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Everything posted by Fireballer34

  1. You can just purchase extra slots and do this same thing.
  2. Farming hype is a problem because nobody wants people who didn’t earn it in the top 10 mangers and orgs. It hurts the games reputation. Secondly the difference between making money through two accounts and buying money with vip is that Mike makes money the legit way. He doesn’t want people cheating him out of money. Lastly, you can’t do this with one account since fighters don’t get hype if they are from the same manager. Fighting agitate your own fighters is fine, but not a multi.
  3. Didn’t even realize lol. Anyway, 100k. Hopefully someone hasn’t already posted that.
  4. I remember a manager a while back, he ran an org called WFC or something. He had like 2 accounts with a bunch of fighters and he put them all in the org and made sure his fighters won so his manager rank grew even though he wasn’t very good. He got banned.
  5. Happened to me with a free agent ticket, I had won extra slots but it made me cut down to 4. I cut the fighters and messaged Mike and he added them back to my roster for me.
  6. I’ll be watching the Olympics. I like seeing sports that I wouldn’t usually watch. Speaking of it, will the tycoon Olympics be returning anytime soon?
  7. Navy 50k Viking 75k This looks great! First write ups and now this? You better stick around this time. I’ll probably shoot you a message about a custom avatar sometime soon. What what the price tag look like for a custom?
  8. Am I getting booked for R5 today or do I have to wait until next round? I’ll be a quick accept.
  9. Since there are less players now there aren’t enough fighters for a org at every weight class. Join a 404 or 405k org and you will probably be matched with other fighters your age or bad fighters a little older. Eventually your fighter should catch up and everyone will be able to compete.
  10. Hey man sorry about missing last round, I couldn’t log on for a few days. If it’s okay I can continue in the tournament.
  11. I’ve seen some modern players look good under him, but some of those people include: Multi accounter x2, Buzz spammer, and probably some assholes I’ve forgotten too. But all of them were successful at least.
  12. Also with me. I think it may relate to them being posted via discord?
  13. My biggest regret when starting the game was not getting a mentor. I had been playing for about a year and still had no clue how to set sliders or optimize training. I only recently started being decent with help from forums and other people. You should definitely get a mentor as the help you a ton, you will improve quickly.
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