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    • The game needs to be sped up - at least 2 x faster - that would lead to a much greater retention of newbies, leading to more people playing - which leads to more interest for everybody- including the owners i'd imagine.  I know most of the og's dont want the game to be faster but It's the only chance the game has of surviving imo. Personally i dont mind the current pace but I think I, and we, are in the minority if we were to poll the general public
    • This about sums it up. I remember thinking Vlad was just another windbag, which it turned out that he was. As an adult with a full-time job, I find it shocking that Mike spends as little time as he does on what's his main revenue stream. Sure, we've all had lazy days/weeks/months at work, but this guy has barely done anything to improve his game since 2013. Hell, the commentary for all fights function has been broken for like 6 years at this point and Mike still hasn't gotten around to fixing it. This game had a lot of potential, and parts of the player base has had the patience of saints, but it's been mismanaged into the dirt.
    • Has to be more to it than that because i'd assume Convicted arent the only ones doing that, yet they have the most success. They've figured something out 
    • I don't see what Belgian comic books have to do with this.
    • Asterisks everywhere.   
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