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    • Say what you want but that guy was confident!
    • That’s a bit too lenient. All the glaciers are melting anyway.
    • La tua ultima ragazza non era gonfiabile?
    • 3 months & zip nada zilch is definitely not the level of communication anyone likes, I think we would see more movement watching a Glacier. The Wiki is still dead & no visible changes to the game in that time so as of right now it looks like a lot of nothing has been happening, a lot probably has been done but isn't ready to roll out yet but after the fanfaire of a new co-owner & second programmer I don't think it was unreasonable for players to think stuff would be happening on a more frequent cadence than this. Where are the "Easy Wins"? Small changes that show the game is actually being worked on would at least keep players feeling like there is something going on instead of a wall of absolute nothingness. Anyway, here is the MMA Tycoon Development news for June:
    • Mounir Ayari - Hiddens Report. Intelligence: 40/150. Heart: 127/150. Chin: 67/150. Injury Proneness: 94/150. Self Confidence: 150/150. Cuts: 30/150. Fast Learner: 115/150. Natural KO: 104/150. Average: 90.9/150. Rank: 70,316 out of 236,716 (top 30%) Experience: 147/150. Potential: 120/123. (Min 96). Age Drop Off: 32 years. Days of Cuts: 24 (Rank: 12,210) Days of Injuries: 137 (Rank: 9,993)
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