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Check this anti gun bullshit out.


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For the record. I dont accept poor as an excuse for crime.




You guys who say "Oh but they are poor so i understand why they do it" is only encouraging the problem to continue.


Your cognitive dissonance is incredible.


No accepts being poor as an excuse, especially the legal system. It is however widely acknowledged as a CAUSE. Causes and excuses are not the same thing.


We guys who say "they are poor so we understand why they do it" are not encouraging anything. We are acknowledging the CAUSE of the issue so that we can try to find workable SOLUTIONS to the problem. People who say (if these people even exist...) "they are poor so it its OK for them to do it" are giving an excuse and would be encouraging it to continue.


As for your personal anecdote that we're all supposed to take as absolute fact without any exaggeration or untruth... highly admirable of you, congratulations. So now that you've got yours, fuck everyone else right?


As Eveas has rightly mentioned and even yourself and kurzmwhatever have tiptoed around, it is cultural and social conditioning which compounds the problem. High density areas have more crime than lower populated areas, high density very low income areas have higher amounts again, add to this no attempt at fixing a problem through addressing the issue but merely incarceration and you have a cycle that continues ad infinitum.


The idea that the melatonin content of your skin is the direct contributor towards criminal tendency is ridiculously fucking stupid.


(1)Well there is also the possibility that criminal mind set and factors that keep people in poverty go hand in hand. Which is my belief for a large group of people in poverty. To many people from my experience first hand are in poverty because they choose that life style.



(2)So yes there is a corrolation between crime and poverty but (a)i believe it is a curtain mind set type of person that is responsible for both. Not one causing the other. (B) IMO things have only gotten worse as society embraced these types of people with hand outs and sympathy and not accountability.


1. What a load of bullshit. You've met a lot of people who willingly gave up their wealthy and luxurious lifestyle to live a life of poverty? People who have never known different don't 'choose' shit. Circumstance puts them into it and they don't know any differently. They may not try to change their situation, but they didn't choose to be there in the first place.


2. a. They are interrelated. If violence and crime is prevalent then it breeds more, both as a defense mechanism and because it becomes a norm.

b. Your opinion may be, but despite all of the rhetoric and propaganda telling you that all these welfare loafers are living off hand outs and sympathy it is utter bullshit. The USA has fewer and less funded social welfare programs than ever before in history, don't believe the lies.

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Keep telling yourself that. When everyone in the damn world says dont do drugs, get a job and work hard, And people choose drugs anyway. Then they are choosing the path they are on. You sit on your high horse and believe all the hippy bullshit the media throws out there. You or none of the rest of the like minded sheep will ever dirty your hands to be among the people you pretend to care so much for then act like expects on their situation and how they got where they are and why they are still there.



You posted numbers earlier with stats on it. It also had under 18 crime stats. Go look at that. The black numbers are even more fucked up and lopsided than over all stats. Because they have a piss poor atitude from birth. Poverty does have an effect on some people. But its not as big a cause/effect as people claim. This shows in those under 18 stats. Whites maye due to poverty gradually get more likey to get into crime as they become adults. African Americans get less likey as they age. Which clearly points to their upbring. That hostility and resentment. As they get older and away from the source of those beliefs they become less likey to be invovled in crime even though still in poverty.


BTW, i didnt "get mine and fuck everyone else". I am getting mine and have to work my ass off everyday to keep it. IF i stop i go back to where i was raised. Most of my adult life i could have been much better off not working and being a welfare case. I spend years resolving my debt and making peanuts. When i could have quit my job, declared bankruptcy and lived on welfare and getting more money than i was while working. But i wasnt raised to be an excuse maker or quitter. I was responsible for myself and my debt. I also wanted to one day rise above that. When you quit or turn to drugs then you have given up. Blaming other people be it rich people, governement, or racism. You are just making it easier for yourself to quit.

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You keep telling yourself that and enjoy no rest in crime levels and gun crime. Tell yourself you live in the land of the free when you need to pack heat to feel safe and have the highest levels of incarceration in the world :)

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Keep telling yourself that. When everyone in the damn world says dont do drugs, get a job and work hard, And people choose drugs anyway. Then they are choosing the path they are on. You sit on your high horse and believe all the hippy bullshit the media throws out there. You or none of the rest of the like minded sheep will ever dirty your hands to be among the people you pretend to care so much for then act like expects on their situation and how they got where they are and why they are still there.


You think you're the only person in the world out there working their way through life and everyone who disagrees with your warped, ignorant, racist opinions is some sort of trust fund baby that lives in candy land? The rest of us don't get your bullshit hippy media. We also don't get your bullshit fascist media.


The rest of us like minded sheep come from hundreds of different countries, all with different cultures and backgrounds yet we come to the same conclusion. You come from buttfuck Hicksville, know nothing about the world, about the realities of anyone but your own self absorbed and selfish existence and yet you pass judgment on everyone else.


Talking to other people about being on a high horse... amazing.

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A lot of the stupid American attitude comes from the way they were raised. They are told from the time they are young that America is the best country in the world and that everybody wants to be like them. Of course, the rest of the world knows that this isn't true. However, Americans believe it because it has been beaten into them since the day they were born. This attitude makes them think that everything they do is right and the rest of the world couldn't possibly teach them how to improve in any way, shape, or form.


In order to evaluate the English level of incoming clients, I give them an oral test. Everyone gets asked "If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live and why?" The most popular answer is Australia. Lots of people also choose Sweden, Canada, Britain, and France. America is among the top 10, but it isn't top five. The days of America being viewed as the land of opportunity have been over for a good 20-30 years.


The biggest reasons why people tell me they don't want to go to American are the lack of gun control and public healthcare. Despite overwhelming evidence that both of these things are good ideas, Americans reject them. They use arguments that are completely false when you look at countries that actually use these things.


One funny story I remember from when I was living in South Korea. A colleague and myself needed to go to the hospital to get health checks for our visas. I'm Canadian and he is American. After a physical that included blood tests, an ECG, chest x-ray, vision test, etc, they charged each of us roughly $18 USD.


After we left, I said to him "$18 is pretty ridiculous." He responded by saying "Yeah, I know. Its so cheap!" However, my intent was to say how stupid it is that they would make us pay money for a health check required by the government. It really made me thankful that I am not from a country where healthcare is a privilege instead of a right.


Whenever I bring up something like this to Americans, they respond with completely false information like "universal healthcare would cost more than private healthcare" or "the quality would be much worse", as if it is so great to have a system where thousands of people every day go to Canada and Mexico for healthcare because they can't afford it at home. Most of the developed world has healthcare that is either entirely or mostly funded by the government, but Americans are still convinced that they are doing it the right way, just like they are convinced that they are the only ones who have it right with gun control.

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You keep telling yourself that and enjoy no rest in crime levels and gun crime. Tell yourself you live in the land of the free when you need to pack heat to feel safe and have the highest levels of incarceration in the world :)



As i showed that is only in states with high levels of minorities. I do not live in that envirnment. So i enjoy relative low crime rate while nut jobs like yourself tell me we have to give our guns to feel safe. HAHA sure! Like i said most people do not live around those responsible for the high level of homicides and see no need for gun control. Only in the leberal media does it get dramatized as if it is a national problem when it isnt.

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You think you're the only person in the world out there working their way through life and everyone who disagrees with your warped, ignorant, racist opinions is some sort of trust fund baby that lives in candy land? The rest of us don't get your bullshit hippy media. We also don't get your bullshit fascist media.


The rest of us like minded sheep come from hundreds of different countries, all with different cultures and backgrounds yet we come to the same conclusion. You come from buttfuck Hicksville, know nothing about the world, about the realities of anyone but your own self absorbed and selfish existence and yet you pass judgment on everyone else.


Talking to other people about being on a high horse... amazing.



Imagine that. When you thought i was agreeing with you you were all polite. Now when i dont agree im a racist again and you start calling names like a true scumbag. No wonder you relate so much with the hostile and bitter poor criminals. You may come from different countries and backgrounds. But not the background it matters. You lost your rights to guns long ago and are forced to accept the governement reasoning for it. You come to the only conclusion you know. You want to tell me why people in this country do curtain things when you are not in or from this country and have no fucking clue. I am from the same background you want to blame for all these problems. Im telling you you are wrong. You can sit on the outside and read all the BS you want. It wont change anything. You are reading a media that is scared to death to mention the real problems.


Lets say i am right and there is something to black culture and not just the economical situaion. Do you think any fucking media source would ever risk saying that? You know they wouldnt. There is actually sources out there now that do say what i say and they are discredited because it is not PC and to many thin skinned people like you dont want the truth.

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A lot of the stupid American attitude comes from the way they were raised. They are told from the time they are young that America is the best country in the world and that everybody wants to be like them. Of course, the rest of the world knows that this isn't true. However, Americans believe it because it has been beaten into them since the day they were born. This attitude makes them think that everything they do is right and the rest of the world couldn't possibly teach them how to improve in any way, shape, or form.


In order to evaluate the English level of incoming clients, I give them an oral test. Everyone gets asked "If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live and why?" The most popular answer is Australia. Lots of people also choose Sweden, Canada, Britain, and France. America is among the top 10, but it isn't top five. The days of America being viewed as the land of opportunity have been over for a good 20-30 years.


The biggest reasons why people tell me they don't want to go to American are the lack of gun control and public healthcare. Despite overwhelming evidence that both of these things are good ideas, Americans reject them. They use arguments that are completely false when you look at countries that actually use these things.


One funny story I remember from when I was living in South Korea. A colleague and myself needed to go to the hospital to get health checks for our visas. I'm Canadian and he is American. After a physical that included blood tests, an ECG, chest x-ray, vision test, etc, they charged each of us roughly $18 USD.


After we left, I said to him "$18 is pretty ridiculous." He responded by saying "Yeah, I know. Its so cheap!" However, my intent was to say how stupid it is that they would make us pay money for a health check required by the government. It really made me thankful that I am not from a country where healthcare is a privilege instead of a right.


Whenever I bring up something like this to Americans, they respond with completely false information like "universal healthcare would cost more than private healthcare" or "the quality would be much worse", as if it is so great to have a system where thousands of people every day go to Canada and Mexico for healthcare because they can't afford it at home. Most of the developed world has healthcare that is either entirely or mostly funded by the government, but Americans are still convinced that they are doing it the right way, just like they are convinced that they are the only ones who have it right with gun control.



Imagine that. Another internet dweller hates patriotism. To bad every other person in the world who doesnt live vicariously through an internet fantasy world still shows patriotism and not just americans. Im sure you cry like a little girl when fans chant USA but ignore all the countries who cheer their own guy on in Japan or Brazil or UK.


Yes Americans think they are the best country. Just as im sure Canada doesnt try to tell its citizens they are the 50th best country. Judging by how many times i heard you say "Here in Canada" and how Canada does everything right and we should copy. You are just as much a supporter of your country asd we are ours. And no we dont want your country. Canada doing something is reason itself for us not to do something. Americans are proud and confident. Im sure that makes you sissy countries nervous.

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You may come from different countries and backgrounds. But not the background it matters. You lost your rights to guns long ago and are forced to accept the governement reasoning for it. You come to the only conclusion you know.


So all of these different countries and background came to the same wrong conclusion about guns and only America is right?


Lets say i am right and there is something to black culture and not just the economical situaion. Do you think any fucking media source would ever risk saying that? You know they wouldnt. There is actually sources out there now that do say what i say and they are discredited because it is not PC and to many thin skinned people like you dont want the truth.


Canadian and American blacks share the same culture and background, but Canadian blacks commit crime at a much lower rate. It isn't the culture.

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Imagine that. Another internet dweller hates patriotism. To bad every other person in the world who doesnt live vicariously through an internet fantasy world still shows patriotism and not just americans. Im sure you cry like a little girl when fans chant USA but ignore all the countries who cheer their own guy on in Japan or Brazil or UK.


Yes Americans think they are the best country. Just as im sure Canada doesnt try to tell its citizens they are the 50th best country. Judging by how many times i heard you say "Here in Canada" and how Canada does everything right and we should copy. You are just as much a supporter of your country asd we are ours. And no we dont want your country. Canada doing something is reason itself for us not to do something. Americans are proud and confident. Im sure that makes you sissy countries nervous.


I've never said "here in Canada" because I don't live in Canada. I have referenced Canada because I grew up there. I have also referenced South Korea, Japan, Australia, Hong Kong, Britain, etc. South Korea and Canada get referenced the most because I have a strong sense of how things work, having lived in those countries in the past. I've also spent a lot of time in America, so I have a pretty good sense of how things are there as well. I'm currently in China, but don't reference it too much because I'm not stupid enough to suggest anyone copy the Chinese system hehe.


I have nothing wrong with patriotism. Of course I cheer for Canadian and Korean athletes. Having lived for a long time in those countries, I like to cheer on the locals. I do, however, have a problem with blind patriotism. The one thing that I have learned living in several different countries is that every place in the world has flaws. I've seen a lot of things overseas that I wish Canada would adopt. Canada isn't perfect. South Korea isn't perfect. America isn't perfect. However, the main difference that I notice is that other countries tend to recognize their weaknesses and are more open to change. Americans, on the other hand, shout "America, love it or leave it!" while calling anyone who suggests ways to improve an unpatriotic commie.


Sadly, the country I have lived in that reminds me the most of America is China. Everything they do, they think is right simply because it is the Chinese way.

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So i enjoy relative low crime rate while nut jobs like yourself tell me we have to give our guns to feel safe. HAHA sure!


Being semi-literate and with the attention span of a lobotomised goldfish I know it is difficult for you to remember what I've been saying about gun control but I'll repeat it again just for you: I do not feel gun ban is a solution in the USA. I want more guns in the USA, with higher firing rates and larger capacity clips. Let God sort 'em out.


Imagine that. When you thought i was agreeing with you you were all polite. Now when i dont agree im a racist again and you start calling names like a true scumbag.


Lets say i am right and there is something to black culture and not just the economical situaion. Do you think any fucking media source would ever risk saying that? You know they wouldnt. There is actually sources out there now that do say what i say and they are discredited because it is not PC and to many thin skinned people like you dont want the truth.


Imagine that, when you talk rationally and logically basing your opinions on the facts and evidence at hand I treat you like a civilised, intelligent human. When you start spouting baseless ignorant, bigoted rubbish I treat you like the worthless case study for the legalisation of abortion you so often are.


Let's say you would be right if you had the intelligence to think beyond dilemma fallacies where there are only two options 'A' or 'B', and look at one where economic situation AND culture is a problem. Then you would be right. And you must live with your head so far up your arse you can gargle your gall bladder if you think many media outlets and popular television shows, especially those made by black people (i.e. The Boondocks, Chappelle Show, Wayans Brothers old movies, just about any black comedian ever...) don't recognise this and talk about it frequently. Don't confuse yourself with some radical revolutionary. You're not a white Che Guavara, you're just ignorant and oblivious.


Imagine that. Another internet dweller hates patriotism. To bad every other person in the world who doesnt live vicariously through an internet fantasy world still shows patriotism and not just americans. Im sure you cry like a little girl when fans chant USA but ignore all the countries who cheer their own guy on in Japan or Brazil or UK.


Yes Americans think they are the best country. Just as im sure Canada doesnt try to tell its citizens they are the 50th best country. Judging by how many times i heard you say "Here in Canada" and how Canada does everything right and we should copy. You are just as much a supporter of your country asd we are ours. And no we dont want your country. Canada doing something is reason itself for us not to do something. Americans are proud and confident. Im sure that makes you sissy countries nervous.


I know this was a response to NexusX, but just so you're not confused... I despise patriotism. All patriotism for all nations. It is a zero sum game where people who identify with one national identify circle jerk each other at the expense of others. Samuel Johnson was right when he said that "patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel". It is just another political tool used by governments to get what they want and to deny the good of the people. It is a mind control tool, nothing more.


To qualify that, there is nothing wrong with thinking that your country is great. I am sure Canada and the USA are both great countries with a lot of great things going for them, but a true 'patriot' is one who doesn't wave his dick and yell how great his country is but looks at the things that can be improved and better the country and its inhabitants and works towards making these things happen.


No country is nervous of the USA because it is 'proud and confident', countries are nervous because they're terrorist bullies who ignore international treaties and law and pick on anyone weaker than themselves that doesn't hand over something they want.

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Sadly, the country I have lived in that reminds me the most of America is China. Everything they do, they think is right simply because it is the Chinese way.


Quoted for truth. I tell people the same thing. China is so like the USA it is astounding. All the Nationalism and flag waving and talking about how superior their everything is to everyone else's, the blatant cash grabs and neon signs and never ending advertising, the fact anything is for sale, any time if you have the cash and the rich are above the law. It's incredible.

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Quoted for truth. I tell people the same thing. China is so like the USA it is astounding. All the Nationalism and flag waving and talking about how superior their everything is to everyone else's, the blatant cash grabs and neon signs and never ending advertising, the fact anything is for sale, any time if you have the cash and the rich are above the law. It's incredible.


The Chinese say "Chinese medicine is the best in the world. We have been using it for thousands of years. It is impossible that anything could have changed during that time to warrant an update." Then tons of people die preventable deaths.


The Americans say "The US Constitution, including the 2nd Amendment, is the best in the world. We have been using it for hundreds of years. It is impossible that anything could have changed during that time to warrant an update." Then tons of people die preventable deaths.

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Which one is it? You can't even be consistent with your numbers, let alone your claims.


What you dont understand? Blacks kill more not only by white people but the other population togeather.


The source article for all of those figures has been given. Latinos are included as white, seeing as how they are white, though if we're going to take them out then the number of white-white people in poverty would be almost non-existent by your logic, right?


It would be probably about 20% less.


So you've told us blacks do 4 times more crime. I've provided you with arrest reports which show whites committing twice as much on average across the board with the exception of murder and burglary. You change the goal posts again.


This is based on have much crime they do and have big their population is not the actuall real numbers. And I didnt say that it was from wikipeadia.

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Damn that's a lot of back pedalling for just one post...


Why brainsmasher didnt kill some one when he was on poverty? Maybe if he did he would not get out of poverty but get in jail and then his next generation would also live in poverty?

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Keep telling yourself that. When everyone in the damn world says dont do drugs, get a job and work hard, And people choose drugs anyway. Then they are choosing the path they are on. You sit on your high horse and believe all the hippy bullshit the media throws out there. You or none of the rest of the like minded sheep will ever dirty your hands to be among the people you pretend to care so much for then act like expects on their situation and how they got where they are and why they are still there.


How wrong you are Brainsmasher although that really shouldn't surprise me, you have been wrong in every single post..


I did work for just over a year an a half as a teachers aide in a primary school in Darwin (I bet you have no idea where that is as the only geography you would have ever learnt would have been the location of the 50 states of America). So I have got my hands "dirty"


The school it was predominately aboriginal children - now let me ask you this what hope, what choice, what chance do those kids have to make a better life for themselves when they are lucky to even get food for the day because there parents have spent all the money for the fortnight in one sitting on the piss, when all they see is there parents bashing the shit out each other... The list goes on.. It's heart wrenching to know that no matter how hard you try to break that cycle in the day, the week, the month all of your good work goes down the drain at 3:30 when the kids get home..


Tell me brainsmasher where is the choice when you know no better??


You are a fucking moron of the absolute highest order - that knows nothing but what has been force fed to him... Yet you have the audacity to say the mindless sheep are the ones who are arguing against you??


I'm with you Krad - increase the magazine sizes, give them all fully automatic weapons, grenades, bazookas, stinger missiles much simpler and easy solution

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How wrong you are Brainsmasher although that really shouldn't surprise me, you have been wrong in every single post..


I did work for just over a year an a half as a teachers aide in a primary school in Darwin (I bet you have no idea where that is as the only geography you would have ever learnt would have been the location of the 50 states of America). So I have got my hands "dirty"


The school it was predominately aboriginal children - now let me ask you this what hope, what choice, what chance do those kids have to make a better life for themselves when they are lucky to even get food for the day because there parents have spent all the money for the fortnight in one sitting on the piss, when all they see is there parents bashing the shit out each other... The list goes on.. It's heart wrenching to know that no matter how hard you try to break that cycle in the day, the week, the month all of your good work goes down the drain at 3:30 when the kids get home..


Tell me brainsmasher where is the choice when you know no better??


You are a fucking moron of the absolute highest order - that knows nothing but what has been force fed to him... Yet you have the audacity to say the mindless sheep are the ones who are arguing against you??


I'm with you Krad - increase the magazine sizes, give them all fully automatic weapons, grenades, bazookas, stinger missiles much simpler and easy solution


I remember making a similar point in a university politics class when discussing Canada's aboriginal people. I said that giving them free houses on reservations was keeping them segregated and therefore ensuring that all their children will ever see is alcoholism, spousal abuse, and unemployment. I said that the best thing that could possibly be done would be to eliminate reservations so that they would integrate with mainstream society and have half a chance growing up. I was basically shouted out of the room for being a "racist". People couldn't seem to understand that I was not saying that aboriginals are inherently drunkards and wife beaters, but were developing that way merely based on the environment they were growing up in.


My mother did a lot of work with the aboriginal kids who attended my high school. She found the same frustration that you mentioned. You put so much effort into trying to help these kids, but it is all undone when they go home at the end of the day.

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Quoted for truth. I tell people the same thing. China is so like the USA it is astounding. All the Nationalism and flag waving and talking about how superior their everything is to everyone else's, the blatant cash grabs and neon signs and never ending advertising, the fact anything is for sale, any time if you have the cash and the rich are above the law. It's incredible.


If China and America combined forces, global domination would be inevitable. The two military power houses of the world, that will save your ass in an Alien invasion.

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If China and America combined forces, global domination would be inevitable. The two military power houses of the world, that will save your ass in an Alien invasion.


You got stats to back that up I presume?

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