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Everything posted by andy808

  1. Rofl, the best shot at beating paddy? It wouldnt take much to beat him. And you dont deserve the chance at him, just like you dont deserve the title shot at your org. Keep typing
  2. Use a brain. He's waiting for this coming weekends winner after having fought this past weekend. Its not hard. I know its hard to wrap your head around fighting more than twice in 10 months
  3. Spoiler alert, still not going to fight someone who only knows how to buzz and not fight. Imagine thinking they're in control and can strip the title holder rofl. 150/150 cringe
  4. Finally got my 185 https://mmatycoon.com/fighterprofilemanager.php?FID=371482
  5. Surely your shit alliance can come up with 4 people. It is after all called the ALLIANCE tournament. I'm sure Blake would love to participate seeing as he is in your alliance. And dominate once again? You didn't win a single round last time even after you tried to pull a fast one when you created a fighter underweight. Keep living in your dream world
  6. The amusement was all on your behalf. Go spread your cringe inducing awkwardness elsewhere little tyke
  7. If you have to say it, then you dont. Are you on the spectrum? Have you been diagnosed?
  8. Well I got to a higher manager rank in less than year since coming back than you have in 7 years. So check yourself little guy
  9. Typical bjorn response. What a waste, you're just an excuse to farm spin and win credits at this point
  10. Can you read? You are expected to win that fight, are you stoned or stupid? And taking shitty fights? My first fight was against Camaras project, but you wouldn't know what it's like to go against competition with that average opponent rank you have. Like I said, feel free to fight any of my current actual fighters and put your money where your mouth is, or you have no business talking to me
  11. Congrats on beating a 25yo my 4th month back to the game with a developed project, I would hope you would. And viewing my profile 30 times, definitely not stalker material. Feel free to fight any of my actual fighters. Oh wait you're probably busy on buzz
  12. My garbage was the best you've seen and failed hilariously, thanks for the only entertainment you bring to this game
  13. Why did you undo your downvote to my post? It's ok to be a petty manlet. While you're at it, go pick up another one of my fighters and fail miserably at it again
  14. Limited training? 6 months against a 25 year old isn't enough?
  15. It's clear who the joke is here. Get a life you lonely cringey douchefuck
  16. What goes through that tiny head of yours that decides to sit on fight offers for days?
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