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    • I agree with you but if players keep being silent because they are scared of Mike than we are not going to end up anywhere
    • I'm with you there, never said I agree with his priorities. Like Ego said, he need to follow up on that big announcement of 2.0 and progress or not show us he is still here, that is his priority now rather than reading player posts on buzz.
    • Meh I got the squirrely dan mixed up with JJ, damn squirrels, you think you got one & you only went & got the wrong one. Sorry dude, I promise not to have your nuts touched.
    • Also what about the part about wiping someones VIP? Guys its your money, for some it aint much for some it is much, but its still real money, our money that we are paying to play this game. Where is it exactly stated in rules how much VIP Mike is going to wipe of off you and what is the reason for doing so?  And the fact that players are scared of Mike banning or doing else to them if they write to their opinion or truth here.. I did not write single thing on buzz since his message so there is no reason to ban me right? If get ban for saying truth or my opinion than some things will be pretty clear if you ask me.
    • Im all for stopping it too, also what about the part that when i sent messages to Mike wanting to help i got no answer... And about policing buzz more than nothing, i dont agree with you, fixing the energy losing when fighting in different city literally takes minutes to fix, if he had time to write two messages to me i believe he also had time to fix that. Its all about priorities..
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