ask now. Also, captains, once your team is drafted please contact them all in some way, and discuss strategy and whatever else. If you realize that women on your team is inactive, please report it to me so I can activate an alternate. Thanks everyone for your patience.