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    • Bob where did i exactly say he was wrong? And yes, me personally if someone tells me he did some shit with my fighter on the buzz i wont consider it seriously since its literally ingame character.. Do they cry after someone kills them in GTA? And i genuinely asked him for the rules on what is fine and what is not and the response i got is threats so what about you use your brain and stop ignoring facts?
    • "joking" about rape? I don't know what kind of culture you are from and whether that's a common way to joke with people in it but it's not generally something to joke about in public in most societies. Now maybe that's something you & your friends like to do amongst yourselves, but in public discourse it should rightfully earn you some backlash. The only people who get away with "some" joking about it are actual comedians & they mostly do that in their own shows where people have paid to go see them & generally have some awareness of what to expect from that particular comic. I don't think Mike was wrong to pull you up on that, use your fucking brain.
    • Well they are because im getting private messages on discord saying that they are.. If he does not want to do anything than for example why he did not respond to my message about help? Vlad aint doing anything either.. Its like he wants game to die. There is so many good orgs that you can count it on fingers. For example if Banzai dies, game lost a big part, same for Syn and Gamma..
    • It's not that players are afraid of Mike.  Most couldn't give a shit anymore about Mike because we know no effort will be made, we know that there won't be follow-through on most things, and we know better than to have hope that any of that will change.  Most are just riding it out and playing along till it dies or are so bored and don't even read the forums anymore, just go through the motions at this point with fights.  
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