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No he didn't.


He said there is a blasphemy law. You said there is a law against making pictures of Mohammed. You also said it is OK to make fun of Jesus but not Mohammed.

When I called you on this bullshit you changed your story to add a completely different rule, one about holocaust denial. This IS illegal in many EU countries, no one has denied this, but it wasn't your original argument and by it being true doesn't make your original argument true. Repeat ad nauseum.


You hate double standards, I hate mental laziness where you go against evidence and fact and deny any plausible range of conclusions in favour of something irrational and illogical. Where it is "I believe in God, because... I just have faith.", or whether it is "Black people are criminals... because. I just have faith", it is the same strain of ignorance. Neither of these beliefs have to be wrong but I expect some pretty serious thought and evidence to back it up for it to be taken seriously.

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Why making fun againt Jesus is ok but against Muhammad isnt?



He said there is a blasphemy law. You said there is a law against making pictures of Mohammed. You also said it is OK to make fun of Jesus but not Mohammed.

When I called you on this bullshit you changed your story to add a completely different rule, one about holocaust denial. This IS illegal in many EU countries, no one has denied this, but it wasn't your original argument and by it being true doesn't make your original argument true. Repeat ad nauseum.


You hate double standards, I hate mental laziness where you go against evidence and fact and deny any plausible range of conclusions in favour of something irrational and illogical. Where it is "I believe in God, because... I just have faith.", or whether it is "Black people are criminals... because. I just have faith", it is the same strain of ignorance. Neither of these beliefs have to be wrong but I expect some pretty serious thought and evidence to back it up for it to be taken seriously.



First of all I have said that i believe in God thats your delusion or something looks like your memory level is the same as Grasman because some have he thinks that I have said EU have these laws when I said some countries in EU.


Then Black people does more crime ( not statisticly more because they are only 13% of the nation (30-40% of the crimes)) that we allready found out. I just dont like when you say that you some have are racist.

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I never said you believe in God either. I did say you're a racist, but only because you're an ignorant bigot.


When you talk about me and put something in these things "" it means your talking about what have I said. Or if its not write thats it example because people who actually have brain will asume that I said it.

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You hate double standards, I hate mental laziness where you go against evidence and fact and deny any plausible range of conclusions in favour of something irrational and illogical. Where it is "I believe in God, because... I just have faith.", or whether it is "Black people are criminals... because. I just have faith", it is the same strain of ignorance. Neither of these beliefs have to be wrong but I expect some pretty serious thought and evidence to back it up for it to be taken seriously.


There is no reference to you at all or even an insinuation that this refers to you. You were discussing what you hate, I was responding to you about what I hate. Neither of us were talking ABOUT the other, we were talking TO the other.


People that are not wholly competent with the English language may assume otherwise, but there aren't that many people in this category following this thread and I don't believe in catering to the lowest common denominator.

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There is no reference to you at all or even an insinuation that this refers to you. You were discussing what you hate, I was responding to you about what I hate. Neither of us were talking ABOUT the other, we were talking TO the other.


People that are not wholly competent with the English language may assume otherwise, but there aren't that many people in this category following this thread and I don't believe in catering to the lowest common denominator.


Clearly when you talked about blacks and criminals it was about me so stop bein stupid.

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Its like I woud say.


Ye you dont think that there is double standarts. I have them but you always come up with facts to prove me wrong. Where its "Blacks does more crime because more or them live in poverty" or "I think gays are very nice people because they take up the ass". Both of these are right because the facts is there.

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Its like I woud say.


Ye you dont think that there is double standarts. I have them but you always come up with facts to prove me wrong. Where its "Blacks does more crime because more or them live in poverty" or "I think gays are very nice people because they take up the ass". Both of these are right because the facts is there.


You are really fucking stupid...


Blacks do not do more crime because more of them live in poverty. Blacks do more crime than who? Which blacks? Living where? This is a worthless statement with no fact.

If you said "The black population in the USA have higher rates of committing crime due to their higher instances of poverty compared to the rest of the population", this would mean something and be factual.


Gays are not nice 'because they take it up the arse'. They can be nice for a variety of reasons, none of which are sodomy. Saying that "gays are very nice people because they take up the ass" apart from being fucking stupid, is also not a fact.


You seem to have a very, very poor grasp of what facts are. I recommend doing some sort of critical thinking short course.


Clearly when you talked about blacks and criminals it was about me so stop bein stupid.


I talked about blacks and criminals because it is a topic we have both been discussing recently. I used a concept which should be familiar with you so it would be easier for you to grasp. Even still you failed to grasp it. I was not talking about you, I was talking about me and what I do not like. Not everything is about you unless it is an argument for the benefits of chemical castration.

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I dont know whay you are talking about but like Mattenson aproved that there is countries in EU whit these kinda laws and he live in Norway and knows it first hand so I wanst wrong. Getting back to topic I cant say I believe in Jesus or what ever I just hate double starndars the same shit here and the same shit with black people. You call bad about them you are racists they talk bad about you its ok the same with religiou.


Norway is NOT a part of the EU.


I thought you worked there?

You can't have worked there and NOT known Norway is outside the EU, Just like Iceland and Switzerland.


Can't you state ANYTHING at all that's correct?

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Norway is NOT a part of the EU.


I thought you worked there?

You can't have worked there and NOT known Norway is outside the EU, Just like Iceland and Switzerland.


Can't you state ANYTHING at all that's correct?


Where did I say that Norway is EU country? Why you making again this bullshit up?

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I talked about blacks and criminals because it is a topic we have both been discussing recently. I used a concept which should be familiar with you so it would be easier for you to grasp. Even still you failed to grasp it. I was not talking about you, I was talking about me and what I do not like. Not everything is about you unless it is an argument for the benefits of chemical castration.


See thats the prolem when you in same sentecne compare 2 things with "" witch one of them is bean talked about a lot in different topic and have the same statments that I have and the other isnt what I have said its looks kinda like I have said both of them. And you just wanted again to make shit up just like Grasman did with that EU and now he is talking that I said that Norway is EU country when I nevar have said that.



You are really fucking stupid...




Blacks do not do more crime because more of them live in poverty. Blacks do more crime than who? Which blacks? Living where? This is a worthless statement with no fact.

If you said "The black population in the USA have higher rates of committing crime due to their higher instances of poverty compared to the rest of the population", this would mean something and be factual.


Gays are not nice 'because they take it up the arse'. They can be nice for a variety of reasons, none of which are sodomy. Saying that "gays are very nice people because they take up the ass" apart from being fucking stupid, is also not a fact.

You seem to have a very, very poor grasp of what facts are. I recommend doing some sort of critical thinking short course.


That just was an example? http://doberman-chat.com/community/styles/default/xenforo/smilies/facepalm.gif

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I didnt say anything about EU laws I said in some countries in EU thats a big difference.


If you want to loose to me again go ahead. Like Mannetosen said in Norway you can be punished by making statments or doing thinkgs like that. In Austria you can be put in jail for saying that holocaust didnt happen. We dont have freedom of speech like in USA.


You can't be punished for it though. It's a 'sleeping paragraph" which means that while it exists, it's not being used ever. Altering the constitution is just a lot of paperwork so we never got around to actually removing it, so we just pretend it doesn't exist.


No he didn't.


He said there is a blasphemy law. You said there is a law against making pictures of Mohammed. You also said it is OK to make fun of Jesus but not Mohammed.

When I called you on this bullshit you changed your story to add a completely different rule, one about holocaust denial. This IS illegal in many EU countries, no one has denied this, but it wasn't your original argument and by it being true doesn't make your original argument true. Repeat ad nauseum.


You hate double standards, I hate mental laziness where you go against evidence and fact and deny any plausible range of conclusions in favour of something irrational and illogical. Where it is "I believe in God, because... I just have faith.", or whether it is "Black people are criminals... because. I just have faith", it is the same strain of ignorance. Neither of these beliefs have to be wrong but I expect some pretty serious thought and evidence to back it up for it to be taken seriously.




Norway is NOT a part of the EU.


I thought you worked there?

You can't have worked there and NOT known Norway is outside the EU, Just like Iceland and Switzerland.


Can't you state ANYTHING at all that's correct?


We'd never hire a Latvian to paint our houses or pick our fruit. We have Lithuanians for that. Latvians are just a poor man's Lithuanians anyways.

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We should look at crime rates of Lithuanians compared to Latvians. I think we will find the basic genetic composition of Latvians, along with their mentality and reliance on hand outs results in a culture of violence and laziness inherent in their species.

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We should look at crime rates of Lithuanians compared to Latvians. I think we will find the basic genetic composition of Latvians, along with their mentality and reliance on hand outs results in a culture of violence and laziness inherent in their species.


Here you go




homocide rate per 100000 people 6.6 for Lithuania and 3.1 for Latvia ;)

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For every 100000 people in Lithuania, Latvian gypsy immigrants kill 6.6 of them. It's tragic :(


And again I do little research about your stupid claims find facts and show them to you and all you can do is try to be funny when you clearly not?

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It's not your fault, it's because of your genetic structure and the environment you were brought up in. You don't know anything different than to be a liar and a criminal.


Just stop with your stupid claims. Never write that Latvians do more murders then Lithuanians when you have even done research because if you will do that you will be found as an idiot again and will have to do stupid joke to try to avoid that you where serious.

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