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coward managers who don't take fights


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I have seem a few of then in my time.Word of advice man up and fight you cowards .I don't what any mice in my organisation just man :thumbup: .Maybe there should be a way of fining these coward managers :graduated: .i don't mind people turning down unfair fights but turning down fights where you have a reasonable chance of winning gets my goat

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I have seem a few of then in my time.Word of advice man up and fight you cowards .I don't what any mice in my organisation just man :thumbup: .Maybe there should be a way of fining these coward managers :graduated: .i don't mind people turning down unfair fights but turning down fights where you have a reasonable chance of winning gets my goat


This probably isn't the best advertisement for your org.

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Dear itakebrides,


You have 10 posts on this forum. Each one is whinier than the last. Each one is made in a new thread which overlaps on whining from your previous thread. Please stop. Join the discussion by all means, there is plenty of whining on the threads about the very things you have had your little tantrums about, join those. Don't be despised, ridiculed and reviled by the entire forum membership by your 11th post.





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You could just ask for managers' reason for declining fights rather than calling them cowards or mice. :) I am an org owner too but It's fine for me if managers decline their fights because I know they have valod reasons

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  • 2 weeks later...

LOl off topic eh? anyways ive noticed some very lopsided fights, i bet as much money as i could on them immediately,if the bookmaker will even take the fight, gladly i havent been offered any of these bogus fights but my question is,if i was, would i be ridiculed here for not signing my fighter up to get murdered?

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Fair is fair :)


You can decline fights any time if you feel they're unfair, or you're unready or whatever reason you like. The org will either agree that it is fair enough, be a bit undecided but figure whatever it's a one time thing (the first time you do it!), or decide you're a fucking idiot and treat you accordingly in the future.

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The main error I seem to be making as on org owner is that I have twice offered people to fight their own fighters. Those seem to usually be declined (with good reason). In one case, for some reason the erroneous fight resent even after it was brought to my attention. So that almost changed pleasant discussions into the manager feeling disrespected, but I addressed it and we worked through it easily. (Reputation in other dealings does help.)


Even though I am getting a few more declines recently, I have been fortunate to have most of my fighters accept.


The only consistent challenge has been in one weight division where my top hype+pop fighter has pointed out unfair fight offers (which one may agree with, but the fights have been determined based on hype+pop)...since I don't have titles yet, I let it slide and simply explain that it will be hard to get the best offers. He finally took one. I don't know if it will be better if he wins or loses. Wins: Maybe he will take harder fights and not underestimate his ability. Loses: Hopefully his new p4p rating will put him nearer what would be deemed fair fights.

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Your last point is spot on. I have a couple of fighters with 2/2.5 star ratings sitting at the top of hype/pop and the reality is that they're hugely overhyped given their actual skill levels so I am likely to offer them fights against people 0.5 stars higher because if they really are as flash as the hype/pop suggests, they'll still win and if not it will put them back in their realistic place in the pecking order.

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The problem with what you said is that most managers do not seems to understand that. In theory a person which is on top of the hype/pop rankings + has a higher p4p ranking they should be fighting people of his hype/p4p rankings. However it happens that sometimes his skills do not match their level of hype. The biggest problem though is not this, because in theory you can still book him against similar skilled fighters which are simply lower in rank.


The biggest problem is finding an opponent for a guy which have 4 1/2 or 5 stars and has just a p4p ranking of 8-10k. That one is a killer because someone which is 4 or 5k p4p will have to accept a low blow fight. Usually i simply do not sign such fighters, they are better off getting a QFC.

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This is why ID orgs exist somewhere to fight until your guy is ready to fight sharks. Its why i would never sign a young guy unless i thought he was ready to a big org even if they promise you fair fights because once you get to the top p4p wise they start to pressure you into taking fights you don't want. Yeah its easy enough to decline but then you get retarded threads like this saying he ducked so and so. what a pussy.

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