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    • You should have been!
    • It's not that players are afraid of Mike.  Most couldn't give a shit anymore about Mike because we know no effort will be made, we know that there won't be follow-through on most things, and we know better than to have hope that any of that will change.  Most are just riding it out and playing along till it dies or are so bored and don't even read the forums anymore, just go through the motions at this point with fights.  
    • I agree with you but if players keep being silent because they are scared of Mike than we are not going to end up anywhere
    • I'm with you there, never said I agree with his priorities. Like Ego said, he need to follow up on that big announcement of 2.0 and progress or not show us he is still here, that is his priority now rather than reading player posts on buzz.
    • Meh I got the squirrely dan mixed up with JJ, damn squirrels, you think you got one & you only went & got the wrong one. Sorry dude, I promise not to have your nuts touched.
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