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    • Clinch bitch. No respect from me.
    • 100 counter used to be completely broken in like 2011. It kinda sucks now though.
    • Wait, so 100 counter is the secret?
    • Currently, us newer players have no knowledge of what to aim for anyway haha. So i dont think it would make too much difference there. Would be nice if the fight engine was a little more realistic - currently clinch is ridiculously unrealistic 
    • The game needs to be sped up - at least 2 x faster - that would lead to a much greater retention of newbies, leading to more people playing - which leads to more interest for everybody- including the owners i'd imagine.  I know most of the og's dont want the game to be faster but It's the only chance the game has of surviving imo. Personally i dont mind the current pace but I think I, and we, are in the minority if we were to poll the general public
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