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Everything posted by BlakePhoenix

  1. Why isn't GAMMA involved in the Olympics?
  2. The Martian - 8.5 to 9 out of 10. Really good.
  3. I ask again, would someone be willing to do a profile on my fighter Third Round "YOLO" Romero (276860)?
  4. I messaged Mike. Hopefully he'll look into it.
  5. I HOPE it's the same drug policies, for fairness and consistency, but based on the fact that Anderson Silva has asked UFC to match him up against Nick Diaz in a fight in Brazil, it looks like Silva at least believes anything goes.
  6. Monkey Business fighters have fought Kris16 Kris16 fighters 10 times in in the last 3 months, including 3 QFC's.
  7. The owners of MB clothing, and MB gym are likely multi account candidates.
  8. I don't know how to check IP addresses, but I wouldn't be surprised if there is multi-accounting going on here.
  9. Monkey Business is the dirtiest, slimiest manager in the game. His name, and the name of his org - Monkey Business Fighting, say it all. The org is set up so he can make his fighters champions by fighting cans and denying title fights to legitimate contenders. For example, his fighter Nick Alvarez has been ducking my fighter Milo Coors for some time now. Alvarez won his paper title by fighting a can, and has defended it against only cans, while the top 2 legitimate contenders have fought each other and the other REAL contenders, while never being afforded a title shot. Milo Coors (#3 in the division Hype+Pop) recently faced and defeated Tyler Rexar (#2 in the division Hype+Pop). To any reasonable person, this should have been a #1 contender match. Nick Alvarez defends his paper title against another can today. Therefore, after that fight, Milo should be given a title shot. This morning, Milo was offered a different fight. Milo declined, stating that based on his win over Tyler Rexar, he deserves the next title shot, and would not accept any other fight. Milo, was immediately dismissed from his contract with no discussion. Although Milo is not happy about getting screwed out of a hard earned title shot, he will be happy to no longer be contracted to one of the slimiest orgs in the game.
  10. Kangaroo Ass Naked Is Sexy B L A K E
  11. Zombie Xylophones Yodel Queer Unicorns K V W J A
  12. If I could play the guitar, I would play it like this guy! <iframe width="854" height="480" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/fYfuNpGOOu0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  13. http://i1.wp.com/memecollection.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/sexy-jiggly-gifs6.gif?fit=499%2C368
  14. http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4037/4348863741_1dbf91f203_o.jpg
  15. 270k or later restriction, I would send fighters. Earlier than 270k or unrestricted, it would be much less likely.
  16. Would someone be willing to do a profile on my fighter Third Round "YOLO" Romero (276860)?
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