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    • Mikes first message: You're going way too far with your buzz messages for your fighters. Please chill the F out and stop mentioning rape and stuff like that. My response: Where is the line? I mean its just a joke idk who takes that stuff seriously. There are no rules what is fine and what is not Mikes response: I mean I can just delete your account or you can stop being a dick, it's up to you. Wherever the line is, you're waaaaaaaaaaaay over it, so grow up. My response: Omg, is it Mike the Hero? Solving the biggest problem in this game, smack talking on the buzz.. As far as i see it is fine to use multis, to cheat, to buy vip through cheating, to train fighter without actually training  them etc and its all fine.. Let me tell you something Mike i even messaged you not so long ago wanting to HELP YOU actually improve the game and for the begging fix small little things such as Energy cost by traveling when you go to energy page which i believe takes no more than few minutes, but from what i see you actually dont give two fucks about anything in this game which is full of holes. If either you or Vlad were active and werent fixing bidets for 10 years or something i would not tell you a single word as i do now.. You should honestly be ashamed of constantly lying to people and i am just sad that game with such a potential have such a crappy owner. If i as new manager felt betrayed and stranded by you in this short span of playing i cant imagine how the veterans feel. You literally dont have any excuse anymore on why you arent fixing any shit hole in this game. I literally asked you to help you and i wanted to do it for free so what is excuse? If you really think I AM THE BIGGEST PROBLEM in this game and you will feel good banning me than do it, honestly i dont give a two cents about what will you do. I didn't threaten nobody and if someone came to you crying about me talking shit to him on the buzz which is literally made for that and which is literally more alive and something is actually happening on there since me, Mertel etc than that person honestly should rethink its existence. As i said above if you actually did something for this game and its players it would be fine for you to say something, but threatening me with the ban because of thing this stupid is questioning my intelligence, like am i really the biggest problem you have to solve here? Do what you wish, i dont care, i care about this game but this is too much..
    • Someone pick up a stick & poke the JJSquirrel? Appears to have munched on too many nuts & gone into a nut-induced coma and hasn't accepted Ishaan Thornton's fight with Chadwick Raffelburg yet.
    • A place, an organization where you can test your 405k+ fighters. Lemme kno bout who is ready to test. Link to the event -> https://www.mmatycoon.com/orgupcomingeventpublic.php?EvID=981853 2x5 - ring - whole fight 2024-06-15 - Micro Arena - Tokyo
    • Jared Canonier Dustin Jacoby Raul Rosas Jr. Brunno Ferreira Zachary Reese  Miguel Baeza Thiago Moises  Carlos Prates Brad Katona Andrea Lee Daniel Marcos Eduarda Moura Taylor Lapilus  Rayanne Amanda
    • Jared Canonier (USA)  Dustin Jacoby (USA) Raul Rosas Jr. (MEX)  Brunno Ferreira (BRA)  Julian Marquez (USA)  Miguel Baeza (USA)  Thiago Moises (BRA) Carlos Prates (BRA) Andrea Lee (USA)  Brad Katona (CAN) John Castaneda (USA) Eduarda Moura (BRA) Cody Stamann (USA) Rayanne dos Santos (BRA) 
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