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Everything posted by Akihiro

  1. I believe Morale needs a look over in this game there’s no way other than clothing to recover it A new shop item to sell a Morale Recovery Protein Shake.
  2. Akihiro


    QFCKT! Is improvement idea for the game. Kickboxing is on the rise in this game adding a QFC option would be a wonderful addition to this game.
  3. I suggest an addition of Bi weekly pay for gym coaches in place of the weekly pay.
  4. Gym coach morale The system need to end in my opinion it’s too heavy too pricey Replacing a double elite coach cost way too much. It has too much of an effect on other coaches fuck jealousy get all together too much money/ time invested to waste on human like emotion that we dislike in real life it’s childish.
  5. This game needs to evolve the system of obtain funds from fighter either Make all funds instantly go to managers Make an auto banking tab where I can go to make the transaction automatically. Making human deal with money the root of this game is tricky and I don’t trust other living breathing human with money real or fake. It leave space for human error and human greed. I shouldn’t have to pay another manager for simple moving money the money that I worked for. I want ever single dollar.
  6. SHIG is a mystery to me please explain more about it or point in the right direction to find out more about it..what your saying is making sense about IQ. I believe the frequency of Spin and Wins prizes in this game need to be taken up another level. every fight won should have a spin and win token attached to it.
  7. Look I believe if we could Unlock Hiddens somehow via the spin and wins and should be shown permanently after a spin and win. The ability to Unlock Hiddens would keep me Coming back or maybe we could add tendencies that fighter likes ie this fighter is an excellent body kicker, this fight has a higher chance of causing damage with kicks to the body.
  8. I believe IQ’ should be shown and explained the effect of an IQ I’m hoping learning speed?
  9. An improvement on QFC matches and Tournaments is a “KT” kickboxing rules only QFC option. With KT having multiple Orgs in this Game I am here to support an Evolutionary Improvement to this Game An option bubble to to select if you want your QFC matches to be KT or MMA.
  10. Well I’ve finally earned blue belt after 10 years of this game smh sorry guys I was just venting looking back on this fight idk what I was thinking and I was just mad at it felt like I wanted
  11. So I have fighter who has 147.5 Striking defense gets hit only 2 times and gets KOd Please someone tell me this is a hidden Traits weak chin I believe that all traits should be shown on fighters Im tired of literally waiting so long to make/hire FA and to train and find oh he gets KOd at every fight. Hiddens should just be redesigned as Traits that fighters show on there profile. That only a manager can see. Remove hidden traits.
  12. I want more control over what my fighter throws I want to be able to throw a damage leg kick only and throw also throw only a accurate punch. Just my suggestion on game improvement.
  13. Striking defense 147 fighter loses multiple times by tko do I give up on this fighter and chalk it up not having a granite chin which should be taken out of the game its a waste of fucking time and month waiting to find ou a fighter cuts no more Hiddens Im tired of wasting time and money for cuts and glass chins
  14. What the mess is combo what is it controlled by the RNG attached to it must be fixed the probability of combo landed need to be taken up.
  15. Add a counter option lets choose how we counter Counter punch vs counter kick.
  16. Display current energy for fighter at Gym display current fight day at gym With or let it be a days till next fight. Just an improvement to base game
  17. My credits are 14 and my spin for spin and win arent coming up
  18. i think striking needs to have more customization. Striking should be able to have a pattern say you want your fighter to throw a Jab to the head then a hook to the body then a straight to the head. in a drop down box labelled striking patterns you put jab to head,hook to body, straight to head. this also should govern power punches and accuracy striking say you want to just speed jab you would put speed jab to head in all the boxes. this should govern combos as in what we throw not when i would like to be able to tell my fighter to throw a powerful hook to the body after a speed hook to the head this would be a perfect place to add feints to the game the box would look something like this speed jab to head feint jab to head power hook to body. speed uppercut to head power straight to head.
  19. the rate of spin and win winners needs to be increased its a very boring part of the game to increase intrest in it has to be worth more so up those in game money amount and the rate of wins for users also i will repeat my idea of a spin and win ticket to fight winners as a reward for winning a fight. is this forum even looked by Mike Tycoon ?
  20. Akihiro


    JJ squirrel and Rambo have a great idea my idea was just the base idea of tournaments and spacing the tournament out a few days would be better than same day
  21. Akihiro


    Orgs should have the ability to Make a tournament bracket. A same day tourney ,no energy lost ,all wounds and energy needs to be reset after every fight.
  22. Akihiro

    Money transfer

    All money should go to managers account its up to you the manager to give money to the fighters you manage.
  23. I think special abilities should be added to the game Moves like Flying knee unlocked at certain points say 125 You pick these moves or specialty during creation they are not Hiddens Moves list Flying knees-at 130 knees flying knees are unlocked Combo commando-at 130 speed,130 agility higher percentage of combo land Takedown technician- unlocked at 130 takedown,takedowns have a higher percentage of landing Heavy Handed-KO power Diamond Cutter all strikes have more percentage to cut Karate Kicker- kick combos unlocked at 130 double leg kicks and leg,head combo Takedown Stuffer- At 130 takedown defense,takedown stuffer is the ability to stop takedown Marathon Runner- cardio less affected by takedown attempts and body strikes Gym Rat-3 training session a day Brainiac- High fight IQ resulting in being able to adjust in fights accurately. Lion heart-higher points for KO when fighter has been rocked or KD. Octopus- at 130 transition this speciality is unlocked making transitions percentage higher Cobra counters- higher percentage of counters land Pick 3 at creation of fighter
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